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Kanji: Radical: (じゅう) : セン、ゼン; ; thousand
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 3 Index in Nelson dictionary: 156 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3411
Japanese Reading English
いちじつせんしゅう(n) (wait) impatiently/(spend) many a weary day/
やちよ (n) eternity/thousands of years/
うらせんけ(n) (way of the) tea ceremony/
はりせんぼん(n) porcupinefish/
やちとせ8000 years/thousands of years/eternity/
攫千いっかくせんきん(n) getting rich quick/
いちぼうせんり (adj-na,adv,n) the boundless (ocean)/
なんぜんmany thousands/(P)/
やちとせ8000 years/thousands of years/eternity/
いちじせんきん (n) a word of great value/
やちぐさ(n) variety of plants/various herbs/
しょうしせんばん (adj-na,n) highly ridiculous/quite absurd/
いっきとうせん(adj-no,n) matchless (warrior)/mighty (player, fighter, combatant)/
はっせんねん 8000 years/thousands of years/eternity/
いちにちせんしゅう(n) (wait) impatiently/(spend) many a weary day/
さんぜんせかい(n) the whole world/the universe/
いくせん thousand/
ばんせん tremendous number/
しふくせんねん (n) millennium/
さんぜん 3000
よんせんfour thousand/
ももちどり (n) all sorts of birds/hundreds (and thousands) of birds/
いっかっくせんきん(n) getting rich quick/
いっこくせんきん (n) very valuable time/
瀉千いっしゃせんり(n) one swift effort/rush through one's work/fast talking, writing, etc./
いっせん(n) 1,000/one thousand/
うみせんやません(n) a sly old dog/an old fox/
さんぜん (n) 3000/many/
あたいせんきん(adj-no) priceless/invaluable/
燕千つばめちどりIndian pratincole/
千のいっきとうせんのむしゃ match for a thousand/matchless warrior/
千と云ういくせんというひと thousands of people/
りょうにせんせき (n) competent local official/
攫千いっかっくせんきん(n) getting rich quick/
いっかくせんきん (n) getting rich quick/