類似品 | るいじひん
| (n) imitation/similar article/similar
goods/ |
見様見真似 | みようみまね
| (exp,n) learn by watching others/ |
不似合い | ふにあい | (adj-na,n)
unbecoming/improper/unsuitable/ill-matched/unworthy of/ |
口真似 | くちまね | (n) mimicry/ |
物真似 | ものまね
| (n,vs) mimicry/imitation (of someone,
something)/ |
相似点 | そうじてん
| (n) point of likeness
(between)/resemblance/similarity/ |
真似 | まね | (n) mimicry/imitation/behavior/pretense/(P)/ |
真似事 | まねごと
| (n) sham/make-believe/mere form/ |
類似 | るいじ
| (n) analogous/(P)/ |
疑似 | ぎじ
| (n,pref)
suspected/pseudo/sham/quasi/false/mock/ |
真似る | まねる
| (v1) to mimic/to imitate/(P)/ |
真似し | まねし
| (col) (uk) copy cat/ |
猿真似 | さるまね | (exp,n) indiscriminate imitation/monkey see, monkey
do/ |
偽似症 | ぎじしょう
| suspected case/ |
疑似コレラ | ぎじコレラ
| para-cholera/suspected case of
cholera/ |
泣き真似 | なきまね
| feigned or crocodile tears/ |
他人の空似 | たにんのそらに
| accidental resemblance/ |
人真似 | ひとまね | (n) mimicry/imitation/ |
手真似 | てまね | (n) gesture/sign/hand signal/ |
に似て | ににて | similar to/like/ |
近似計算 | きんじけいさん
| rough or approximate calculation/ |
擬似 | ぎじ
| (n,pref)
suspected/pseudo/sham/quasi/false/mock/ |
近似値 | きんじち | (n) approximate/approximation/ |
空似 | そらに
| (n) accidental resemblance/(P)/ |
相似 | そうじ
| (n)
resemblance/similarity/analogy/(P)/ |
疑似直接目的語 | ぎじちょくせつもくてき
ご | pseudo-direct object/ |
酷似 | こくじ
| (n,vs) resemblance/resemble/ |
相似形 | そうじけい | (n) (in geometry) similar figures/ |
近似 | きんじ
| (n) approximate/proximate/ |
類似点 | るいじてん | points of similarity/ |