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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ゼン; まった(く); whole
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 384 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2022
Japanese Reading English
あんぜんき safe period/
じんふぜん(n) renal failure/
けんぜん (adj-na,n) health/soundness/wholesome/(P)/
かんぜんむけつ(adj-na,n) flawless/absolute perfection/
瓦全がぜん(n) meaningless existence/
こくぜんどthe whole nation/
いったいぜんたい (adv) whatever (is the matter)/what on earth?/
かんぜんはんざい(n) perfect crime/
ふぜん (adj-na,n) partial/incomplete/imperfect/
あんぜんせい (n) safety/
全をあんぜんをはかる(exp) to provide for safety/
きゅうしんやくぜんしょOld and New Testaments/
ばんぜん (adj-na,n) perfection/(P)/
かんぜんじあい (n) perfect game/
あんぜんとう(n) safety lamp/
あんぜんたいさく safety measure/
あんぜんべん(n) safety valve/
あんぜんいきsafety margin/
しゅせきぜんけんchief delegate/
めんえきふぜんしょうimmunodeficiency disease/
かんぜんしゅぎ perfectionism/
ばんぜん perfect
にちべいあんぜんほしょ うじょうやく(n) U.S.-Japan Security Treaty/
あんぜんうんてん(n,vs) safe driving/
あんぜんほしょうじょう やくUS-Japan Security Treaty/
しんふぜん(n) heart failure/
ふけんぜん(adj-na,n) morbid/unhealthful/
ほぜん (n) preservation/integrity/conservation/
ほぜんかいしゃ(family) corporation/
りょうどほぜん (n) maintenance of territorial integrity/
ふかんぜんねんしょう (n) incomplete combustion/
あんぜんそうち safety device/
まんぜん (adj-na,n) perfection/
ひゃっかぜんしょは(n) the Encyclopedists/
かんぜん (adj-na,n) perfection/completeness/(P)/
かんぜんしあい(n) perfect game/
たいぜん (n) encyclopedia/complete works/
きゅうやくぜんしょ Old Testament/
あんぜんき(n) safety device/
かんぜんこよう full employment/
と全ことぜん individual and the whole/
全のばんぜんのさくsafe plan/
あんぜんりつ (n) safety factor/
使とくめいぜんけんこうし minister extraordinary and plenipotentiary/
ろっぽうぜんしょ(n) the Statute Books/
しゅうだんあんぜんほ しょうcollective security/
あんぜん safety, security
全瓣あんぜんべん (n) safety valve/
あんぜんきょういく safety education/
じゅうぜん (adj-na,n) perfection/consummation/absolute safety/
こうつうあんぜんtraffic safety/
たいへいようあんぜんほしょうじょうやく (n) the ANZUS Security Pact/
ほぜんかい(family) corporation/
あんぜん (adj-na,n) safety/security/(P)/
ふかんぜん(adj-na,n) imperfect/incomplete/faulty/defective/(P)/
あんぜんちたい safety zone/
娼全こうしょうぜんぱいabolition of licensed prostitution/
全コピーかんぜんコピー exact copy/
かんぜんねんしょう(n) perfect combustion/
使とくめいぜんけんたいし ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary/
みんしゅとうぜんこくいいんかいDemocratic National Committee (US)/DNC/
ひゃっかぜんしょ (n) encyclopedia/
しぜんかんきょうほぜんほう(n) (Japan's) Natural Conservation Law (1972)/
あんぜんだいいちsafety first/
りょうぜん(n) mutual advantage/
あんぜんほしょう security/