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Kanji: Radical: (おつ) : ラン; みだれる; riot
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3856 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1260
Japanese Reading English
さんらん(n,vs) dispersion/scattered about/
乱れずいっしみだれず(exp) in perfect order/
さくらん (n) confusion/distraction/derangement/(P)/
の乱おうにんのらん(n) Onin War (1467-1477)/
乱をえるはんらんをおさえる(exp) to stifle a rebellion/
ちらん (n) (whether at) peace or at war/
のうらん (n,vs) worry/anguish/
が乱れるこころがみだれ る(exp) to lose one's composure/
り乱れるいりみだれる (v1) to be jumbled together/
きょうらん (n) fury/frenzy/madness/(P)/
こんらんじょうたい (n) state of confusion/
こんらん (n,vs) disorder/chaos/confusion/(P)/
へんらん(n) disturbance/uprising/war/
紊乱びんらん(n,vs) disorder/
がいらん (n) noise (interference)/
擾乱じょうらん(n) disturbance/
繚 乱りょうらん(adj-na,n) profusion/
せんらん (n) wars/disturbances/
どうらん (n) case for botanical specimens/
繚乱ひゃっかりょうらん(n) many flowers blooming in profusion/a gathering of many beautiful women/simultaneous emergence of many talents and achievements/
どうらん(n) disturbance/agitation/commotion/upheaval/riot/(P)/
へいらん (n) war/disturbance/
乱れねみだれがみ(n) hair messed up in sleep/
掻き乱すかきみだす(v5s) to stir up/to disturb/
そうらん (n) rioting/disturbances/
紊乱ぶんらん(n,vs) disorder/
わくらん (n) bewilderment/confusion/
しょっけんらんよう (n) abuse of (one's) authority/
かいとうらんま solving a problem swiftly and skillfully/
ふんらん(n,vs) confusion/disorder/
潰乱かいらん(n) corruption/subversion/
り乱れるちりみだれる to be or lay scattered/
ふらん (n,vs) decomposition/ulceration/
紊乱ふうきびんらんcorrupt public morals/
しゅらん (n) drunky frenzy/fighting drunk/
そせいらんぞう mass production of inferior goods/
かいらん (n,vs) corruption/sinking into anarchy/
はんらんぐん rebel army/
せきらんうん(n) cumulonimbus cloud/
そうらんざい(n) crime of rioting/
叛乱はんらん(n) rebellion/
はんらんしゃ rebel/insurgent/
き乱れるさきみだれる (v1) to bloom in profusion/(P)/
せいてんらんきりゅう(n) clear-air turbulence/
乱をめるはんらんをしずめる(exp) to quell a rebellion/
淫乱いんらん(adj-na,n) debauchery/lewdness/lasciviousness/
り乱すふりみだす(v5s) to dishevel (hair)/
霍乱かくらん(n) sunstroke/heatstroke/
はんらん (n) insurrection/mutiny/rebellion/revolt/uprising/(P)/
かいりょくらんしん (n) supernatural things/
い乱れるおもいみだれる (v1) to be worried about/
い乱るこいみだる (v5) to be lovesick/
胡乱うろん(adj-na,n) suspicious looking/fishy/
撩乱りょうらん(n) profuse blooming/
はんきょうらん(n) half-crazed/
たいらん (n) rebellion/great uprising/
り乱すとりみだす (v5s) to scatter about/to be distracted/
ないらん(n) civil war/insurrection/rebellion/domestic conflict/(P)/
はらん(n) troubles/ups and downs/stormy, uproarious (i.e. relationship)/(P)/
そうらん(n) disturbance/riot/
いっしんふらん (adj-na,n) wholeheartedly/intently/with undivided attention/