即功 | そっこう | immediate effect/ |
成功の暁には | せいこうのあかつきには | when one has succeeded/ |
亀の甲より年の功 | かめのこうよりとし
のこう | The older, the wiser/ |
老功 | ろうこう
| (n,adj-na)
experienced/seasoned/veteran/ |
御成功 | ごせいこう
| your success/ |
人の成功を祝う | ひとのせいこうをいわ
う | (exp) to congratulate a person on his (her)
success/ |
九仞の功 | きゅうじんのこう | spectacular success/ |
成功率 | せいこうりつ | (n) success rate/ |
気功 | きこう
| (n) (MA) breathing exercise/breath
control/spirit cultivation/chi kung/qigong/ |
練功 | れんこう
| (MA) skills acquired through hard
training/feats of practice/ |
偉功 | いこう | (n) great deed/ |
| しゅんこう | (n)
completion of construction/completion/ |
年功序列 | ねんこうじょれつ
| (n) seniority by length of
service/ |
成功裡 | せいこうり | success/ |
不成功 | ふせいこう
| (adj-na,adj-no,n) failure/abortive (attempt,
action)/ |
論功行賞 | ろんこうこうしょう | (n) conferral of honors, according to
merits/ |
有功章 | ゆうこうしょう
| medal for merit/ |
成功 | せいこう
| (n,vs) success/hit/(P)/ |
蛍雪の功 | けいせつのこう | the fruit of diligent study/(P)/ |
年の功 | としのこう
| (n) (arch) old-man's wisdom/ |
成功裏に | せいこうりに | in success/ |
年功加俸 | ねんこうかほう | long service allowance/longevity pay/(P)/ |
勲功 | くんこう
| (n) merits/distinguished
services/(P)/ |
戦功 | せんこう | (n) distinguished war service/merit of war/ |
労功 | ろうこう
| (n) meritorious deed/ |
遺功 | いこう
| (n) works following the deceased/ |
特功 | とっこう
| special efficacy/ |
初の成功 | はつのせいこう | the first success/ |
成功を望む | せいこうをのぞむ | (exp) to hope to succeed/ |
年功 | ねんこう
| (n) long service/(P)/ |
殊功 | しゅこう
| distinguished service(s)/ |
有功 | ゆうこう
| (adj-na,n) merit/ |
大成功 | だいせいこう | huge success/ |
文化功労者 | ぶんかこうろうしゃ
| person who has made outstanding cultural
contributions/ |
大功 | たいこう | (n) distinguished or meritorious service/ |
成功者 | せいこうしゃ | (n) successful man/success/ |
奏功 | そうこう
| (n,vs) success/achievement/fruition/ |
軍功 | ぐんこう | (n) meritorious war service/ |
失敗は成功の元 | しっぱいはせいこうのもと | (col) failure teaches success/ |
年功序列制度 | ねんこうじょれつせいど
| the seniority system/ |
武功 | ぶこう
| (n) military exploits/ |
年功制度 | ねんこうせいど
| seniority rule/ |