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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ダイ、タイ; か(わる)、か(える)、よ、しろ、か(わり); generation
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 364 Index in Halpern dictionary: 30
Japanese Reading English
り代わるなりかわる(v5r) to do in place of or on behalf of (someone)/
こうたい(n,vs) alternation/change/relief/relay/shift/(P)/
きんだい (n) present day/(P)/
とくがわさんだいいえみ つIemitsu (third in the Tokugawa line)/
さいきだいめいし reflexive pronoun/
じだい (n-t) period/epoch/era/(P)/
やちよ(n) eternity/thousands of years/
かまくらじだい (n) Kamakura period (1185-1333 CE)/
にじゅうだい one's twenties/
えいたい (n) permanence/eternity/
きゅうせっきじだい(n) Old Stone Age/paleolithic/
じんだいめいし (n) personal pronoun/
こせいだい(n) Paleozoic era/
かみよ (n) ancient time/age of the gods/
代とじだいとともにあゆむ (exp) to move along with the times/
代わりみがわり(n) substitute (for)/sacrifice (of, to)/scapegoat (for)/
み代のみしろ(n) drink money/
あずちももやまじだい Azuchi-Momoyama period (1558-1600 CE)/
代エジプトこだいエジプトancient Egypt/
かたしろ(n) paper image/
おうごんじだい Golden Age/
えいたいしゃくち perpetual lease/
せんたくだい(n) laundry charges/
しょだい (n) first generation/founder/
じだいさくご anachronism/
こうこくだいりてんadvertising firm/advertising company/
あしかがじだい (n) Ashikaga period (1333-1568 CE)/
きんだいぶんがくmodern literature/
じょうだい (n) chamberlain/castle keeper/
じゅうだい (n) successive generations/
いちだいき(n) a biography/
しんせっきじだい(n) New Stone Age/neolithic/
おおじだい(adj-na,n) old-fashioned/antiquated/anachronistic/
ちりょうだいmedical fees/
ほんだい(n) money for books/
いっせいちだい (n) once in a lifetime/of one's lifetime/
ちゅうせっきじだい (n) Mesolithic age/
じだいこうしょう (n) background research/research into the period/
いっせいいちだい(n) once in a lifetime/of one's lifetime/
げんしじだい primitive times/
あすかじだい (n) Asuka period (550-710 CE)/
代コンピュータしんせだいコンピュータ かいはつきこうICOT/
げんしじだい atomic age/
かんじだいHan dynasty/(P)/
しはんだい(n) assistant instructor/
さんきんこうたい (n) daimyo's alternating Edo residence/
みたましろ (n) something worshiped as a symbol for the spirit of the dead/
がくせいじだいstudent days/
けんさくしろ grinding allowance/
くるまだい (n) carfare/cartage fee/honorarium/
まつだい(n) forever/in perpetuity/(P)/
って代わるとってかわる (v5r) to supplant/to supercede/
へいあんじだい Heian period (794-1185)/
じだいしょうせつ historical novel/
せだいこうたい(n) alternation of generations/
稀代きだい(adj-no) uncommon/rare/
むだい (n) free of charge/
り代とりしろ portion/one's share/
代りかたがわり (n) shouldering another's debt/(P)/
ぜんだいみもん(n) unheard-of/unprecedented/unparalleled in history/record-breaking/(P)/
じだいせいしんspirit of the age/
り代かけうりだいきん credit account/
こだいぎれ(n) ancient cloth fragment/
せんきゅうひゃくねんだいthe 1900s/
ひじりのみよ emperor's reign/
ふだい (n) successive generations/hereditary (Tokugawa) daimyo/
れ代わるいれかわる(v5r,vi) to change places/to relieve one another/
ぶっしつたいしゃ(n) metabolism/
ちしつじだい geological age/prehistory/
ひれいだいひょうせい(n) proportional representation/
ちいきだいひょう regional representation/
せいねんじだい (n) (one's) youth/one's younger days/
げんだいし (n) contemporary history/
りょこうだいりてんtravel agent/
しんせいだい (n) Cenozoic era/
代でこうたいで alternately/by turns/
みよ (n) imperial reign/
代りおかわり (n) second helping/another cup/
じだいもの(n) antiques/period dramas/
じせだい(n) next (future) generation/
なわしろ (n) rice nursery/bed for rice seedlings/(P)/
ほうていだいりにん (n) legal representative/
げんだいげき(n) contemporary drama/
しょうだい (n) glorious reign/enlightened era/
たいこだい (n) the Archaeozoic Era/
やよいじだい Yayoi period (c. 300 BCE-300 CE)/
い代くいしろ (n) food expenses/
こうたいさぎょう working in shifts/
げんじだいthe present era/
きんだいおんがく modern music/contemporary music/
げんだいぶんめい modern civilization/
こうたいとうしゅ relief pitcher/
に代わってちちおやにかわっていう(exp) to speak for one's father/
とうだい (n-adv,n-t) the present age/these days/(present) head of the family/
じょうだい(n) ancient times/
じだいかんかく trend of the times/
せいだい (n) prosperous era/
じだい (n) land rent/
しょくのうだいひょうせい(n) vocational representation system/
きんだいかがく modern science/
まだい (n) room rent/
い代ぬいしろ (n) margin for a seam/
いちだい (n) a generation/lifetime/age/
その代わりそのかわり(conj) instead/but (on the other hand)/
せだい (n) generation/the world/the age/(P)/
リーダーリーダーこうたいleadership change/
じだい (n) the next era/
じょうもんじだい the Jomon period/
みょうだい (n) proxy/representative/
えどじだい Edo period (1603-1868 CE)/
代わりおやがわり (n) (one acting as a) foster parent/
せいどうきじだい Bronze Age/
きんだいしゅぎ modernism/
じんだいもじ (n) ancient Japanese characters (regarded today as created at a much more recent date)/
あんこくじだい the Dark Ages/
ふろだいfee charged at a public bath/
さんぎだいひょう representative of Gifu and Mie prefectures/
てっきじだいIron Age/
ぜんせいじだいgolden age/
きんだいし (n) modern poetry/modern-style poetry/
れ代わりち代わりいれかわりたち かわり(adv) by turns/
げんだい (adj-no,n-adv,n) nowadays/modern times/present-day/(P)/
の代くすりのしろcost of medicine/
げんだいばん(n) modern version (e.g. of Italian Renaissance architecture)/
ねんだいき (n) annals/chronicle/chronology/
けしょうだいlady's pin money/cosmetics expense/
こだいぶんめい ancient civilization/
げんだいじん(n) modern person (people)/
げんだいかがく present-day science/modern science/
こだいご ancient language/
きんだいごしゅきょうぎ the modern pentathlon/
きんだいげき(n) modern drama/modern theater/
げんだいし(n) modern poetry/
にんしょうだいめいしpersonal pronoun/
やまとじだい Yamato period (300-550 CE)/
代わりじゅうしょろくが わりsubstitute for an address book/
じだいそう(n) phases of the age (times)/
代のじだいのへいabuses of the times/
こうたい (n,vs) exchange (something)/
なんだいめwhat ordinal number (of a president)/
こうだい (n) posterity/future generations/
こうたいせいshift system/
さかだい(n) alcohol expenses/
れ代えるいれかえる (v1) to replace/to substitute/to shift/to change places/
簿こうそくめいぼひれいだいひょうせい proportional representation system/
はなだい(n) price of flowers/fee for a woman's companionship/
しんちんたいしゃ(n) renewal/replacement/metabolism/(P)/
きんだいこっか a modern state or nation/
しんだい (n) fortune/property/
ちよじょname of a haiku poetess/
きんむこうたい change of shifts/
べんとうだい(n) lunch money/
じゅうだい (n) the teens (10-19)/teenage/the tenth generation/
きそたいしゃbasal metabolism/
ねんだいもの(n) antique/
きだい(adj-na,n) rare/uncommon/
こだいじんthe ancients/
代をけるしんだいをかたむけ る(exp) to squander one's fortunes/
糊代のりしろ(n) overlap width/margin to paste up/
じんだいすぎ(n) lignitized Japanese cedar/
その代りそのかわり(conj) instead/but (on the other hand)/
げんだいか(n) modernization/
ねんだい (n) age/era/period/date/(P)/
が代きみがよ Imperial reign/title of Japanese national anthem/
しんじだい new period/new age/new epoch/
さんだい (n) three generations/the third/
ふだいだいみょう hereditary daimyo (whose ancestors supported Tokugawa Ieyasu prior to the battle of Sekigahara)/
こてんじだい the classical period/
の代わりとしてちちのか わりとしてin place of one's father/
ちよ (n) thousand years/very long period/
れきだいし chronicles/annals/
じだいしちょう thought of the times/
おおみよ(n) glorious reign of the Emperor/
でんきだいelectric utility expense/
えたさかえたじだいprosperous age/
てだい (n) a sales clerk/
おもてだい(n) head steward (of an estate)/
なだい (n) well-known/fame/
こだい (adj-na,n-adv,n-t) ancient times/(P)/
ぜんだい(n) previous generation/former ages/
はんばいだいりてんsales agent/
ばだい(n) rent/cover charge/
れきだい (n) successive generations/successive emperors/
きんだいか (n,vs) modernization/modernize/
の代おやのだい one's parents generation/
かんけいだいめいしrelative pronoun/
ちよがみ(n) gaily colored paper/
ぎょくだい (n) time charge for a geisha/
こだいむらさき(n) reddish-purple/
ぜつだい (n) a notice/
ちゃだい (n) a tip/
まつだいもの(n) durable article/
きんだいてき(adj-na) modern/
ぎもんだいめいしinterrogative pronoun/
こうたいいんshift (of workmen)/
めいじじだい Meiji period (1868-1912)/(P)/
へいせいじだい Heisei period (1989-)/
るいだい (n-t) successive generations/
だいだい (abbr) main telephone number/
せんだい (n) thousand years/very long period/
きたい(adj-na,n) rare/uncommon/
しょうわじだい Showa period (1926-1989 CE)/
く代わりにあるくかわりにはしる(exp) to run instead of walk/
ひょうがじだい glacial period/
じだいげき(n) historical play/
たいしょうじだい Taisho period (1912-1926 CE)/
しらけせだいgeneration of young people (esp. of the 1970's) apathetic about social issues/
代りつきがわり(n) a new month starts/
せんこうだい(n) fee for a geisha's time/
の代たいしょうのよTaisho era/
ばんだいふえき(adj-na,n) eternity/perpetuity/
げんしりょくじだい(n) atomic age/
しじだいめいしdemonstrative pronoun/
さんびゃくだいげん (n) pettifogging lawyer/
せんけいだいすう linear algebra/
ねんだいじゅん(n) chronological order/
ばんだい (n-adv,n-t) thousands of years/eternity/all generations/
あしだい(n) transportation or traveling expenses/
せんごくじだい the age of civil war/
くすりだい (n) charge for medicine/
ちだい (n) land rent/
へやだいroom rent/
お代わり おかわり(n) second helping/another cup/(P)/
じだいしょく (n) characteristics of an age/
じだいおくれ(adj-na,n) old-fashioned/
ぶけじだい the feudal period (1185-1867)/
ちゅうせいだい(n) Mesozoic era/
まんだい (n-adv,n-t) thousands of years/eternity/all generations/
げんだいご (n) a modern language/
ちょうえつこうたい passage of lines/
そうだい (n) representative/
代りみがわり (n) substitution/a substitute/
だんかいのせだい baby boom generation/
の代みのしろきん(n) ransom/
なんぼくちょうじだい (n) period of the northern and southern dynasties (in China, 5th-6th c. C.E. in Japan, 1336-92)/
なえしろ (n) rice nursery/bed for rice seedlings/
しゅうりだい cost of repairs/
にっていじだい era of Japanese imperialism/
ならじだい (n) Nara period (710-794 CE)/
せいだい (n) magnificent imperial reign/
ぜんしじだい prehistoric period/
こだいしancient history/
しただい (n) a notice/
しんだいかぎりgoing bankrupt/
じんだい (n) ancient time/age of the gods/
きんだいし(n) modern history/
代わりかたがわり (n) shouldering another's debt/(P)/
げんだいてき (adj-na) modernistic/
せんだい (n) family predecessor/previous age/previous generation/
代をしんだいをする (exp) to lose a person's fortune/
お代りおかわり(n) second helping/another cup/
ももやまじだい Momoyama period (1583-1602 CE)/(P)/
かくじだいてき (adj-na,n) epoch-making/
げんだいえいご (n) current (present-day) English/
せっきじだい Stone Age/
代わりおかわり (n) second helping/another cup/
こうたいそうぎょう working in shifts/
しだい (n) magazine's price/
ほうけんじだい feudal period/
代がってじだいがさらにく だってlater in the period/
こふんじだい (n) Tumulus period (of Japanese history)/
どうじだい the same age/same period/
よろずよ (n-adv,n-t) thousands of years/eternity/all generations/