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Kanji: Radical: (わかんむり) : シャ; うつ(る)、うつ(す); copy
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 626 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2000
Japanese Reading English
かっしゃ(n,vs) vivid description/painting a lively picture of/
写しおおうつし(n) a close-up/
ひっしゃりゃくじ handwritten abbreviation (of kanji)/
せきがいせんしゃしん (n) infrared photography/
じっしゃ (n) on-the-spot filming or photography/
写しまるうつし(n,vs) copying in entirety (verbatim)/
けて写るすけてうつる to be seen through/
き写すかきうつす (v5s) to transcribe/
ジャケ写じゃけしゃjacket picture (i.e. of a record)/
あおじゃしん(n) blueprint/plan/
えいしゃき(n) projector/(P)/
き写しいきうつし (n) lifelike/exact resemblance/
げんしょくしゃしんばんtricolor printing/
しゅくしゃ (n) reduced copy/reproduction in miniature/
ないめんびょうしゃpsychological depiction of a literary character/
れんぞくしゃしん(n) sequence photographs/
とうしゃ (n,vs) copy/transcription/mimeograph/photocopy/(P)/
とうしゃばん(n) mimeograph/stencil/(P)/
じつぶつびょうしゃ model drawing/
き写しひきうつし (n) a copy/tracing/
かおじゃしん(n) photographic portrait/
だんそうしゃしん (n) tomogram/
こしゃほん(n) old manuscript/codex/
ふくしゃし(n) copying paper/
ふくしゃ (n) copy/duplicate/(P)/
じょうしゃ (n) clean or fair copy/
ほうどうしゃしん news photograph/
ねんしゃ (n) spirit photography/
とうしゃし(n) tracing paper/
しんりびょうしゃ psychological description/(P)/
しぜんびょうしゃ description of nature/(P)/
とうしゃきcopier/copying machine/(P)/
えいしゃ (n) projection/
せいたいもしゃ vocal mimicry/
しゅしゃ (n) copying by hand/
そくしゃ (n) snapshot/
写しくちうつし (n) repeat mindlessly/speaking in a similar manner/
ぜんけいしゃしんpanoramic photo/
とくしゃ (n) exclusive photographing (e.g. for a magazine)/
き写ししきうつし(n) a tracing/
こうそくどしゃしん high-speed photography/
ひしゃたい(n) (photographic) subject/(P)/
を写したさんすいをうつしたえpicture representing a landscape/
かつどうしゃしん movie/
びょうしゃ (n) depiction/description/portrayal/(P)/
てんねんしょくしゃしん color photo/
写しからうつし (n) clicking the shutter of a camera without taking a picture (because no film is loaded, or in order to advance the film)/
み写くみしゃしん (n) composite or montage photograph/
ごうせいしゃしんcomposite or montage photograph/
もしゃ (n,vs) copy (of the real thing)/copying/reproduction/tracing/
写捺てんしゃなっせん transfer print/
とうしゃ (n) tracing/
しょしゃ (n) transcription/copying/handwriting/
びょうしゃりょく (n) power of description/
えいしゃまく(n) a screen/
摸写 もしゃ(n,vs) copy (of the real thing)/copying/reproduction/tracing/
きねんしゃしん souvenir photograph/
ごしゃ (n) error in copying/
ぶんかいしゃしん (n) photographic playback/
ひっしゃ (n) copying/transcribing/
せっしゃ (n) close-up photography/
じっしゃえいが live action film/
ポラロイド写ポラロイドしゃしんPolaroid picture/
くうちゅうしゃしん aerial photograph/
ししゃ (n) preview/private showing/
てんたいしゃしん photograph of an astral body/
写しまたうつし (n) copying again/
ふくしゃき(n) photocopying machine/
写しにじゅううつしdouble exposure/
てんしゃ (n,vs) transcribe/
りんしゃ (n) copying/
りったいしゃしん stereograph/
こうくうしゃしん aerial photograph/