The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary
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Kanji: Radical: (はねぼう) : ; ; previously
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 271 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1983
Japanese Reading English
しっこうゆうよstay of execution/suspended sentence/(P)/
しゅうかくよそう crop estimate/
じしんよち earthquake prediction/
れんぽうよさん federal budget/
ほせいよさん revised or supplementary budget/
予なくゆうよなく without delay/promptly/(P)/
しゅうかんてんきよほう (n) weather forecast for coming week/
しゅうせいよさんrevised budget/
あおてんじょうよさんlimitless budget/
し予みずましよさん budget of padded (empty) figures/
そうよさん(n) complete budget/
きんこうよさん balanced budget/
てんきよほう weather forecast/(P)/
ほんよさん(n) main budget/
さんぎょうよびぐんthe ranks of the unemployed/
ざんていよさん provisional budget/
ふよ (n) indisposition/emperor's illness/unhappiness/
ついかよさんsupplementary budget/
ゆうよ (n) postponement/deferment/(P)/
ゆうよきかん a grace period/
きそゆうよ suspension of indictment/leaving charge on the file/