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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ジュウ; す(む)、す(まう); live
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 404 Index in Halpern dictionary: 64
Japanese Reading English
あんじゅう(n,vs) living peaceably/(P)/
せんじゅうみんぞく aborigines/
せんじゅうしゃformer occupant/
きょじゅうしょうめいしょ(n) certificate of residence/
住まいだんちずまいliving in a housing complex/
ざいじゅう (n) resident/
こうえいじゅうたく public housing/
り住いかりずまい (n) living in rented quarters/
ていじゅう (n) settlement/
せんじゅう (vs) occupying/
ないじゅう indwelling (life)/
こうじゅう apartment house built by the Japan Housing Corporation/
ていじゅうしゃ permanent resident/
ざいじゅうしゃa resident/
に住むとなりにすむ(exp) to live next door/
住坐臥ぎょうじゅうざが (n) the four cardinal behaviors (walking, stopping (standing), sitting and lying)/daily life/
せんじゅう (n) previous priest or resident/
住いかりずまい (n) temporary residence/
じょうじゅう (adv,n) permanent residence/usually/
り住まいひとりずまいliving alone/
ぜんじゅうみん all the inhabitants/
きょじゅうすいじゅん housing standards/
き住げたばきじゅうたくa residential building, the first floor of which is occupied by businesses/
住まいかりずまい(n) temporary residence/
に住むりょうにすむ (exp) to live in a dormitory/
かりずまい (n) temporary residence/
かりずまい(n) temporary residence/
せんじゅうみん(n) former inhabitant/
ぎょうじゅうざが(n) the four cardinal behaviors (walking, stopping (standing), sitting and lying)/daily life/
ていじゅうちpermanent home/
きょじゅうけん(n) the right of residence/
こうだんじゅうたく public housing/
きょじゅうせい(n) liveability/livability/
いしょくじゅう(n) necessities of life (food, clothing, etc.)/(P)/
こうきゅうじゅうたくち (n) exclusive residential district/
て住くみたてじゅうたくprefabricated housing/
住いたびずまい (n) place one stays when traveling/
てんじゅう(n) changing residence/moving to a new address/
いじゅうしゃ emigrant/immigrant/
げんじゅうみん(n) native people/aboriginal/(P)/
えいじゅうしゃpermanent resident/denizen/
きょじゅうち(n) residence/address/(P)/
えいじゅうけんdenizenship/permanent residence/
しゅうごうじゅうたく apartment building/
侘住いわびずまい(n) solitary life/wretched abode/
住みへやずみ(n) an adult-age eldest son who has yet to come into his inheritance/(a young adult still) living at home/a dependent/
いじゅう (n) migration/immigration/(P)/
ぜんじゅうしょone's former address/
しゃくやずまい living in rented quarters/
むじゅう (n) temple lacking a priest/
きょじゅう (n) residence/(P)/
佗住いわびずまい(n) solitary life/wretched abode/
佗住わびずまい(n) solitary life/wretched abode/
住いいずまい (n) one's seated posture/
えいじゅう (n) permanent residence/(P)/
きょうどうじゅうたく settlement/apartment house/
しえいじゅうたく municipal housing/
り住たてうりじゅうたく ready-built house or housing/
げんじゅうしょ(n) (present) address/(P)/