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Kanji: Radical: (おつ) : オツ、イツ; おと; second
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 1 Index in Nelson dictionary: 260 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3339
Japanese Reading English
こうおつ(n) A and B/excellent and good/similarity/discrimination/(P)/
ふいつ(adj-na,n) Very Sincerely Yours/
こうおつへいABC/1 2 and 3/(P)/
あまつおとめ celestial maiden/
こうおつへいてい A, B, C and D/first, second, third and fourth/
さおとめ (n) young female rice planter/young girl/
と乙こうとおつthe former and the latter/A and B/
どいつ Germany/
乙駁こうろんおつばく(n) arguments pro and con/