氷削機 | ひょうさくき
| ice-shaving machine/ |
粗削り | あらけずり
| (adj-na,n) still in the process of being
formed/ |
掘削 | くっさく | (n,vs) digging out/excavation/ |
掘削機 | くっさくき | (n) excavator/ |
心無し研削 | しんなしけんさく | centerless grinding/ |
研削代 | けんさくしろ | grinding allowance/ |
鼻を削がれる | はなをそがれ
る | (exp) to have one's nose mutilated (cut
off)/ |
開削 | かいさく | (n) excavation/cutting/digging/ |
快削鋼 | かいさくこう | (n) free-cutting steel/ |
研削 | けんさく
| (n,vs) grinding/ |
添削 | てんさく
| (n,vs) correction/(P)/ |
荒削り | あらけずり
| (adj-na,n) still in the process of being
formed/ |
一字削る | いちじけずる
| to delete a letter/ |
兵力削減 | へいりょくさくげん
| force reduction/troop reduction/ |
氷削機 | ひょうさっき | ice-shaving machine/ |
予算を削る | よさんをけずる | (exp) to curtail a budget/ |
鉛筆削り | えんぴつけずり | pencil sharpener/(P)/ |
切削 | せっさく
| (n) cutting/a cut/machining/ |
人員削減 | じんいんさくげん
| personnel reduction/ |
気勢を削ぐ | きせいをそぐ | (exp) to diminish (dampen) the spirit/ |
旋削 | せんさく
| turning (on a lathe)/ |
経費削減 | けいひさくげん
| cost reduction/ |
戦略兵器削減条約 | せんりゃくへいきさくげ
んじょうやく | Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
(START)/ |
軍備削減 | ぐんびさくげん | arms reduction/ |
研削盤 | けんさくばん | (n) grinder/grinding machine/ |