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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ; そな(える)、そな(わる); provide
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 519 Index in Halpern dictionary: 146
Japanese Reading English
よびきん (n) reserve fund/emergency fund/
よびこう(n) prep school (ronin year)/(P)/
よびせんきょ preliminary election/a primary (election)/
よびしかんがっこうreserve officers' cadet school/
よびそうち reserve equipment/backup unit/spare/
ぐんび(n) armaments/military preparations/(P)/
ぐんびしゅくしょう reduction of armaments/
ぐんびかんり arms control/
よびこうしょう preliminary negotiations/
に備わるのみいんにそな わるのみbe a member of staff but useless as a worker/
がいかじゅんびだか (n) foreign currency reserves/
れいぼうかんび air-conditioned/
じゅんびうんどう (n,vs) warming (limbering) up/warming-up exercises/
じゅんびじょうきょうpreliminary conditions/initial conditions/
じゅんびちゅうin preparation/(shop) not yet open for business/
じゅんびきん (n) reserve fund/
しゅびたいa garrison/
よびえき (n) service in the first reserve/
きぎょうせいび curtailment of business operations/
ぐび(n,vs) endowment/possession/qualification/equipment/
調よびちょうさ (n) preliminary investigation/
備のじゅんびのひpreparation day/
けいび (n,vs) defense/guard/policing/security/
けいびきょうかincreased or beefed up security/
よびしつspare room/
よびいん reserve men/
沿えんがんけいびたいcoast guard/
じゅんびしきんreserve funds/
かんび(n) perfection/completion/
こうほうちいきけいび rear area security/
じゅんびめいれい warning order/
じょうびぐん(n) standing army/
けんび (n,vs) being proficient in both/combine both/
ふび(adj-na,n) defect/deficiency/imperfection/inadequacy/Yours in haste/(P)/
せつびとうし capital investment/
よび (n) preparation/preliminaries/reserve/spare/(P)/
よびかpreparatory course/
へいび (n) war preparations/
よきんじゅんびりつ(n) cash-deposit ratio/
ぐんびきょうそう arms race/
備したかんびした perfect/fully-equipped/complete/
ぼうび (n) defense/defensive preparations/
宿しゅくはくせつび(n) accommodation(s)/
せいび complete equipment/consolidation/
じゅんびきかん preparatory phase/preparatory period/
よびしょうこうreserve officers/
ぐんびてっぱい complete disarmament/
れんぽうじゅんびせいど (the U.S) Federal Reserve System/
しゅびりつ(n) one's fielding average/
せいびこうじょう (n) repair shop/garage/
よびひんspares/reserve supply/
に備えるまんいちにそなえる(v1) to provide against contingencies/
せいびこう(n) (car) mechanic/
せんきょじゅんび election preparations/
を備えるしかくをそなえる(exp) to have a qualification (for)/
よびかいだん preliminary discussion/
じょうびきんreserve fund/
じゅんびかんせいpreliminary control of lights/
じょうび (n) standing/reserve/
けいびたい(n) garrison/guards/
じゅんびぎんこう reserve bank/
じゅんびしつ(n) preparation room/
ほあんせつび (n) safety devices/
しゅうようせつび accommodations/
じゅんびいいんかい(n) preparatory committee/
じゅんび (n,vs) preparation/arrangements/provision/reserve/(P)/
調くうちょうせつび (n) air conditioner/
はいび (n) deploy/deployment/
せつび (n,vs) equipment/device/facilities/installation/(P)/
ぐんびかくちょう expansion of armaments/
に備わるめいじつともに そなわる(exp) to live up to one's name/
備錨よびいかりspare anchor/
はくびせん Hakubi Line (West Tottori-Okayama Railway)/
よびぐん (n) reserve army/reserve troops/
せんび (n) preparations for war/
よびこうさく spade work/preliminaries/
よびせんしゅ reserve player/
けいびてい(n) guardship/
げいびせん Geibi Line (Hiroshima-North Okayama Railway)/
したじゅんび (n) preliminary arrangements/spade work/
よびへい reservist/
きかいけいび card-key system/
よびちしき background knowledge/prerequisite knowledge/
ぐんびせいげんlimitation of armaments/
に備わるしぜんにそなわるじんか くone's natural dignity/
よびざせき rumble seat/
しゅびがため(n) making replacements for defensive purposes in the late inning of a game (baseball)/
じょうびやく (n) household medicine/
よびはんじ supernumerary judge/
じゅんびたいそう warm-up exercises/
さいぐんび(n) rearmament/
せいび (n,vs) adjustment/completion/consolidation/(P)/
ぶび (n) military preparation/armaments/defenses/
けいびいん guard/
よびぶひん spare parts/
よびしけん preliminary examination/
ね備えるかねそなえる (v1) to have both/to combine with/
さいしょくけんび (n) (a woman) being gifted with both intelligence and beauty/
よびうんどうlimbering up/
よびかんたいreserve fleet/
さんぎょうよびぐん the ranks of the unemployed/
きんかじゅんび gold reserve/
よびきょうやく preliminary agreement/
よびかいぎ preliminary conference/
スプリンクラースプリンクラーせつびsprinkler system/
ほうていじゅんびきんlegal reserves/
よびひ(n) reserve funds/emergency funds/(P)/
せつびひ(n) cost of equipment/
しゅび (n) defense/(P)/
よびたいreserve corps/
そうび(n) equipment/
えいせいせつびsanitary facilities/
ぐんびさくげんarms reduction/
むぼうび(adj-na,adj-no,n) defenseless/
こうび (n) rear guard/second reserve/
じゅうび (n) completion/perfection/
よびばspare horse/
ぜんび(n) completeness/perfection/consummation/