暮れ六つ | くれむつ | (n) Edo-period term for a time of day, roughly 6
P.M./ |
上方贅六 | かみがたぜいろく
| (n) people of the Kyoto area/ |
甚六 | じんろく
| (n) dunce/blockhead/(P)/ |
二六時中 | にろくじちゅう
| (adv,n) night and day/all the
time/ |
十六夜 | いざよい
| (n) 16-day-old moon/ |
四分六 | しぶろく | (n) six to four ratio/sixty-forty/ |
第六感 | だいろっかん | (n) the sixth sense/intuition/hunch/ |
三面六臂 | さんめんろっぴ | (n) rush of business/versatility/man who can do the work
of many/ |
四六時中 | しろくじちゅう | (adv,n) around the clock/day and night (Note: 4 x 6 =
24)/ |
表六玉 | ひょうろくだま
| (n) nincompoop/simpleton/ |
一六勝負 | いちろくしょうぶ
| (n) gambling/speculation/ |
十六 | じゅうろく
| 16/sixteen/ |
双六 | すごろく
| (n) a child's dice game/ |
五臓六腑 | ごぞうろっぷ | (n) the internal organs/ |
十六音符 | じゅうろくおんぷ
| 16th note/ |
一六銀行 | いちろくぎんこう
| (n) pawnshop/ |
易の六十四卦 | えきのろくじゅうしけ
| the 64 hexagrams of the Book of
Changes/ |
千六本 | せんろっぽん
| (n) thin strips/ |
八面六臂 | はちめんろっぴ | (n) competent in all fields/very active in many
fields/versatile/all-round/(lit) 8 faces and 6 arms/ |
宿六 | やどろく
| (n) husband/ |
四六判 | しろくばん | (n) duodecimo/ |
明け六つ | あけむつ | (n-t) the sixth hour of the morning/ |
兵六玉 | ひょうろくだま | (n) nincompoop/simpleton/ |
三十六計 | さんじゅうろっけい
| (n) the 36 (ancient Chinese military)
strategies (of which the best was said to be beating a retreat)/ |