婚前交渉 | こんぜんこうしょう | (n) premarital sexual relations
(intercourse)/ |
御霊前 | ごれいぜん
| (n) "before the spirit of the deceased"
(written on the condolence-money envelope)/ |
江戸前寿司 | えどまえずし | type of nigirizushi/ |
真ん前 | まんまえ
| (n) right in front/under the nose/ |
夜前 | やぜん
| (n-adv,n-t) last night/ |
人前では | ひとまえでは
| (exp) in front of people/ |
錠前屋 | じょうまえや | locksmith/ |
臨兵闘者皆陣裂在前 | リンピョウトウシャカ
イジンレツザイゼン | nine cuts mudra/exorcism-purification
spell/ |
午前 | ごぜん | (n-adv,n-t) morning/A.M./am/(P)/ |
神前 | しんぜん
| (n) before god/before an altar/ |
丹前 | たんぜん
| (n) large padded kimono/(P)/ |
門前町 | もんぜんまち | (n) town originally built around a temple or
shrine/ |
大前提 | だいぜんてい
| (n) major premise/principle/(P)/ |
同前 | どうぜん
| (n) same as above/ditto/ibid./ |
仏前 | ぶつぜん
| (n) before the Buddha or a mortuary
tablet/ |
両前 | りょうまえ | (n) double-breasted/ |
松前漬け | まつまえずけ | Matsumae pickles/ |
神前に舞を奉じる | しんぜんにまいをほ
うじる | (exp) to dedicate a dance to a
god/ |
極前線 | きょくぜんせん
| (n) polar front/ |
目の前 | めのまえ
| before one's eyes/immediate/imminent/ |
昼前 | ひるまえ | (n-adv,n-t) forenoon/just before noon/(P)/ |
名前空間 | なまえくうかん
| namespace/ |
小前提 | しょうぜんてい | (n) minor premise/ |
手前勝手 | てまえがって
| (adj-na,n) self-centered/selfish/ |
手前の方 | てまえのほう | (exp) this side/in the forefront/ |
人間以前 | にんげんいぜん
| (adj-no) prehuman/ |
税引前当期利益 | ぜいびきまえとうきりえき | income before taxes/gross income/ |
風前の灯 | ふうぜんのともしび | (n) precarious situation or state/ |
全般前哨線 | ぜんぱんぜんしょうせん
| general outpost line/ |
最前 | さいぜん
| (n) foremost/ |
左前になる | ひだりまえにな
る | (v5) to go downhill/to be badly
off/ |
眼前 | がんぜん | (n) before one's eyes/ |
半人前 | はんにんまえ | (n) half share/half a man/ |
お前 | おまえ | (n) (fam) you (sing)/presence (of a high
personage)/(P)/ |
割前 | わりまえ | (n) share/portion/quota/ |
事前研修 | じぜんけんしゅう
| advance training/prior training/ |
寸前 | すんぜん
| (n) on the verge/just in front
of/(P)/ |
多重名前空間 | たじゅうなまえくうかん | multiple namespace/ |
面前 | めんぜん
| (n) presence/ |
自前 | じまえ
| (n) at one's own expense/ |
立て前 | たてまえ
| (n) principle/official stance/ |
寒冷前線 | かんれいぜんせん
| (n) a cold front/ |
門前 | もんぜん
| (n) before a gate/ |
風前 | ふうぜん
| (n) where the wind blows/ |
出前 | でまえ
| (n) catering/meal delivery
service/(P)/ |
戦闘陣地の前縁 | せんとうじんちのぜんえん | forward edge of the battle area/ |
名前 | なまえ
| (n) name/(P)/ |
門前町 | もんぜんちょう | (n) town originally built around a temple or
shrine/ |
駅前通り | えきまえどおり
| (n) street in front of station/ |
後ろ前 | うしろまえ
| (n) backwards/ |
一人前 | いちにんまえ | (n) (1) adult/full manhood/(2) one helping/one
portion/(P)/ |
足し前 | たしまえ | (n) supplement/addition/ |
帆前船 | ほまえせん | (n) sailboat/sailing boat/ |
男前 | おとこまえ
| (n) handsome man/(P)/ |
中前 | ちゅうぜん
| (n) front of center field/ |
駅前広場 | えきまえひろば
| (n) station square (plaza)/ |
出前持ち | でまえもち | boy who delivers cooked food/ |
事前運動 | じぜんうんどう
| pre-election campaigning/ |
建て前 | たてまえ
| (n) face/official stance/public position or
attitude (as opposed to private thoughts)/(P)/ |
産前 | さんぜん
| (n) prior to childbirth/ |
紛らわしい名前 | まぎらわしいなまえ | confusing (misleading) name/ |
分け前 | わけまえ
| (n) share/portion/quota/cut/(P)/ |
就寝前 | しゅうしんぜん | before retiring/ |
差し前 | さしまえ
| (n) sword worn at one's side/ |
割り前 | わりまえ
| (n) share/portion/quota/ |
人前 | にんまえ
| portion of food/(P)/ |
敵前 | てきぜん
| (n) in the presence of the enemy/ |
真ん前に | まんまえに
| right in front of/just opposite/ |
建前 | たてまえ
| (n) face/official stance/public position or
attitude (as opposed to private thoughts)/(P)/ |
事前後 | じぜんご | subsequently/additionally/(P)/ |
事前通報 | じぜんつうほう
| advance report/advance notification/ |
生前 | せいぜん | (n-adv,n-t) while alive/during one's
lifetime/(P)/ |
取り前 | とりまえ | (n) a share or portion/ |
承前 | しょうぜん
| (n) continued (from)/ |
上前 | うわまえ
| (n) outer
skirt/percentage/commission/ |
空前絶後 | くうぜんぜつご | (n) (so marvelous or horrible that it may be) the first
and probably the last/ |
朝飯前 | あさめしまえ
| (adj-na,exp,n) a trivial matter/a cinch to
do/it's a piece of cake/ |
以前に | いぜんに | ago/since/before/previously/ |
御前会議 | ごぜんかいぎ
| Imperial Council/ |
戦前 | せんぜん
| (n-adv,n-t) pre-war days/(P)/ |
名前 | なまえ
| name |
日没前 | にちぼつぜん
| before sunset/ |
戦闘前哨 | せんとうぜんしょう | combat outpost/ |
全般前哨 | ぜんぱんぜんしょう | general outpost/ |
江戸前 | えどまえ | (n) Tokyo style/ |
御前さん | おまえさん
| (n) you/my dear/hey/ |
腕前 | うでまえ
| (n) ability/skill/facility/(P)/ |
秋雨前線 | あきさめぜんせん
| (n) autumn rain front/ |
温暖前線 | おんだんぜんせん
| (n) a warm front/ |
以前 | いぜん
| (n-adv,n-t)
ago/since/before/previous/(P)/ |
一丁前 | いっちょうまえ
| (adj-na,n) becoming an adult or full-fledged
member of (a) society/ |
一人前 | ひとりまえ
| (n) (1) adult/full manhood/(2) one helping/one
portion/ |
不足前 | たらずまえ
| deficit/shortage/ |
食前酒 | しょくぜんしゅ | aperitif/ |
直前 | ちょくぜん | (n-adv,n-t) just before/(P)/ |
敵前逃亡 | てきぜんとうぼう
| deserting under enemy fire/ |
手前味噌 | てまえみそ | (n) self-flattery/sing one's own praises/ |
お前さん | おまえさん | (n) you/my dear/hey/ |
戦前派 | せんぜんは | (n) the prewar generation/ |
神前に誓う | しんぜんにちかう | (exp) to pledge before God/ |
目の前に | めのまえに
| before one's eyes/ |
御前 | おまえ
| (n) (fam) you (sing)/presence (of a high
personage)/ |
駅前 | えきまえ | (n) in front of station/(P)/ |
一人前になる | いちにんまえになる | (v5) to come of age/to become fully
qualified/ |
現前 | げんぜん | (n) before one's eyes/ |
別け前 | わけまえ
| (n) share/portion/quota/cut/ |
出る前 | でるまえ
| before going out/ |
刀の手前 | かたなのてまえ | samurai's face/ |
最前戦 | さいぜんせん | front/first line/spearhead/ |
食前 | しょくぜん
| (n-adv,n-t) before meals/ |
梅雨前線 | ばいうぜんせん
| seasonal rain front/ |
最前列 | さいぜんれつ | front row/ |
一昔前 | ひとむかしまえ
| long ago/previous/of a former age/ |
出し前 | だしまえ
| one's share (in the expenses)/ |
厄前 | やくまえ
| (n) the year before the unlucky
year/ |
停滞前線 | ていたいぜんせん | stationary weather front/ |
当たり前 | あたりまえ
| (adj-na,adj-no,n)
usual/common/ordinary/natural/reasonable/obvious/(P)/ |
手前 | てまえ
| (n) before/this side/we/you/(P)/ |
事前の同意 | じぜんのどうい
| prior consent/ |
午前様 | ごぜんさま | (exp,n) person who stays out all night/ |
桜前線 | さくらぜんせん | (n) cherry-blossom front/ |
点前 | てまえ
| (n) procedures in tea ceremony/ |
月経前 | げっけいまえ | (adj-no) premenstrual/ |
板前 | いたまえ
| (n) chef/cook/ |
事前検閲 | じぜんけんえつ
| prepublication censorship/ |
御前を退く | ごぜんをのく | (exp) to withdraw from the presence (of the
Emperor)/ |
神前結婚 | しんぜんけっこん | Shinto wedding/ |
口前 | くちまえ
| (n) way of speaking/profession/ |
事前に必要 | じぜんにひつよう
| (adj-na) prerequisite/ |
最前線 | さいぜんせん | (n) foremost line/ |
事前日付 | じぜんひづけ
| antedating/ |
門前払い | もんぜんばらい | (n) turning another away at the gate or front
door/refusing to receive a caller/ |
午前 | ごぜん | a.m. |
事前協議 | じせんきょうぎ | prior consultation/ |
一歩前進 | いっぽぜんしん
| a step forward/ |
午前中 | ごぜんちゅう | this morning/in the morning/throughout the
morning/(P)/ |
嵐の前の静けさ | あらしのまえのしずけさ | (n) calm before a storm/ |
墓前 | ぼぜん
| (n) in front of a grave/ |
従前 | じゅうぜん
| (adj-no,n) previous/former/ |
二人前 | ふたりまえ | (adj-no) for two people/(work) of two/(meals) for
two/(P)/ |
空前 | くうぜん | (adj-no,n) unprecedented/record-breaking/ |
建前 | たてまえ
| one's professed intention |
落し前 | おとしまえ
| (n) money paid to settle a fight/ |
片前 | かたまえ
| (n) single-breasted (jacket etc.)/ |
人前 | ひとまえ
| (n) the public/company/(P)/ |
気前 | きまえ
| (n) generosity/(P)/ |
錠前 | じょうまえ
| (n) lock/(P)/ |
目前 | もくぜん
| (n) before your very eyes/(P)/ |
夏前に | なつまえに
| before summer/ |
二人前 | ににんまえ | (adj-no) for two people/(work) of two/(meals) for
two/(P)/ |
人前で | ひとまえで | (exp) in public/in company/(P)/ |
紀元前 | きげんぜん | (n-adv,n-t) pre-era/B.C./(P)/ |
気前のよい | きまえのよい
| lavish/profuse/ |
左前 | ひだりまえ
| (n) downward course/being badly off/wearing a
kimono with the right side tucked under the left/ |
事前割当 | じぜんわりあて
| prearranged quota/ |
事前 | じぜん
| (adj-no,n) prior/beforehand/in
advance/(P)/ |
名前を馳せる | なまえをはせる | (v1) to win fame/ |
当り前 | あたりまえ
| (adj-na,adj-no,n)
usual/common/ordinary/natural/reasonable/obvious/(P)/ |
庭前 | ていぜん
| (n) garden/ |
霊前 | れいぜん
| (n) before the spirit of the
deceased/ |
御前 | ごぜん | (n) Your Excellency/the (Imperial)
presence/ |
割り前勘定 | わりまえかんじょう | Dutch treat/ |
持ち前 | もちまえ | (n) one's nature/characteristic/ |