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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ゾウ; ; image
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 540 Index in Halpern dictionary: 166
Japanese Reading English
坐像ざぞう(n) sedentary statue (image)/
きょぞう (n) virtual image/pretense/
そうぞうりょく(n) (power of) imagination/
かいぞうど(n) resolution (e.g. display, dpi)/granularity (e.g. timer)/
しゃぞう(n,vs) image/map/
しょうぞうけん(n) rights to usage of one's likeness/
りつぞう (n) standing statue/standing image/
しょうらいぞう vision of the future/
えぞう (n) portrait/
じょせいぞうfemale image/
そんぞう(n) statue of a noble character/your picture/
像しそうぞうしにくい hard to image/
はっしょくげんしょう (n) (color) development/coupling/
らぞう(n) nude statue/
がぞうしょり image processing/
にんげんぞう(n) image of (an ideal) person/
えいぞう (n) reflection/image/(P)/
ぐうぞうすうはい worship/idolatry/
しょうぞうが(n) portrait/(P)/
ぐんぞう (n) sculptured group/(P)/
ちょうぞう (n) sculpture/carved statue/graven image/(P)/
げんがぞう original image/
ざんぞう (n) afterimage/
げんぞう (n,vs) developing (film)/(P)/
ぜんしんぞう full-length portrait or statue/
はんしんぞうhalf-length statue or portrait/bust/
りょうぞう (n) both images/
さつぞうかんimage pick up (camera) tube/
じんぶつぞうstatue/picture/picture revealing character/
おんぞう (n) stereo image (audio)/
かんしつぞう(n) lacquered (wooden) Buddha statue/(P)/
しんぞう (n) mental image/
げんぞう (n) phantom/vision/illusion/
どうぞう (n) bronze statue/(P)/
じつぞう (n) real image/one's real life/
きょうぞう (n) reflected image/math image by inversion/
がぞうしょりそうちimage processing equip./
とうぞう inverted image/
きょぞう (n) huge image/
かいぞうりょく(n) resolving power (of a lens)/
せきぞう (n) stone statue/
にほんじんのがいじん ぞうthe Japanese image of foreigners/
寿じゅぞう(n) statue (of a living person)/
のうたんがぞう gray-scale image/
そうぞうにんしん false pregnancy/
ぐうぞう (n) image/idol/statue/(P)/
ずぞうがく(n) iconography/
せつぞう (n) snow sculpture/
じゅぞう (n) television/
の像じゆうのめがみのぞ うStatue of Liberty/
じがぞう(n) self portrait/(P)/
じききょうめいがぞう magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)/
きょうぞう (n) bust (statue)/(P)/
ぶつぞう (n) Buddhist image (statue)/(P)/
ぐうぞうか(n) idolization/
がぞう (n) image/picture/portrait/(P)/
じゅぞうき(n) television set/(P)/
げんぞう original statue/
ぶつぞうにたい two images of Buddha/
しょうぞう (n) portrait/
膏像せっこうぞう (n) plaster figure (bust)/
せんぞう (n) latent image/
ひょうぞう ice sculpture/
もくぞう (n) wooden statue or image/
そうぞう (n,vs) imagination/guess/(P)/
ざぞう (n) seated figure/
せいぞう (n) sacred image/icon/
みらいぞう(n) vision of the future/
えいぞう (n) silhouette/(P)/
ぐうぞうはかい iconoclasm/image breaking/
げんぞうえきdeveloping solution/
ぶつぞうにざ two images of Buddha/
そぞう (n) earthen image/(P)/
えいぞうしんごう (computer) video signal/
の像でいのぞう mud image/