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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ソク; がわ; side
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 509 Index in Halpern dictionary: 137
Japanese Reading English
こうげきがわ offensive camp/team at bat/
せんそくわたしfree alongside ship (FAS)/
うそく (n) right side/right hand/
ぎんがわ (n) silver case/
舷側げんそく(n) ship's side/broadside/
てきがわ enemys side/
おもてがわ (n) the front/
したがわ (n) underside/
とうそく (n) east side/east bank/
いどがわ(n) well curb/
はんそく(n,vs) turning over in bed/
じゅしんがわreceiver/receiving entity/
えんがわ (n) veranda/porch/balcony/open corridor/(P)/
やまがわ(n) mountain-side/
側のぎんがわのとけい silver watch/
しょうひしゃがわ consumers side/
うわがわ (n) upper side/surface/
にほんがわthe Japanese/the Japanese side/(P)/
うらがわ (n) the reverse/lining/
りょうがわ (n) both sides/(P)/
くんそく (n) proximity of a monarch or lord/
うちがわ(n) inside/interior/inner part/(P)/
っ側うわっかわ (n) upper side/surface/
ふそくふり close relationship/
い側むかいがわ (io) (n) opposite side/other side/other party/
ほくそく(n) north side/north bank/
はんたいがわ(n) opposite side/(P)/
さそく (n) left/left (hand) side/
みぎがわ (n) right side/right hand/(P)/
せんそく (n) side of a ship/
ていきょうがわsender (side of transaction)/
こう側むこうがわ (n) other side/opposite side/other party/(P)/
西にしがわしょこく(n) Western countries/
かたがわ (n) one side/(P)/
うわかわ (n) upper side/surface/
かい側むかいがわ (n) opposite side/other side/other party/
ひだりがわ(n) left/left (hand) side/(P)/
がいそく (n) exterior/outside/extraneous/
みなみがわ (n) south side/
なんそく (n) south side/
西にしがわ (n) west side/west bank/
きんがわ (n) a gold case/gold-cased/
きたがわ (n) north side/north bank/
うちがわ the inside
ひだりがわつうこう Keep Left/
そとがわ (n) exterior/outside/extraneous/(P)/
う側むこうがわ(n) other side/opposite side/other party/
りょうそく (n) both sides/
ひがしがわ (n) east side/east bank/
かたがわつうこう one way (traffic)/
ぐ側すぐそば near/immediately/