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Kanji: Radical: (かたな) : セイ; ; system
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 683 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1274
Japanese Reading English
はんたいせい (n) anti-establishment/
しょうせんきょくせい(n) single-seat constituency system/
ぶんみんとうせい civilian control/
じどうせいぎょ automatic control/
ほうとじせいmood and tense/
しゃかいせいど social system/
かんせい (n) government-regulated organization or facility etc./
たいせい(n) order/system/structure/set-up/organization/(P)/
牽制けんせいきゅう(n) throw to check a runner/
きょうせいしょぶん compulsory execution/
とうせい (n) regulation/control/(P)/
ちょくせつみんしゅせいdirect democracy/
すうちせいぎょ numerical control/NC/
かんせい (n) control/(P)/
せっせい (n) moderation/self-restraint/temperance/
きょうせいちゅうだん(vs) forcing to a stop/
ぜんりょうせい(n) system where all students live in dormitories/
さんじせいげんbirth control/(P)/
ぜったいくんしゅせい(n) absolute monarchy/
プロセス制プロセスせいぎょ(n) process control/
こうせんせい(n) popular election system/
しゅうどうせいど monasticism/
かんりょうじせい (grammatical) perfect tense/
にいんせいど bicameral system/
きせいかんわ (n) deregulation/removal (easing) of (official) restrictions/
せんせいせいじdespotic government/autocracy/
牽制けんせい(n) check/restraint/constraint/diversion/feint/screen/
ぐんせい county system/
うけおいせいど contract system/
てんのうせい(n) the Emperor System/
にきせい(n) two-term system/
しせい (n) municipal organization/municipality/
たんいせいどpoint system/credit system/
きょうせいしゅうよう enforced relocation/
ぐんけんせいど county and prefecture system/
ちょうせい (n) town organization/town administration/
かいへいせいどsystem of universal conscription/
とうかかんせい blackout/
かぞくせいど a family system/
かかくとうせい price controls/
れんぽうせい(n) federal sytem/
かふちょうせい (n) patriarchal authority/
しんせい (n) new system/(P)/
きょうせいりょく(n) compelling force/legal force/
はんたいせいは (n) people who are against the Establishment/anti-Establishment groups/
しんこくせい(n) return system/tax payment by self-assessment/declaration system/
しょっかいせい (n) job ranking system/
じしゅきせい voluntary restraints/
て制ゆにゅうわりあてせいど an import quota system/
きんじがねほんいせいどgold bullion standard/
れんぽうせいど federalism/
ほけんせいど (n) public health system/
きょういくせいど (n) education(al) (a school) system/
せんじたいせいwartime regime/war footing/
ひれいだいひょうせい(n) proportional representation/
せんせいくんしゅ absolute monarch/despot/autocrat/tyrant/
へんいせいぎょdisplacement controlled/
じんこうよくせい (n) population control/
しせいせいど former naming system/
ちょうそんせい(n) municipal system/
ちょうへいせいど conscription/draft system/
きょうせいそかい forced evacuation/
きんほんいせい (n) the gold standard system/
どれいせいど slavery/
きゅうたいせい(n) old regime/
ばいしんせいど (n) jury system/
でんそうせいぎょかく ちょうdatalink escape (DLE)/
さいていちんぎんせい(n) minimum wage system/
へんせい (n,vs) organization/forming/
かんせいとう(n) control tower/(P)/
ほうせい (n) legislation/laws/
制をげんたいせいをくつが えす(exp) to overthrow the present regime/
調ぜいせいちょうさかい Select Committee on the Taxation System/
かちょうせいど(n) patriarchal system/
フロー制フローせいぎょflow control/
おうせい(n) monarchical system/
あっせい (n) oppression/tyranny/despotism/
せんせい (n,vs) preempt/headstart (of several runs) (baseball)/
りんばんせい rotation system/
ねんれいせいげん (n) age limit(s)/
ほうけんせいど feudal system/(P)/
しんせいこうこう high school (operated under post-war guidelines)/
しょくのうだいひょう せい(n) vocational representation system/
ゆしゅつきせいexport controls/
しゅにんせい(n) a system under which schoolteachers are assigned additional administrative duties/
こせい(n) ancient establishment/ancient laws/
にじゅうかかくせいdual price system/
ぎんほんいせい silver standard system/
とうせいせんphase line/
とていせいどan apprentice system/apprenticeship/
きんせい (n) prohibition/ban/embargo/(P)/
しゅうしんこようせい(n) (Japanese) system of lifetime employment/(P)/
がくせい(n) educational or school system/
ねんきんせいど (n) pension system (scheme)/
めんきょせい(n) license system/
じっしんせいdecimal system/
かんぜいわりあてせいtariff quota system/
きょうわせい(n) republicanism/
にじゅうよじかんせい (n) around-the-clock system/
きょうせい (n,vs) obligation/coercion/compulsion/enforcement/(P)/
へいせい (n) military system/
しんにんとうちせいど trusteeship system/
こうくうこうつうかん せいair traffic control/
じどうれっしゃせいぎょ そうちautomatic train control (ATC)/
よくせい (n,vs) suppression/(P)/
しんせいちゅうがく junior high school (operated under post-war guidelines)/
ぜんにちせい (n) the full-day (school system)/
いちいんせい(n) unicameral system/
きょうせいほけん mandatory insurance/
にょにんきんせい prohibited to women/
れんぽうじゅんびせいど (the U.S) Federal Reserve System/
ぶあいせいcommission system/
ゆにゅうせいげん import restrictions/
とうせいひんcontrolled or regulated item/
さいはんせいど resale system/
きょうせいしっこう execution/
ぜいせいかいかく tax reform/
拳制てっけんせいさい(punishment by) striking with fists/
て制ゆにゅうわりあてせい(abbr) an import quota system/
むせいげん(adj-na,n) limitless/(P)/
ないかくほうせいきょくCabinet Legislation Bureau/
ごうぎせいど parliamentary system/
ばくはんたいせい (n) the feudal system characteristic of the shogunate/
たんげんせいどunit credit system/
こうたいせいshift system/
じゅんびかんせいpreliminary control of lights/
むせいげんきょうきゅうunlimited supply/
ゆしゅつせいげん export restrictions/
しょうえんせいmanorial system/
ぐんせい (n) military system/military organization/
簿こうそくめいぼひれいだいひょうせい proportional representation system/
あっせいしゃ oppressor/tyrant/
しゆうざいさんせいど private ownership system/
ぶっかとうせい price control/
せかいせいは (n) domination of the world/world hegemony/
へんどうかわせそうば せい(n) floating exchange rate system/
ぼけいせい (n) matriarchy/
きせいかいじょ (n) deregulation/removal (easing) of (official) restrictions/
きんせいひん (n) contraband (goods)/prohibited goods/
しょくりょうかんりせいどfood control system/
むとうせい(adj-na,n) uncontrolled/
にこうたいせいろうどう two-shift work program/
じぎょうぶせい(n) company consisting of autonomous divisions/
かんせいかん (air-traffic) controller/
りつりょうせい(n) the ritsuryo system (of centralized authority)/
ほうりつせいど(n) legal system/
きょかせいlicense system/
りょうかんせいど (the) spoils system/
しょうえんせいど manorial system/
くうきせいどうきair brake/
ぎせい(n) legal fiction/
ごうぎせい(n) parliamentary system/
ろくさんせい(n) 6-3 system of education/
きょうせいしゅうようじょconcentration camp/
きゅうすいせいげん water supply restrictions/
そうちせいぎょ device control character (e.g. DC1)/
ぐんびせいげんlimitation of armaments/
せんじゅつこうくうとう せいほんぶtactical air control center/
かかくきせい price control/price regulation/
しょくせい (n) office organization/managerial post/
の制しまのせいやく island constraint/
きょうせいてき(adj-na) forced/compulsory/
しぞくせいど family or clan system/
ほうせいきょく(n) Cabinet Legislation Bureau/
きゅうせいど(n) old system/old order/
ていねんせい(n) age-limit system/
にいんせい(n) bicameral system/
ふくほんいせい bimetallism/
きせい (n) regulation/(P)/
かいせんせいぎょきそく line discipline/
ぎいんないかくせい(n) parliamentary system of government/
どくりつさいさんせい(n) a self-supporting accounting system/
貿こうかんぼうえきせいbarter system/
貿むせいげんぼうえき unrestricted or free trade/
かいいんせい(n) membership system/
いせい (n) institutions bequeathed from the past/
ふせっせい intemperance/excesses/
じょうりせい(n) system of land subdivision in ancient Japan/
せんきょせいどelectoral system/
かせい section system (companies)/
せんせい (n) despotism/autocracy/(P)/
だいぎせい(n) (the) representative system/
しんたいせい(n) new order/new system/
ねんこうじょれつせいど the seniority system/
てんすうせいpoint rationing system/
よやくせい(n) on) a subscription basis/
けいざいせいさい economic sanctions/
さんせい (n) birth control/
きょうせいろうどう forced labor/
へいせい (n) monetary system/currency/(P)/
ていじせい(n) part time (school system)/
かんじせいげん restrictions on the number of kanji recognized for usage/
きょうせいそうかんforced repatriation/
きゅうせい (n) old system/old order/
じせい (n) self control/self restraint/
がっこうぐんせいど(n) school grouping system/
ねんこうせいど seniority rule/
ちょうへいせい(n) conscription/
かへいせいど currency system/
しんせいだいがく university (operated under post-war guidelines)/
とうせいけいざいcontrolled economy/
しんしゅつせいげんせんlimit of advance/
じせい (n) (grammatical) tense/
だいぎせいど parliamentary system/
きょうがくせいcoeducational plan/
そくどせいげん (n) set) a speed limit/
にだいせいとうせい(n) two-party system/
しほうせいど justice system/
せんせいこうげき (n) preemptive attack (strike)/
じこきせい self regulation/
けいざいたいせい economic system/
ていせい (n) imperial government/imperialism/monarchical rule/
じせいしん (n) self-control/self-restraint/
せんじゅつこうくうとうせいはんtactical air control party/
かいようとうききせい じょうやくConvention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matters/
いりょうせいどhealth care system/
ぜいせい (n) tax system/(P)/
かんじせいげんろんthe question of limiting the use of Chinese characters/