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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : レイ、リョウ; ; command
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 360 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1995
Japanese Reading English
がいこうじれいdiplomatic language/
ぐんしれいぶ (n) military headquarters/
めいれいほう(n) imperative mood/
かんこうれい(n) gag law/
せいれい(n) government ordinance/cabinet order/(P)/
りつれい (n) a statute/a law/legal codes of the Nara and Heian eras based on Chinese models/
しゅっとうめいれい(n,vs) (issuing) order requiring somebody to report personally (to a police station)/subpoena/
めいれいぶん(n) imperative sentence/
じょうれい (n) regulation/ordinance/
ちょうれいぼかい (n) an unsettled course of action/(orders or laws) being revised often with no guiding principles/
けんれい (n) prefectural ordinance/
しょうれい (n) imperial edict/
りゃくしきめいれい summary order/
しれいぶ(n) headquarters/
ほうれい (n) laws and ordinances/(P)/
ぐんれいぶ(n) Naval General Staff/
ぐんれい (n) military command/
たとえ (adv,n) example/even if/if/though/although/(P)/
しょうしゅうれい (n) mustering-out order/callup/
せいれいしていとし ordinance-designated city/
せいれい (n) regulations/
しれいしつcontrol room/
じゅんびめいれいwarning order/
かいげんれい (n) martial law/
そうしれいかん (n) supreme commander/
いれい (n) violation of law/
はつれい (n,vs) official announcement/proclamation/(P)/
しれい(n) orders/instructions/directive/(P)/
しょうしゅうれいじょう (n) draft papers/callup notice/
たとい (adv,n) example/even if/if/though/although/
ごれいじょう daughter/young lady/(P)/
きんれい (n) prohibition/ban/embargo/
ぐんしれいかん (n) army commander/
ごうれい (n) order/command/(P)/
じんしんほごれいじょう writ of habeas corpus/
しょうれい (n) ministerial ordinance/
かたくそうさくれいじょ うa search warrant/
ご令ごれいじょうdaughter/young lady/
そうしれいぶ (command) headquarters/
しれいとう(n) control tower/conning tower/
さくせんめいれい operation order/
りつりょう (n) a statute/a law/legal codes of the Nara and Heian eras based on Chinese models/
ふれい(n) official announcement/proclamation/
りつりょうせい(n) the ritsuryo system (of centralized authority)/
令をほうれいをしく (exp) to promulgate a law/
めいれい (n,vs) order/command/decree/directive/(software) instruction/(P)/
かれい (n) steward/butler/
ちょくれい (n) (imperial) edict/
めいれいけい(n) imperative mood/
りつりょうきゃくしき codes of laws and ethics/
どういんれい(n) mobilization order/
でんれい (n) messenger/orderly/runner/
ふくしれいdeputy commander/
こうげんれいしょく (n) flattery/honeyed words/
いっぱんめいれいえんざ んきこうgeneral instruction unit (computer)/
しょうかんれいじょうsummons for directions (legal UK)/
しれいちょうかん (n) Commander-in-Chief/C-in-C)/
ちょうはつれいrequisition order/
しじょうめいれい categorical imperative/overriding necessity/
りつりょうこっかthe Japanese nation under the ritsuryo codes/
よれいpreparatory command/
令をしんぐんのめいれいをくだす(exp) to give a marching order/
ぎょうせいめいれい administrative or executive order/
めいれいいっか immediately/as soon as the order is given/
じれい(n) notice of personnel change (appointment, dismissal, etc)/
こうどうめいれいoperation order/
ねんれい (n) age/years/
しゅつどうめいれい marching orders/sailing orders/
令をえるめいれいをつたえる(exp) to pass the word/
みつれい secret orders/
しゅうれい (n,suf) week-old/
からのうえからのめいれいorder from above/
くんれい (n) directive/instructions/(P)/
あくれい bad decree/
しれいかん(n) commandant/commanding officer/general/
しれい (n) command/control/commander/(P)/
いれい (n) authority/
しゃこうじれい a polite or diplomatic way of putting things/