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Kanji: Radical: (かくしがまえ) : ; ; ward
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 757 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2963
Japanese Reading English
しょうせんきょくせい (n) single-seat constituency system/
ぶんきょうちくschool zone/
しんねったいく(n) neotropical region/
けいざいとっく (n) special economic zone/
きょうさんちく communist area/
がっく (n) school district (area)/
しじょうくぶん market segment/
しゃしょうく(n) conductors' station (office)/
げきせんく(n) closely contested constituency/car with a (structural) defect/
ちょうじゅうほごくいきwildlife protection area/(P)/
かいく (n) ocean sector/
じく (n) magnetic domain/
ぎょうせいく(n) administrative district/
ちほうく(n) prefectural constituency/
しゅつぎょくいきfishing area/
きんりょうく (n) game preserve/wildlife sanctuary/
かんく(n) jurisdiction/
とくべつく(n) special ward/
の区せいじゃのくべつ discrimination between right and wrong/
がいく(n) block (of land)/
とうひょうく(n) polling or voting district/
ぜんこくく(n) national constituency/
の区せいのくべつdistinction of the sexes/
きんりょうく(n) game preserve/wildlife sanctuary/
しきょうく(n) diocese/
とくべつぎょうせいく special administrative region (i.e. Hong Kong)/
いっくa district/a ward/a lot/
ちく (n) district/section/sector/(P)/
ぶたいくぶん task organization/
きょうく (n) parish/
ふうちちく scenic zone/landscape area/(P)/
ぎょうせいくかく administrative district/
せんきょく(n) electoral district/precinct/
かいほうく(n) liberated area or zone/
こうぎょうちく industrial zone/
しく (n) municipal district/streets/
しょうぎょうちく commercial district/
しがいかくいき(n) area zoned for urbanization/
かんくきしょうだいdistrict meteorological observatory/
ほごく(n) sanctuary/reserve (for wild animals)/nature preserve/
こうく(n) mining area/mine lot/
じゅうたくちく residential district/
ぎょく (n) fishing ground/fishery/
ほせんく(n) section of track/
ぐんかんくmilitary district/
せんさいちく war-devastated area/
ぶんく subdistrict/