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Kanji: Radical: (いち) : ヘイ; なら(ぶ)、なら(べる)、な(み)、なら(びに); line up
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 589 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2246
Japanese Reading English
並みひとなみ(adj-na,adj-no,n) being average (capacity, looks, standard of living)/ordinary/(P)/
並みせけんなみ (adj-na) ordinary/average/
並みのきなみ (n-adv,n) row of houses/(P)/
並みはなみ (n) row of teeth/set of teeth/dentition/
し並べておしなべて(adv) in general/all/
並みてなみ (n) skill/
並みやなみ (n) row of houses/every door/
並みにんげんなみ(adj-na,n) the common run of people/
やなみ (n) row of houses/every door/
いえなみ (n) row of houses/every door/
を並べるしなものをならべる(exp) to arrange goods/
並びはならび (n) row of teeth/set of teeth/dentition/
並みけなみ(n) breading/lineage/lie of a (dog's) hair/
並みかどなみ (n-t) line of houses/at every door/
並みやまなみ(n) range of mountains/
のきなみ (n-adv,n) row of houses/(P)/
鮎並あいなめ(n) greenling (fish)/
つきなみ (adj-na,n) every month/common/(P)/
並みいえなみ (n) row of houses/every door/
並べごもくならべ(n) gobang (game played on go board involving lining up stones)/
並みじゅうにんなみ (adj-na,n) being average (capacity, looks) (as good as anyone)/mediocrity/
まちなみ(n-t) (look of) stores and houses on street/street (of stores and houses)/
並みまちなみhouses on the street
まちなみ (n-t) (look of) stores and houses on street/street (of stores and houses)/(P)/
並みつきなみ (adj-na,n) every month/common/(P)/
き並べるかきならべる (v1) to line up points in a speech/
じゅうにんなみ (adj-na,n) being average (capacity, looks) (as good as anyone)/mediocrity/
ちょうへいれつけいさんきmassively parallel computer/
ひとなみ (adj-na,adj-no,n) being average (capacity, looks, standard of living)/ordinary/
すぎなみき avenue of cedars (cryptomeria)/(P)/
並ぶいならぶ(v5b) to sit in a row/to be arrayed/
並びにせいべつならびにこくせきsex and nationality/
鮎並あいなめ(oK) (n) greenling (fish)/
ほなみ (n) rows of grain thrusting upright/
並みあしなみ(n) pace/step/
ち並ぶたちならぶ(v5b) to stand up/to line in a row/to be equal to/
並みにおうべいなみに as in Europe and America/
並みまちなみ (n-t) (look of) stores and houses on street/street (of stores and houses)/(P)/
並びよこならびげんしょう herd instincts/
並みへいねんなみaverage year/normal year/(P)/
並みにひとなみに like others/as much as anyone else/