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Kanji: Radical: (はねぼう) : ジ、ズ; こと; thing (abstract)
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 272 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3567
Japanese Reading English
じょうだんこと joking matter/
しんぶんきじ (n) newspaper story (article, account)/
けいじはん (n) criminal offense/
ねんじゅうぎょうじ annual functions or events/
ぐんじひwar funds/war expenditures/
ぐんじきょうれん military training/
かんじちょう(party) Chief Secretary/(P)/
たじ(n) other matters/other people's affairs/
じょじぶん(n) narration/description/
すいじ (n) cooking/culinary arts/(P)/
あさまさんそうじけん famous robbery and hostage-taking in 1972/
ざれごと(n) wanton sporting/
うまいしごとprofitable business/
ぎた事すぎたこと bygones/the past/past event/
て事あてごと (n) hopes/expectations/guessing/
あくじ (n) evil deed/crime/wickedness/(P)/
けいじひこくにん the accused/
ぐんじ(n) military affairs/(P)/
へんじ (n) accident/emergency/calamity/
こうりゅうじんじ personnel shuffle/
あらしごと(n) rough work/hard work/(P)/
みごと (adj-na,n) splendid/magnificent/beautiful/admirable/(P)/
あらごと (n) (theatrical) fighting scene/
ほうりつじむしょ(n) law office/
事のきょうじのきざしomen of disaster/
きじぶん(n) descriptive composition/
しゃかいじぎょう social work/
こんじ (n) regrettable matter/
すいじば(n) kitchen/cookhouse/(ship's) galley/
みずしごと(n) scrubbing and washing/kitchen work/
しごとだいworkbench/work table/
ぐんじくんれん military exercise/drill/
事をあくじをはたらく(exp) to commit a crime/to do evil/
べんごしじむしょ law(yer's) office/
め事ひめごと (n) secret/
しゅじ (n) manager/director/secretary/
いろごとし(n) lady-killer/
ごしょうだいじ (n) with religious zeal/with utmost devotion/take great care of/
たじたなん(adj-na,n) various difficulties/
の事をがっこうのことをはな す(exp) to talk about school affairs/to speak about the school/
できだかしごと piecework/
やまかじ(n) bushfire/
みんじさいばんcivil trial/
屁と事はもとからへとかじはもとからさわぐ(exp) it is often the originator of problems who kicks up a fuss or complains loudest/
げいごと(n) accomplishments/
え事かんがえごと (n) (deep) thinking/
しぼうきじ (n) obituary notice/
ひじ (n) a secret/
たわむれごと(n) wanton sporting/
事をめるしごとをやめる(exp) to stop (leave off) work/
かたてましごとside job/odd jobs/
そしょうじけん (n) lawsuit/(legal) case/
けんじそうちょう attorney general/
あんさつじけん assassination/
りすいこうじ irrigation works/
きんじ (n) recent events/
事にかるしごとにかかる(exp) to get to work/
りじちょうboard chairman/
い事ならいごと (n) accomplishment/lesson/practice/
かじみまいa post-fire visit to express sympathy/
かんじ (n) manager/supervisor/
きじ (n) article/news story/report/account/(P)/
ままごと(n) playing house/
の事なおのこと (adv,exp) all the more/still more/
しさんじかい city council/
ごがんこうじ levee protection works/
事するしょくじする have a meal
けんせつこうじ (n) construction work/
ちじ (n) prefectural governor/(P)/
せんでんきじ publicity article/
でんしょうじょじし(n) oral epic/
かじ fire
ぐんじゆそうmilitary transport/
い事わらいごと (n) laughing matter/
すいどうこうじ (n) waterworks/
ひとごと (n) other's affairs/
じょうじ (n) love affair/liaison/
てつどうじこ (n) railroad accident/
できごと(n) incident/affair/happening/event/(P)/
でするつくえでするしごとdesk work (job)/
れ事たわむれごと(n) wanton sporting/
けんじきょく(n) prosecutor's office/
てっこつこうじ steel frame-work/(P)/
ぐんじふうさ military blockade/
いちじ (n) one thing/
じんじぶ(n) personnel department/
える事かんがえること what one thinks/
ねがいごと (n) wish/dream/prayer/one's desire/
ぐんじてき military/
さかさまごと wrong order/
ぐんじかいぎ council of war/
こうじ (n) government business/
ぶつじ (n) Buddhist memorial service/
事をするままごとをする (vs) to play house/
しごと (adj-no,n) work/occupation/employment/(P)/
のうじ(n) one's work/
とくしゅじじょう (n) special circumstances/
こじ (n) origin/historical fact/tradition/(P)/
な事もっともじゅうようなことthe most important thing/
きせいじじつ established fact/(P)/
そうりょうじ(n) consul general/
ぞくじ (n) worldly affairs/daily routine/
ぎじろく(n) record of proceedings/minutes/
り事つくりごと (n) fabrication/lie/fiction/
とりつけこうじ installation/
へいじ (n) military affairs/
ものごと (n) things/everything/(P)/
ちからしごと(n) physical work/
まるごと (adv) in its entirety/whole/wholly/
かんじ(n,vs,exp) executive secretary/coordinator/arranging/(P)/
こじきでんcommentary on Kojiki (Ancient Chronicles)/
じょじ (n) narration/description/
やくじほう(n) (Japan's) Pharmaceutical Affairs Law/
かいじえいせい a maritime satellite/
ざつじ (n) miscellaneous matters/
な事めいはくなことobvious fact/
おうじ(n) imperial or royal cause/
しんじ (n) mind/
とくしゅうきじ special feature article/
きんきゅうじたい state of emergency/
まねごと(n) sham/make-believe/mere form/
きょうじ (n) calamity/misfortune/
事にせじにうといinexperienced/unrealistic/knowing but little of the world/
ばんじきゅうす (n) There is nothing more that can be done/
よじ(n) other things/the rest/leisure tasks/
しゅせきはんじ chief judge/
けいじ (n) defer to another as if an older brother/
わたくしごと(n) personal affairs/
つ事ひとつこと (n) the same thing/
たいぎゃくじけん (case of) high treason/
きれいごと(n) fine skill/simplicity/
せいじ (n) political affairs/
とうじこく(n) countries concerned (involved)/
ぐんじつうしんいんwar correspondent/
ほうじ (n) Buddhist memorial service/
おしょくじどころ (Japanese) restaurant/
しごとば(n) place where one works/construction site/working area/
こうじちゅう under construction/
はんじ (n) judge/judiciary/(P)/
そうりょうじかん (n) consulate-general/
かじば(n) scene of a fire/
とっかんこうじ construction at top speed/
こうえきじぎょう public utilities/
さつじんじけん (n) murder case/
かいじ (n) pleasure/delight/
の事しょのじじょうcircumstances of the office/
はりしごと(n) needlework/sewing/
かんしんじ(n) matter of concern and interest/
かじ housework
ぎじぼうがい obstruction of proceedings/a filibuster/
しょうじがいしゃcommercial company/
こうじ (n) future affairs/affairs after one's death/
じょうじ(n) normal affair/
の事なおのこと (adv) still more/all the more/
ぐんじこうどう military movements/
ねんちゅうぎょうじ annual functions or events/
のうじしけんじょうagricultural experiment station/
きっきんじurgent (pressing) matter/
事でしいしごとでいそがしいbe busy with one's work/
い事ねがいごと (n) wish/dream/prayer/one's desire/
はんけんじ judges and prosecutors/
げつじ menstruation/
しごとちゅうin the midst of work/
ゆうかいじけん (n) kidnapping/
さんじ (n) disaster/horrible accident/(P)/
するひじょうじたいをせんげんする(vs) to declare a state of emergency/
こっかいぎじどうNational Diet (Japanese parliament)/Capitol Hill (US)/(P)/
えいりじぎょうprofit-making enterprise/
に事せてびょうきにことよせ てunder the pretext of being ill/
つうしんじぎょうcommunications industry/
えせごとlaughable affair/unlaudable affair/something unreliable/
こうきょうじぎょうpublic utilities/
事のしょくじのさいにwhen eating/
てしごと (n) handwork/manual labor/working with one's hands/
なにごと(n) what/something/everything/nothing (with neg. verb)/(P)/
しじ(n) personal affairs/(P)/
こじ (n) ancient events/
りじ (n) director/board of directors/(P)/
なんじ(n) (a) difficulty/
きみつじこう (n) confidential matters/
ぐんじこうじょう war plant/
ぐんじさいばん court martial/
拵え事こしらえごと(n) invented story/fabrication/
こじらいれき (n) origin and history/particulars/
まんしゅうじへん(n) the Manchurian Incident/
事もなくなにごともなく uneventfully/without incident/without a hitch/peacefully/
濡れ事ぬれごと(n) love affair/
な事つみなことtrick/sinful act/cruel thing/
ついらくじこ a plane crash/
けいじせきにん criminal liability/
こうず (n) fortune/good deed/curious/
し事かくしこと (n) secret/
かじ (n) fire/conflagration/(P)/
些事さじ(n) something small or petty/trifle/
せいじ (n) prosperous undertaking/
けいじそしょうほうCriminal Procedure Code/
だいじ (adj-na,n) important/valuable/serious matter/(P)/
ぐんじつう man versed in military affairs/
しょうじ (n) commercial affairs/
かんじ (n) government business/
ふくちじ(n) lieutenant governor/
がいじ (n) foreign affairs/
ぐんじえんしゅう military exercise/
しんぱいごと(n) worries/cares/troubles/
ぐんじえんじょ military assistance/
こんきしごと laborious task/
れ事ざれごと (n) wanton sporting/
ばんじ (n) all/everything/(P)/
ふしょうじ(n) scandal/deplorable event/(P)/
にわしごと(n) gardening/
いちだいじ (n) a serious affair/
しんきじぎょう new business/
さいじじょう(n) event hall/
いじ (n) medical practice/
のらしごと farm work/field labour/
しんじ (n) serving as a retainer/
こくじはん(n) political offence/
しごとびwork day/
淫事 いんじ(n) lascivious act/
しじ(n,vs) study under/looking up/apprentice oneself/
さんじ(n) secretary/councillor/
ぐんじけいさつ military police/
事にえるしごとにたえる(exp) to be fit for work/
じんじか(n) personnel section/(P)/
りょうじ (n) consul/(P)/
いろごと (n) love affair/sensual pleasures/
瑣事さじ(n) something small or petty/trifle/
じしんかみなりかじおやじ(n) earthquakes, thunder, fires, fathers (this proverb compares the traditional Japanese father with other things which are generally feared)/
のうじ(n) farming/agriculture/
しょうぶごと(n) gambling/competition/game (of chance)/
い事うれいごと (n) bitter experience/misery/distress/grief/sad thoughts/
りょうかいじこう(n) understanding (between the two)/
殿とのさましごと dilettante work/amateur word (in art)/
うちゅうかいはつじぎょ うだんNASDA/National Space Development Agency/
けいこごと(n) accomplishments/
こうじひ(n) construction costs/
事におだいじに(exp) Take care of yourself/
ちんじ (n) strange or unusual occurrence/
事のしごとのおにwork fiend/devil for work/
けつぎじこう resolutions/
ぶじそくさい safe and healthy/health and longevity/
こじき (n) Japan's Ancient Chronicle/
み事とりこみごと(n) confusion/bustle/
しんじ (n) Shinto rituals/
みつじ (n) a secret/
けいじさいばん criminal trial/
けいじ (n) criminal case/(police) detective/(P)/
い事ながいことfor a long time/
みんじそしょうほう(Japan's) Civil Proceedings Act (1890; revised in 1926)/
けいじひこくthe accused/
やっかいごと trouble/difficulty/burden/
じょうにんりじこくstanding member-nation of the U.N. Security Council/
事をらすへんじをおくらす (exp) to defer one's reply/
むじこ(adj-na,n) without accident/
まわしい事いまわしいじけんabominable incident/
じじもんだい (n) current question/current topics/
ぜんじ(n) good thing/good deed/
艶事つやごと(n) love affair/romance/
し事かくしごと(n) secret/
みごと(adj-na,n) splendid/magnificent/beautiful/admirable/
ぐんじこもん military adviser/
しょくじつきwith meals/
そらへんじ (n) absentminded response/
どぼくこうじ public works/
いじ (n) reminiscences/memories/
ぐんじきょうてい military pact/
こしかけしごと temporary employment/
かんじかいboard of governors/
かじばどろぼうlooter at the scene of a fire/
ぎじ (n) proceedings/
きょうぎじこう agenda/
たじたたん (adj-na,n) eventfulness/pressure of business/
ひじょうじたいstate of emergency/(P)/
しょじ (n) various matters/everything/
じじろんcomments on current events/
さつがいじけん (n) murder case/
きゅうじ (n) past events/bygones/
だいじ important
こうかくじんじ demotion/
しょうじ (n) trifling matter/trifle/
しょくりょうじじょう food situation/
ほくしじへん the Marco Polo Bridge Incident/
ちゅういじこう important points/
い事うしろぐらいことshady (questionable) matters/
揉め事もめごと(n) quarrel/trouble/dispute/friction (between people)/
ぐんじこもんだん military assistance advisory group/
ぐんじせいけんmilitary regime/
かいしゅうこうじ (n) repair work/
鹿な事をばかなことをする (exp) to do a silly thing/
はんじほ(n) assistant judge/judge-in-training/
ふたいじこう supplementary item/
ごうどうじぎょう joint undertaking/
さんじかいa council/
しごとばこ workbox/
かいじ (n) maritime affairs/
しょじ (n) various matters/everything/(P)/
くじ(n) political operations/(Heian Period) political operations and ceremonies of the Imperial Court/(Edo Period) civil suit/
る事かずこをみることおや にしかず(exp) The parent is the best judge of the child/
しごとぎ (n) work clothes/business suit/
ようじ something to do, errand
どうろこうじ road construction/
しいかなしいできごと sad event/
けいじじょう(adj-no) penal/criminal/
ぎょうじ event
ほねしごと (n) backbreaking work/
けいざいしゃかいりじかいU.N. Economic and Social Council/
しごと work
賭け事 かけごと(n) gambling/
しょさごと (n) dance drama/
きょうどうすいじばcommunity kitchen/
ぐんじこうさい war bond/war loan/
さかずきごと (n) pledge made over winecups/exchange of nuptial cups/
けんじこうそpublic prosecutor's appeal/
ぐんじひみつ military secret/
ぶじ (n) military affairs/martial arts/
きさいじこう (n) items mentioned/
こうじまおおし (exp) Lights are usually followed by shadows/
事とびをねてようじとあそびをかねてon business combined with pleasure/
ばんじきゅうす(n) There is nothing more that can be done/
おにけいじcrack detective/
じんじいどう personnel change/personnel shift/reshuffle/(annual) staff reassignment/
あらごとし (n) actor who specializes in ruffian roles/
ぐんじせんりゃくmilitary strategy/
ふたつへんじ(n) immediate (happy) reply/
けいじそしょう criminal action/(P)/
ぐんじてきしんりゃくmilitary aggression/
ぎょうじ (n) event/function/(P)/
ぐんじきょうりょく military cooperation/
こっかいぎじろく(n) Diet Record/
こうずか(n) dilettante/person of fantastic taste/
しせいのできごとevents on the street/
ほくしんじへん (n) North China Incident/Boxer Uprising/
ぎじどう (n) Diet building/
こくじ (n) national affairs/
せじ (n) worldly affairs/
かんれんじこう (n) related (relevant) matters/matters relevant to the subject/
がくじ(n) educational affairs/
さんめんきじhuman interest article/page-three news/police news/
い事いわいごと(n) a celebration/
やくそくごと(n) promise/
わがこと(n) personal affair/
せっしょくじこ (n) minor collision/(have) a scrape (with another vehicle)/
うけおいこうじcontract work/
けいじほしょうcriminal indemnity/
ふくしじむしょwelfare office/
じゅうじ (n,vs) engaging/pursuing/following/(P)/
りょうじかん (n) consulate/(P)/
こうじ (n) construction work/(P)/
じどうしゃじこ(n) motor(ing) (an auto) accident/car crash (smash)/
けいじ(n) auspicious event/(P)/
しょくじ (n,vs) meal/(P)/
よびはんじ supernumerary judge/
ぼうじ (n) sex/lovemaking/
ぶんじ (n) literary matters/
揉事もめごと(n) quarrel/trouble/dispute/friction (between people)/
かぬ事つかぬこと(exp,n) abrupt (awkward) question/
じんじいん(n) National Personnel Authority/
きょくじ (n) wickedness/injustice/
かせんこうじ riparian works/
りじかい(n) board of directors or trustees/
とうじしゃのうりょくadmissibility of a party (to a suit)/
じんじふせい (n) unconsciousness/(P)/
とうじ (n) matter under concern/
いじでんどう medical missionary work/
已むに已まれぬ事やむにやまれぬじじょうcircumstances beyond one's control/
事事みんじじけんcivil case/
事をひとにあくじをそそのかす(exp) to entice a person to do something wrong/
とうじしゃ (n) person concerned/interested party/(P)/
むねがいたむようなできごとpainful incident/
ゆうせんじこう (n) priority matter/
じょじし(n) descriptive poetry/epic poem/(P)/
僻事ひがごと(n) immoral act/mistake/
ぶじ (adj-na,n) safety/peace/quietness/(P)/
さんじかん (n) councillor/
くじ (n) past events/bygones/
只事ただごと(n) trivial matter/
ぐんじさいばんしょmilitary court/
でしごと(n) outside work/
ぶんかじぎょうぶCultural Affairs Department/
の事まいにちのことdaily routine/daily affairs/
ちほうじむしょlocal office/
けんじせい (n) chief public prosecutor/
じじ (n) events of the day/current affairs/
事にしむしごとにいそしむ (exp) to be assiduous in one's business/
事塞にんげんばんじさいおうがうま(exp) inscrutable are the ways of heaven/fortune is unpredictable and changeable/
こうつうじこtraffic accident/(P)/
椿事ちんじ(n) unexpected occurrence/
しごとし(n) workman/enterpriser/schemer/
こくさいきょうりょくじぎょうだんJapan International Cooperation Agency (1974)/JICA/
ないしょうごと (n) a secret/
こじらいれき (n) origin and history/particulars/
ゆうじりっぽうlegislation to deal with emergencies/
事にかりりになるしごとにかかり きりになる(exp) to give one's whole time to the job/
なまへんじ (n) half-hearted reply/vague answer/reluctant answer/
かいじけん mystery case/
ぐんじとうきょくしゃmilitary authority/
ようじ (n) tasks/things to do/(P)/
の事むかしのこと old things/(P)/
事なみごとなぼくmagnificent tree/
ぐんじきょうかいせんmilitary demarcation line/
かんきょうじぎょう business environment/
ぐんじえいせい military satellite/
う事をおやのいうことをきく (exp) to obey one's parents/
事にぶじに safely/peacefully/quietly/
こくれんじむそうちょう U.N. Secretary General/
ふせいじけん scandal/bribery case/graft case/
の事きせいのじじつ established fact/(P)/
事にせじにくらいknow little of the world/
ぐんじめんmilitary aspect/
ゆうじ (n) emergency/
さいじ (n) festival/rites/ritual/
きちじ (n) an auspicious event/
どうじ the same event/no change (on the stock market)/
したしごと (n) spade work/subcontract/
の事にすんでのことに (adv) almost/very nearly/
ぐんじりょく(n) military force/military strength/
かじ (n) housework/domestic chores/(P)/
けいじしょぶん punishment of a criminal/
さはんじ (n) commonly occurring/
いちじふさいぎ(n) the principle of not resuming debate on an item in the same Diet session in which it has been voted down/
ぐんじどうめい military alliance/
事をめるこうじをすすめる(exp) to hasten (speed up) the works/
かな事たしかなじじつestablished (certain) fact/
なんじぎょうuphill task/difficult undertaking (project)/
らかな事あきらかなじじつ obvious fact/
ふくしじぎょう (n) welfare work/
よそごと(n) another's affair/
みんじ (n) civil affairs/civil case/
ないしょごと(n) a secret/private or confidential matter/
かわしい事なげかわしいじたいdeplorable situation/
こくないじじょう (n) internal (domestic) affairs/
ひじょうじたいたいしょ けいかくcontingency plan/
ぐんじかいにゅう (n) armed intervention/military intervention/
ぐんじはん military offense/
事にだいじにいたる(exp) to develop into a serious affair/
しょじばんたん everything/all things/
うれいごと (n) bitter experience/misery/distress/grief/sad thoughts/
ちすいこうじriparian works/
ぐんじさんぎょう defense contractor/defense industry/
ひえいりじぎょう nonprofit (noncommercial) business/
いんじ(n) artistic pursuits/
い事うかがいごと inquiry/
じゅうようじこう (n) important matter/matters of weight/
しごとがら (n) for work/work-related/
こうないじこ mine accident/(P)/
事をますしごとをすます(exp) to finish one's work/
きょうさいじぎょう mutual aid enterprise/
し事よしなしごと(n) trivial thing/nonsense/
こうわんうんそうじぎょ うport transport industry/
たじ (adj-na,n) eventfulness/
じんじらんpersonal column/
事をげるしごとをあげる(exp) to finish the work/
おおごと (adj-na,n) important/valuable/serious matter/
うけおいしごとcontract work/
おうじ(n) the past/past events/
こうじげんば construction site/
事をばすへんじをのばす(exp) to delay one's answer/
い事あらそいごと dispute/
かこみきじ(newspaper) column/
けんちじ(n) prefectural governor/
じんじ (n) personnel affairs/human affairs/(P)/
にちじょうさはんじ everyday occurrence/
へいおんぶじ (adj-na) tranquillity and peace/peaceful and uneventful/(P)/
ぐんじしせつmilitary installations/
くせごと (n) crookedness/something not right/something out of the ordinary/something unpleasant/something disgusting/unlawfulness/something unhappy/calamity/
ないじ (n) personal affairs/internal affairs/
きつじ(n) an auspicious event/
ひゃっかじてん (n) encyclopedia/(P)/
ひゃくじ (n) all/everything/
しどうしゅじ (governmental) supervisor of teachers/
かのしごと job (responsibility) of a section/
へんじ (n,vs) reply/answer/(P)/
ぶのいいしごと profitable job/
ぐんじじょう(adj-no) military/strategic/
べつじ (n) another affair/mishap/
じんじぎょうせい personnel administration/
ちんしごと(n) piecework/
けんじ(n) public prosecutor/(P)/
こうじ (n) fortune/good deed/curious/
かじどろ(n) (abbr) looter at the scene of a fire/
賭事かけごと(n) betting/gambling/
さいじ (n) trifle/minor detail/
ふなかじ(n) fire aboard ship/
りんかいじこ criticality (accident) in the nuclear industry/
だいりりょうじacting consul/
ひとしごと (n) a task/
りじこく(n) member country of the executive committee in an international organization/
ぶっそんじこtraffic accident resulting in property damage/
ぐんじきちmilitary base/
じぜんじぎょうphilanthropic work/charitable enterprise/
りんぽじぎょう living among the poor while striving to improve their conditions/
ふちじ (n) prefectural governor/
濡れ事ぬれごとし(n) (acting) romantic lead/philanderer/
事事けいじじけんcriminal case/
きれいごと (n) whitewashing/glossing over/
び事あそびごと (n) game/pastime/recreation/diversion/
みんじそしょうcivil action/civil suit/civil proceedings/(P)/
じんしんじこtraffic accident resulting in personal injury or death/
しごとりょう (n) (one's) workload/amount of work (to be) done by one/
いつじ(n) anecdote/unknown fact/
げすいこうじ (n) drainage (sewerage) works/
しつじ (n) steward/butler/court official/deacon/
てましごとa tedious or troublesome or time-consuming job/piecework/
みんじじょう (adj-no) civil/
きそこうじ foundation works/(P)/
よしごとnight work/