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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ゾク; ; common, vulgar
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 453 Index in Halpern dictionary: 104
Japanese Reading English
こうじょりょうぞく(n) public order and morals/
つうぞくてき(adj-na) plain and popular/(P)/
しゅうぞく (n) local customs/
つうぞくぶんがく school of popular writing/(P)/
俚俗りぞく(adj-na,n) vulgarity/rural customs/
ていぞく (adj-na,n) vulgar/
じゅんぷうびぞく warmhearted and genial manners and customs/
せぞくしん worldliness/
きょうぞく village customs/
せぞくてき(adj-na) worldliness/
つうぞく (adj-na,n) popular/common/
りょうぞく (n) good custom/
せぞくしゅぎ secularism/
つうぞくか(n) popularization/
みんぞくがく(n) folklore/
どぞくがく (n) (obs) ethnography/
みんぞくげいのう folk entertainment/
みんぞくぶよう folk dance/
みんぞくおんがく folk music/
げんぞく (n) return to secular life/secularization/
ちょうぞく(n) aloofness/
りょうふうびぞくgood customs/
ふうぞくしょうせつnovel depicting customs and manners of the day/
どうぞく(n) monks and laity/
べいぞく American vulgarity/
ふうぞく (n) (1) manners/customs/(2) sex service/sex industry/(P)/
ふうぞくえいぎょうbusiness offering food and entertainment/
ざいぞく (n) (Buddhist) layman or laity/
しゅうぞく (n) manners and customs/folkways/usage/
きゅうぞく(n) old customs/
はんぞく (n) resistance to convention/
こぞく (n) old custom/
みんぞく (n) people/race/nation/racial customs/folk customs/(P)/
夷俗いぞくcustoms of the barbarians/
せぞく(n) common customs/worldliness/vulgar/popular/the world/the common people/
ひぞく(adj-na,n) vulgarity/vulgarism/vulgar/coarse/(P)/
ぼんぞく (adj-na,n) mediocrity/the masses/ordinary run of men/
せぞくか (n) secularization/popularization/
ふうぞくが(n) painting depicting customs/
だつぞく (n,vs) unworldliness/
びぞく (n) a fine custom/
そうぞく (n) priests and laymen/
つうぞくしょうせつ popular novel/
がぞく (n) refined and vulgar/classical and colloquial/
どぞく(n) local customs/