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Kanji-On reading-Kun reading--Japanese-Reading-English
為落とすしおとす(v5) to fail to do/to make light of/to neglect/
為替差益かわせさえきprofit on currency exchange/
為て遣るしてやるto do for (someone)/to deceive/to hoodwink/
為果せるしおおせる(v1) to accomplish/
為し終わるなしおわる(v5,vi) to finish/
為損じるしそんじる(v1) to blunder/to fail/to make a mistake/
為来りしきたり(n) customs/
為着しきせlivery/servant's clothes provided by employers/
為初めるしそめる(v1) to begin to do/
為体ていたらくstate of affairs/predicament/
為残すしのこす(v5) to leave unfinished/
ため(n) good/advantage/benefit/welfare/sake/to/in order to/because of/as a result of/(P)/
為り手なりて(n) candidate/suitable person/
為政いせい(n) governing/administering/
為納めしおさめ(n) finishing up/
為す術も無くなすすべもなく(exp) to at one's wits end/
為続けるしつづける(v1) to continue to do/to persist in doing/
為さるなさる(v5aru) (hon) to do/(P)/
為政者いせいしゃ(n) statesman/(P)/
為替かわせ(n) money order/exchange/(P)/
為替投機かわせとうきcurrency speculation/

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