絶倒 | ぜっとう | (n) extreme excitement/sidesplitting laughter/ |
面倒を掛ける | めんどうをかける
| (exp) to put someone to trouble/ |
行き倒れ | ゆきだおれ
| (n) person collapsed and dying (dead) in the
street/ |
面罵罵倒 | めんばばとう | abuse/ |
本末転倒 | ほんまつてんとう | (n) failing to properly evaluate the (relative)
importance (of)/putting the cart before the horse/mistaking the cause for the
end/mistaking the insignificant for the essential/ |
主客顛倒 | しゅかくてんとう | (n) reversing the order of (relative) importance
(of)/putting the cart before the horse/mistaking the insignificant for the
essential/mistaking the means for the end/ |
伐倒 | ばっとう
| felling/ |
切り倒す | きりたおす
| (v5s) to cut down/to chop down/to
fell/ |
面倒 | めんどう | (adj-na,n)
trouble/difficulty/care/attention/(P)/ |
計画倒産 | けいかくとうさん
| planned bankruptcy/ |
圧倒的 | あっとうてき | (adj-na,n) overwhelming/(P)/ |
棒腹絶倒 | ほうふくぜっとう
| (n) very funny/laugh oneself into
convulsions/split one's sides laughing/ |
吹き倒す | ふきたおす
| (v5s) to blow over/ |
借り倒す | かりたおす
| (v5s) to evade payment/ |
率倒 | そっとう
| (n) fainting/swooning/ |
殴り倒す | なぐりたおす
| (v5s) to knock down/ |
罵倒 | ばとう | (n,vs) abuse/disparagement/ |
位倒れ | くらいだおれ
| (n) inability to live up to one's rank/out of
one's league/ |
突き倒す | つきたおす | (v5s) to push down/ |
はめ倒す | はめたおす | (v5) (col) to make love/ |
本末顛倒 | ほんまつてんとう | (n) failing to properly evaluate the (relative)
importance (of)/putting the cart before the horse/mistaking the cause for the
end/mistaking the insignificant for the essential/ |
蹴倒す | けたおす | (v5s) to kick over or down/ |
押し倒す | おしたおす
| (v5s) to push down/ |
卒倒 | そっとう
| (n) fainting/swooning/(P)/ |
主語助動詞倒置 | しゅごじょどうしとうち | subject-auxiliary inversion/ |
捧腹絶倒 | ほうふくぜっとう
| (n) very funny/laugh oneself into
convulsions/split one's sides laughing/ |
食い倒れ | くいだおれ
| (n) bringing ruin upon oneself by extravagance
in food/ |
張り倒す | はりたおす | (v5s) to knock down/ |
技倒 | ぎとう
| (boxing) technical knockout (TKO)/ |
寄り倒し | よりたおし
| (n) (sumo) knock an opponent over while holding
his belt/ |
圧倒的多数 | あっとうてきたすう
| overwhelming numbers/ |
掛け倒れ | かけだおれ
| (n) loss on a credit sale/ |
七転八倒 | しちてんばっとう
| (n,vs) tossing oneself about in great
pain/writhing in agony/ |
共倒れ | ともだおれ | (n) falling together/mutual destruction/joint
bankruptcy/(P)/ |
後に倒れる | うしろにたおれる | (exp) to fall backward/ |
不倒翁 | おきあがりこぼし | tumbler/self-righting toy/ |
貸し倒れ | かしだおれ
| (n) bad debt/ |
圧倒的 | あっとうてき | overwhelmingly |
翻倒 | ほんとう | (n,vs) (rare) turning upside-down/ |
面倒臭い | めんどうくさい | (adj) bother to do/tiresome/(P)/ |
転倒 | てんとう
| (n,vs) tumbling/falling
down/inversion/reverse/upset/turn over/invert/ |
踏み倒す | ふみたおす
| (v5s) to trample down/to bilk/to shirk
payment/ |
面倒見が良い | めんどうみがよい | be very helpful/take good care of/ |
引き倒す | ひきたおす
| (v5s) to pull down/ |
拝み倒す | おがみたおす
| (v5s) to persuade someone to consent/to entreat
repeatedly/to beg/to implore/(P)/ |
一辺倒 | いっぺんとう
| (n) complete devotion to one side/ |
将棋倒れ | しょうぎだおれ | falling one after another/ |
前倒し | まえだおし
| (n) acceleration (of payment
schedule)/ |
棒倒し | ぼうたおし | (n) game in which the object is to topple the opposing
team's pole/ |
飲み倒す | のみたおす | (v5s) to skip out on one's bar bill/ |
貸倒れ | かしだおれ
| (n) irrecoverable debt/ |
七面倒 | しちめんどう | (adj-na,n) great trouble/difficulty/ |
昏倒 | こんとう | (n) swoon/faint/ |
打倒 | だとう
| (n,vs) knockdown (e.g. in
boxing)/overthrow/defeat/ |
打ち倒す | うちたおす | (v5s) to knock down/to defeat/ |
薙ぎ倒す | なぎたおす | (v5s) to mow down/to beat/ |
看板倒れ | かんばんだおれ | (n) ostentatious/ |
伏し倒れる | ふしたおれる
| (v1) to fall down/ |
抱腹絶倒 | ほうふくぜっとう
| (n) very funny/laugh oneself into
convulsions/split one's sides laughing/ |
将棋倒し | しょうぎだおし | (n) falling one after another/(P)/ |
黒字倒産 | くろじとうさん
| business insolvency due to liquidity
problems/ |
傾け倒す | かたむけたおす | (v5) to cast down/to lay low/ |
横倒し | よこだおし
| (n) falling over/toppling sideways/ |
最長不倒距離 | さいちょうふとうきょり | (n) day's longest successful jump/ |
驚倒 | きょうとう
| (n) sensational/ |
食い倒す | くいたおす
| (v5s) to bilk/to eat up one's
fortune/ |
主客転倒 | しゅかくてんとう | (n) reversing the order of (relative) importance
(of)/putting the cart before the horse/mistaking the insignificant for the
essential/mistaking the means for the end/ |
七顛八倒 | しちてんばっとう | (n,vs) tossing oneself about in great pain/writhing in
agony/ |
行き倒れ | いきだおれ | (n) person collapsed and dying (dead) in the
street/ |
圧倒 | あっとう | (n,vs) overwhelm/overpower/overwhelming/(P)/ |
見掛け倒し | みかけだおし
| (adj-na,n) false impression/deceptive
appearance/mere show/ |
どうと倒れる | どうとおれる | (v1) to topple
over/to fall down all of a heap/ |
傾倒 | けいとう | (n,vs) admiration/adoration/concentration
on/idolizing/(P)/ |
後ろ様に倒れる | うしろざまにた
おれる | (exp) to fall backward/ |
顛倒 | てんとう | (n,vs) tumbling/falling
down/inversion/reverse/upset/turn over/invert/ |
投げ倒す | なげたおす
| (v5s) to throw a person down/ |
着倒れ | きだおれ
| (n) using up one's fortune on fine
clothes/ |