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Kanji: Radical: (かたな) : フン、ブン、ブ; わ(かる)、,わ(ける)、わ(かれる)、わ(け); minute, part, divide
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 578 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1972
Japanese Reading English
さいぶん(n) divide into small portions/
かりしょぶん(n) temporary measures/
したけんぶん(n) preliminary examination/
し分のないもうしぶんの ないno objection/nothing to criticize/(P)/
けいろせきぶんpath integral (physics)/
りょうぶん (n) territory/domain/dominion/possession/sphere of action/
てんたいぶんこうじゅつ astronomical spectroscopy/
こうせいぶんし components/
せちぶん (n) holiday for end of winter (Bean Throwing Night)/
分けくわけ(n) division/section/demarcation/(traffic) lane/compartment/classification/sorting/
しぶんえん(n) quadrant/
システム 分システムぶんせきsystems analysis/
とくぶん (n) profit/share/winnings/
ごぶがり(n) close haircut/
分のじぶんのためにfor oneself/for one's own sake/
ぞんぶん (adj-na,adv,n) to one's heart's content/as much as one wants/
掻き分けるかきわける(v1) to push one's way through/
しきを分かつとぼしきをわかつ(exp) to share poverty/
ちいきてきぶんぷregional distribution/
おやぶんはだのひと bossy/
はんてんぶんぷけいすう population inversion factor/
分でめるじぶんできめるto decide by oneself/
かぶん (n) divisible/separable/
じゅっぷん 10 minutes/
分かりはやわかり (n) quick learner/handbook/
し分だしぶん one's share (in the expenses)/
いちぶん duty/honor/
がいぶんぴつ(n) external secretion/
きょうせいしょぶん compulsory execution/
俄分にわかぶんげん(n) mushroom millionaire/
おやぶんかぶposition of boss (big shot)/
ごたぶん(n) common/in the usual course/
ごぶ (n-adv,n) half/50%/tie/evenness/(P)/
はちぶおんぷ(n) 8th note/
こんげつぶん (charge) for this month/
き分けるふきわける (v1) to blow apart/to winnow/to smelt/
やぶん(n-adv,n-t) evening/night/nighttime/
いくぶん (adv,n) somewhat/(P)/
じっぷん 10 minutes/(P)/
しゅんぶん vernal equinox
さいぶんぱい(n) redistribution/
へいぶん (n,vs) bisection/dividing equally/
だいぶ (adv) considerably/greatly/a lot/(P)/
せんぶんひ (n) rate per thousand/
分けてわけ (n,vs) division of labour/(P)/
こうぶんし(n) macromolecule/
はんぶんすう(n) complex fraction/
じぶんどき(n) mealtime/
てんぶん(n) one's nature/talents/destiny/mission/sphere of activity/
分けひきわけ(n) a draw (in competition)/tie game/(P)/
ふかぶん(adj-na,n) atomic/indivisibility/(P)/
くぶん (n) division/section/demarcation/(traffic) lane/compartment/classification/sorting/(P)/
しぶんおんぷ (n) quarter note/crotchet/
せきにんぶんたん sharing of responsibilities/
ぶぶんひん(n) part(s)/
こくれんぶんたんきん (n) financial contributions to the UN made by member nations/
ちゅうおうぶんりたい (n) (highway) median/divider/
かぶんすう(n) improper fraction/
使い分けるつかいわける (v1) to use properly/
さんぷん three minutes/
じゅうぶん (adj-na,adv,n,vs) (1) plenty/enough/sufficient/satisfactory/adequate/perfect/thorough/fully/in full/(P)/
つうぶん(n,vs) reduce/
いぞうぶん legal portion/
びぶんほうていしき(n) differential equation/
り分けふりわけ (n) divide/center/
しじょうくぶん market segment/
分かれえだわかれ (n) ramification/branch/
じゅうぶもんぶんるいほ うDewey Decimal System/
ふぶんめい(adj-na) obscure/vague/
分けみわけ (n) distinction/(P)/
かすいぶんかい (n) hydrolysis/
せんぶん division by 1000/one-thousandth/
だいぶぶん(n-t) most part/greater part/majority/(P)/
せいぶん (n) ingredient/component/composition/(P)/
ユニッ ト分キャラクタユニットぶんりキャラクタ unit separator (US)/
ちほうぶんけん decentralization of power/
たぶん (adv,n) perhaps/probably/(P)/
おもしろはんぶん (adj-na,n) for fun/half in jest/
ふじゅうぶん(adj-na,n) insufficient/inadequate/imperfect/shortage/(P)/
分のしゅうぶんのひAutumnal Equinox Day (Sep exact date varies)
分娩むつうぶんべん painless childbirth/
きにじゅっぷんおきにうんてん(vs) operating on a ten-minute schedule/
ふかぶんさん load balancing/load sharing/load distribution/
じゅんぶん(n) fineness or purity (of gold)/
くすんごぶ (n) dagger/
分をだいがくせいとみぶん をいつわる(exp) to misrepresent oneself as a university student/
り分かつきりわかつ(v5) to cut up/
退たいがくしょぶん expulsion (from school)/
いっぷんはんa minute and a half/
びぶん (n) differential (e.g. calculus)/
にぶんほう(n) dichotomy/
らかなうららかなきぶん feeling bright/
せんぶんりつ(n) permillage/rate per thousand/
びぶんだんめん differential cross section (physics)/
たいぎめいぶん(n) a just cause/
き分けるかきわける (v1) to classify and write up/
り分けるきりわける (v1) to cut up/to cut and discard/to eliminate systematically (in fault-finding)/
とくぶん(n) profit/share/winnings/
びせきぶん(n) (differential and integral) calculus/
はんぶん half
しょくぶん(n) one's duty/vocation/
おいわけぶし(n) horse driver's song/
った分まえにかったぶんthe lot I bought earlier/
じゅうぶんじょうけん (n) a sufficient condition/
てつぶん (n) iron/
しぶろく(n) six to four ratio/sixty-forty/
あんぶん (n,vs) proportional division or distribution/
いんしぶんせきfactor analysis/
分けるみわける (v1) to distinguish/to identify (whether an object is positive or negative in some aspect)/to recognize/(P)/
ないぶんぴ(n) internal secretion/(P)/
ねんえきぶんぴせん mucus gland/
き分けのききわけのいい reasonable/
ふじゅうぶん(adj-na,n) insufficient/inadequate/imperfect/shortage/(P)/
さようせきぶん action integral (physics)/
分けいろわけ (n,vs) classification/
按分あんぶん(n,vs) proportional division or distribution/
分でじぶんでby myself
分搗きしちぶづき(n) seventy percent polished rice/
おとうとぶん (n) friend treated as younger brother/(P)/
きやくぶんすうirreducible fraction/
ねんぶん yearly amount/
に分けるこうもくべつに わける(exp) to classify by subject/
えんしんぶんり (vs) centrifugation/centrifuge/
きょくしょぶんき local jump/
へんびぶんpartial differentiation/
ほんぶん (n) one's duty/one's part/
ほあんしょぶん measures preserving law and order/
いもうとぶん (n) protegee/
ぞうぶん (n) incremental/
い分いいぶん (n) one's say/one's point/complaint/excuse/(P)/
分かりはやわかり(n) guide/quick understanding/handbook/
せきぶんがく(n) integral calculus/
さんじゅうにぶおんぷ 32nd note/
にげんしぶんしdiatomic molecule/
きぶん (n) feeling/mood/(P)/
とうぶん (n,vs) division into equal parts/(P)/
分かりのものわかりのいい sensible/understanding/
ぶぶんますい local anesthetic/
が分らないわけがわから ないincomprehensible/
じゅうぶん (adj-na,adv,n,vs) (1) plenty/enough/sufficient/satisfactory/adequate/perfect/thorough/fully/in full/(2) division into ten/(P)/
きょうさんぶんしcommunist elements/
すいちょくぶんぎょう vertical international specialization/
じゅうえきぶんりheavy media (liquid) separation/
ぶぶんひてい (n) partial negation/
しじょうぶんせき market analysis/(P)/
を分けるとうをわける (exp) to grade/to classify/
かこぶんし (n) past participle/
ひつようじゅうぶんじょ うけん(n) necessary and sufficient condition/
を分かたずちゅうやをわ かたず(adv) by day and night/day and night/
し分けるおしわける(v1) to push aside/
ほごしょぶん disposing of a case by placing an offender on probation or under supervision/
かがくぶんせきchemical analysis/
分のしゅんぶんのひVernal Equinox Day (Mar- exact date varies)
ていりょうぶんせき quantitative analysis/
き分けるときわける (v1) to explain carefully or by making distinctions/
きょうだいぶん (n) buddy/pal/sworn brother/
きゃくぶん (n) guest/
いちぶ (n) one tenth/one hundredth/one percent/one tenth of a sun/one quarter ryou (an old coin)/
の分かったもののわかっ たfair-minded/sensible/
裾分けおすそわけ (n) sharing/
みぶん (n) social position/social status/(P)/
ぞうかぶん increment/
やくはんぶんapproximately half/(P)/
ないぶんぴつせん(n) endocrine gland/
むふんべつ(adj-na,n) thoughtlessness/indiscretion/
かいぶん (n) ash/
を分けることをわける (exp) to reason with (a person)/
みしょぶんunsettled/unfinished/undivided (profits)/
かくぶんれつせいせいぶ つ(n) fission product/
にとうぶんせん bisector/
棲み分けすみわけ(n) habitat isolation (biology)/
しはんぶん (n) a fourth/quarter/
さんぶん (vs) trisection/division by three/
分にぞんぶんに freely/to one's heart's content/(P)/
分けやまわけ(n,vs) equal split/
かぶん(adj-na,n) excessive/unmerited/generous/
レコード分キャラクタレコードぶんりキャラクタ record separator (RS)/
いちぶぶん(n) a part/(P)/
いぶんし(n) outsider/alien elements/
かくぶんさんangular dispersion/
おやぶん (n) boss/chief/head/
き分けるひきわける (v1) to pull apart/to separate/
ぞうごせいぶん constituents of compound word/
どすうぶんぷ (n) frequency distribution/
分のじ籠もるじぶんのしろに とじこもる(exp) to keep in one's own castle/
ぎゃくてんぶんぷけいすうpopulation inversion factor/
り分とりぶん (n) one's share or portion/
み分けいたみわけ (n) match declared drawn due to injury/
しぶんごれつ(n) torn asunder/disruption/
こうぶんしかがくhigh polymer chemistry/
ごぶごぶ(n) evenly matches/tie/
じゅうにぶん(adj-na,n) more than enough/
にぶん (n,vs) halving/bisection/
分のみぶんのたかいひと man of high position/
き分けひきわけ (n) a draw (in competition)/tie game/(P)/
よぶん(adj-na,n) extra/excess/surplus/(P)/
さんけんぶんりつ (n) separation of powers (legislative, executive and judicial)/(P)/
め分けそめわけ(n) dyed in various colors/
はんぷん half minute/
り分けるふりわける(v1) to partition out/to divide among/
じぶんたちでby themselves/
だいぶん(adv) considerably/greatly/a lot/(P)/
分のまんぶんのいち(n) one ten-thousandth/
ひゃくぶんりつ(n) percentage/
分のしゅんぶんのひVernal Equinox Holiday (Mar 20 or 21)/(P)/
にぶんぎ(n) binary tree/
こうぶんしかごうぶつ high molecular compound/
の分をくすおのれのぶんをつくす(exp) to do one's part (duty)/
いつじぶん about what time/
せんもんぶんや (n) (one's) (special) field (of study)/one's line/
せんぶん(n) line segment/
しゅんぶんてん(n) the vernal equinox (the equinoctal point)/
ごぶだめし (n) killing by inches/
しぶごれつ (n) torn asunder/disruption/
分がきぶんがはずむ(exp) to cheer up/
なんぷん (n) what minute?/how many minutes?/
せつぶんほう (n) syncopation/
こぶん (n) henchman/follower/
ひとふんべつ(n) careful consideration/
さぶん (n) (computer) "diff"/increment/
分けくさわけ (n) pioneer/pathfinder/originator/founder/trailblazer/
分けくちわけ (n) assortment/
し分ないもうしぶんない no objection/nothing to criticize/
きぶんやmoody person/
くうちゅうぶんかい(n) mid-air breakage or disintegration/
たいのうしょぶん disposition for failure to pay/
えいようぶん(n) nutriment/nutritious substance/nourishment/
じょうふんべつ (n) good idea/wise policy/
めはちぶ(n) (1) below eye level/(2) about eight-tenths full/
しちぶさんぶ (n) seven to three (chances)/
こうぶんぼ(n) common denominator/
に分かれるさゆうにわかれる(exp) to part right and left/
裾分けすそわけ(n) sharing (a gift)/
さいりゅうぶんfine particle fraction/
しょぶん (n,vs) disposal/dealing/punishment/(P)/
そんえきぶんきてん the break-even point/
しゅんぶん (n) vernal equinox/(P)/
いちぶぎん(n) a silver quarter ryou/
ろくぶんぎ(n) sextant/
むきこうぶんし inorganic polymer/
れんぶんすう(n) continued fraction/
とうぶん (n-adv) for the present/(P)/
はちぶめ(n) eight-tenths/
ふおんぶんし disturbing elements/
ちゅうぶん (n,vs) half/
に分かつこうにわかつ (exp) to paragraph/to itemize/
グループ分キャラクタグループぶんりキャラクタ group separator (GS)/
の分とみのぶんぱいdistribution of wealth/
じぶんかって (adj-na,n) (very) selfish/self-centered/
しぶん(vs) divide into four pieces/one fourth/
かくぶんれつ(n) nuclear fission/
せつぶん (n) holiday for end of winter (Bean Throwing Night)/
さいぼうぶんれつcell division/
なんぷんwhat minute
いちぶきん (n) a gold quarter ryou/
むらはちぶ(n) ostracism/
ぶたいくぶんtask organization/
み分けるふみわける (v1) to push through (i.e. a crowd, vegetation, etc.)/
せいきょうぶんりseparation of church and state/
まいふん (n-t) every minute/per minute/
せいしんぶんれつしょう(n) schizophrenia/
ぎょうせいしょぶん administrative measures (disposition)/
しゅうぶん(n) autumn equinox/(P)/
分けぶわけ (n) classification/
めぶんりょう(n) measuring by eye/
ふていせきぶん indefinite integral/
けんぶん (n,vs) inspection/examination/survey/
とくいちぶんかい singular value analysis/
かしらぶん (n) boss/leader/
分けしなわけ (n) assortment/
おうぶん (adj-na,n) according to one's abilities/appropriate/reasonable/
分けこわけ(n,vs) subdivision/
分けるしわける (v1) to assort/to classify/to journalize (in accounting)/
なぐさみはんぶん partly for fun/capricious/
ひゃくぶんひ(n) percentage/
おもうぞんぶん(adv) to one's heart's content/(P)/
分のなにぶんの some/something or other/as much as possible/
がいぶんぴ (n) external secretion/
いっぷんにじゅうびょう1 minute, 20 sec./(P)/
分搗さんぶつき 30% polished rice/
めいぶん (n) justification/just cause/moral duty/
ぶぶんじょうほうこうぞうpartial information structures/
分のじぶんのみちをひらく (exp) to hew one's way out/
はらはちぶ(n) eating moderately/
り分けるよりわける (v1) to classify/to sort out/(P)/
せきぶん (n) integral/
篩い分けるふるいわける(v1) to sift/to screen/
くぶ (n) nine parts/nine percent/almost/
り分けふりわけがみ (n) hair parted in the middle/
噛み分けるかみわける(v1) to taste/to distinguish/to understand/
すいぶん (n) moisture/(P)/
こんぶんすうmixed fraction/compound number (math)/
でんきぶんかい (n,vs) electrolysis/
きんぶん (n) equal division/(P)/
いなきぶんqueer feeling/
げるりしをにぶがたひき さげる(exp) to lower the rate of interest by 2 percent/
せんこうぶんせきpolarimetric analysis/
せいきぶんぷ normal distribution/
ないぶんぴつ(n) internal secretion/
り分けてとりわけて above all/especially/
せきぶんほう(n) integration/
喧 嘩を分けるけんかをわける(exp) to separate quarreling person's/
いちぶいちりん (adv,n) a bit/(P)/
にぶんおんぷ (n) half note/minim/
わずいちぶいちりんもたがわず(exp) to be exactly alike/
ふたりぶんtwo persons' portion/
ないぶんぴせん(n) endocrine gland/
じぶん (n) myself/oneself/(P)/
分のいをみるじぶんのおこないを かえりみる(exp) to reflect upon one's deeds/
おおいたけん prefecture on the island of Kyuushuu/
分けてんかわけめ(n) fateful/decisive (war)/
こうぶんしきゅうしゅう たい(n) high polymer absorbent/
り分けるとりわける (v1) to distribute/to apportion/to divide/
の分かったわけのわかったひとsensible man/
しんぶんすう (n) proper fraction/
分のしゅうぶんのひautumn equinox holiday (Sep 23 or 24)/(P)/
おうごんぶんかつ (artistic) golden section/
くぶくりん (n-adv,n-t) ten to one/nine cases out of ten/
ファイル分キャラクタファイルぶんりキャラクタ file separator (FS)/
ようぶん (n) nourishment/nutrient/
分袖しちぶそで (n) three-quarter sleeves/
ていせいぶんせき qualitative analysis/
すんぶん (n-adv,n-t) a tiny bit/
しぶおんぷ (n) quarter note/crotchet/
りゅうどぶんぷ particle size distribution/
分たがわずすんぶんたが わずaccurate/to the inch/exact/
ぶぶんしょく(n) partial eclipse/
じぶん (n-adv,n-t) time/hour/season/time of the year/
り分とりわけ(adv,n) especially/above all/
ろくじゅうしぶおんぷ 64th note/
ひきょくしょぶんきnon-local jump/
えんしんぶんりき(n) centrifuge/centrifugal machine/
せきぶんほうていしき(n) integral equation/
分がきぶんがよいfeel good (pleasant)/
ちょうかいしょぶん disciplinary measures/
いんすうぶんかい factorization/
使い分けつかいわけ (n) proper use/
り分けるえりわける(v1) to classify/to sort out/
きぶんてんかん change of pace/change of mood/
しゅせいぶん(n) main ingredient/
分の分じぶんのぶん one's share (own)/
いっぷん a minute/
り分けふりわけにもつ pair of bundles slung over a shoulder/
びぶんしょう differential quotient/
めはちぶん(n) (1) below eye level/(2) about eight-tenths full/
やくぶん(n) reduction of a fraction (to lowest terms)/
き分けさきわけ(n) variegated flowering/
りょうぶん (n,vs) bisect/cut in two/
しゅうぶん autumn equinox
ぶぶんてき(adj-na) partial(ly)/
ねんえきぶんぴつせん mucus gland/
けいじしょぶん punishment of a criminal/