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Kanji: Radical: (けいがまえ) : サイ、サ; ふたた(び); again
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 35 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3519
Japanese Reading English
闇再やみさいはんprice-support measures for contraband goods/
ぜんぽうさいほきゅうてんforward arming and refueling point/
らず再びらさずらっかえだにかえ らずはきょうふたたびてらさず(exp) fallen blossom doesn't return to the branch, a broken mirror can not be made to shine/what's done is done/there's no use crying over spilled milk/
としさいせい (n) urban regeneration/
そしきさいへん reorganization/restructuring/
としさいかいはつurban redevelopment/
たんじゅんさいせいさんsimple reproduction/
かくだいさいせいさんreproduction on an enlarged or expanded scale/
いっさい(n-adv,n-t) once or twice/repeatedly/
再ならずいっさいならず (adv,exp) to over and over/
しさんさいひょうか(n) revaluation of assets/
いちじふさいぎ(n) the principle of not resuming debate on an item in the same Diet session in which it has been voted down/
さんぎょうさいせい industrial revival or recovery/
けいえいさいけん management reorganization/