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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ニン; まか(せる)、まか(す); responsibility
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 374 Index in Halpern dictionary: 53
Japanese Reading English
じょうにんいいんstanding committee/(P)/
任せうんまかせ (n) trusting or resignation to fate/
ちゃくにん(n,vs) take up a new post/
じどうしゃそんがいばいしょうせきにんほけん mandatory vehicle liability insurance/
じゅうにん(n) heavy responsibility/important post/reelection/reappointment/
任せちからまかせ(adj-na,n) with all one's strength/
ぜんにんちformer post/
任せきまかせ(adj-na,n) doing as one pleases/following one's nose/
ほうにんしゅぎprinciple of laissez-faire/
じょうにんしきしゃ(n) regular (permanent) conductor/
しゅうにん (n,vs) inauguration/assumption of office/(P)/
せきにんぶんたんsharing of responsibilities/
いんせきじにん (vs) taking responsibility upon oneself (and resigning)/
しんにん(n) imperial appointment/
ふしんにんとうひょうnonconfidence vote/
せきにん (n) duty/responsibility/(P)/
じにん (n,vs) self-appointment/pretension/
ぜんせきにん (n) full responsibility/
たんしんふにん solo assignment/transfer/
いちにん (n,vs) entrusting/
しんにんしきinvesting of an official appointed by the Emperor/
しんにん(n,vs) trust/confidence/credence/(P)/
しんにんかん(n) official appointed by the Emperor/
かいにん (n,vs) dismissal/
い任おもいにんむimportant task/
せきにんしゃ(n) responsible party/
きょうどうせきにん joint responsibility/solidarity/
こうにん (n) demotion/
ざいにんちゅう(while) holding a post or being in office/
てんにんさき(n) one's new post/
ふてきにん(adj-na,n) unfitness/incompetency/
任をけるせきにんをさける(exp) to shirk a responsibility/
はいにん (n) breach of trust (law)/
じゆうほうにん laissez-faire/non-intervention/
むせきにん(adj-na,n) irresponsibility/(P)/
どうぎてきせきにん(n) moral obligation/
ちょくにんかん(n) imperial appointee/
たんにん (n) in charge (of something)/(P)/
いにん (n) charge/trust/(P)/
らいにん (n) arrival at one's post/
せいじせきにん (n) (one's) administrative responsibilities/
ふにん(n,vs) (proceeding to) new appointment/(P)/
しゅにんせい(n) a system under which schoolteachers are assigned additional administrative duties/
せんにん(n) seniority/predecessor/
せんにんしゃsenior official/senior members/
ぜんにん (adj-no,n) former (official)/
しょにんきゅう(n) initial salary/(P)/
せきにんてんか shift the responsibility (for something) on to (someone)/pass the buck/
けいじせきにんcriminal liability/
さいこうけいえいせきにんしゃChief Executive Officer (CEO)/
げんにん (n) present post/
しんにんとうちせいど trusteeship system/
てきにんしゃsuitable person/well-qualified person/
せんにんしょうこう senior officer/
ふしんにん(n) nonconfidence/
けんにん (n) concurrent post/(P)/
しんにんとうひょう vote of confidence/
ちょくにん (n) imperial appointment/
きにん (n,vs) return to one's post/
さいこうざいむせきにんしゃChief Financial Officer (CFO)/
じょうにんりじこくstanding member-nation of the U.N. Security Council/
たいにん(n) important task/heavy responsibility/
しゅうにんえんぜつ inaugural speech/
ほうにん (n) give someone responsibility for something/(P)/
じゅにん(n) being appointed/bearing entrusted responsibilities/
しょうにん(n) promotion/
しゅうにんしき inauguration ceremony/installation/
りにん(n) departure from office/
はんにんかん(n) junior official/
ゆうげんせきにん limited liability/
せきにんはんい responsible area/area of responsibility/
しんにん(n) inaugural/new/
りゅうにん (n,vs) remaining (staying) in office/remaining at one's post/
てんにん(n) change of post/(P)/
せんにんこうし (n) full-time lecturer/instructor/
こうにん (n) successor/(P)/
じょにん (n) investiture/
むかしつせきにん(n) no-fault liability/
じょうにんいいんかいstanding committee/
任せこころまかせ (n) as one pleases/
しゅにんきょうじゅ (n) chairperson (head) (of the department of psychology)/
だいにん(n) agency/acting official/
任をせきにんをになう(exp) to shoulder responsibility/
はいにんざい (n) breach of trust/
に任せるうんにまかせる (exp) to trust to luck/
任せにちからまかせに with all one's might/
任をれるせきにんをのがれる(exp) to shirk one's responsibility/
せんにん (n) election/
に任せるうんをてんにまかせる(exp) to leave to chance/to resign oneself to one's fate/
だいりいにんじょう power of attorney/
せんにんじゅんorder of seniority/
さいにん (n) reappointment/
しゅにんしゃperson in charge/manager/chief/head/
ぜんけんいにん complete power of attorney/
れきにん (n,vs) successive jobs/consecutive jobs/(P)/
むにんしょだいじん (n) minister without a portfolio/
ふしんにんあん (n) no-confidence motion/
しんにんじょう(n) credentials/
じにん (n,vs) resignation/(P)/
ふにんちplace of (new) post/(new) place of appointment/(P)/
陞任しょうにん(n) advancement/promotion/
むげんせきにんunlimited liability/
せんにん (n) full-time service/(P)/
じょうにん (n) standing/regular/permanent/
退たいにん (n,vs) retirement/
いにんじょう(n) commission/proxy/
任せひとまかせ (n) leaving (it) to others/
ぜんにんしゃ(n) predecessor/
任せあしまかせ (n) walking wherever one's legs lead one/wandering/
ほにん(n,vs) appointment to office/
任せでまかせ (adj-na,n) random speech/
任せくちまかせ (n) random talk/
ざいにん (n) being in office/
せきにんかん(n) sense of responsibility/
任をせきにんをとる(exp) to take responsibility for/
てきにん (adj-na,n) competence/
しゅにん (n) person in charge/responsible official/(P)/