木を伐る | きをきる | (exp) to fell a tree/ |
濫伐 | らんばつ
| (n) reckless deforestation/overcutting of
forests/(P)/ |
殺伐 | さつばつ | (adj-na,n) bloodthirsty/brutal/savage/(P)/ |
征伐 | せいばつ
| (n)
conquest/subjugation/overcoming/(P)/ |
| ちゅうばつ | (n)
assailing criminals/ |
間伐 | かんばつ | (n,vs) periodic thinning (e.g. forest)/ |
討伐 | とうばつ
| (n,vs)
subjugation/suppression/(P)/ |
傘伐林 | さんばつりん
| shelterwood forest/ |
乱伐 | らんばつ
| (n) reckless deforestation/overcutting of
forests/(P)/ |
輪伐 | りんばつ | (n) logging in order by area/ |
盗伐 | とうばつ
| (n) secretly felling trees/ |
討伐軍 | とうばつぐん | a punitive force/ |
南征北伐 | なんせいほくばつ
| attacking in all directions/ |