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Kanji: Radical: (じゅう) : ハン; なか(ば); half
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 132 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3501
Japanese Reading English
かはんしん (n) lower half of body/(P)/
ちょうはん odd and even numbers
り半みくだりはん(n) letter of divorce/
しはんき(n) quarter (of a year)/
かはんき(n) the last half-year/
こうはんき(n) second half (e.g. of a year)/
こはんにち(n-adv,n-t) approximately half a day/
かはん (n) lower half/
よわ (n-adv,n-t) midnight/dead of night/
さんはんきかん(n) semicircular canals/
おもしろはんぶん (adj-na,n) for fun/half in jest/
しもしはんき last quarter (of the year)/
半ばするあいなかばする (vs) to have a fifty-fifty (chance)/
西にしはんきゅう (n) the Occident/
いっちはんかい (adj-na,n) superficial knowledge/half knowledge/
いっぷんはん a minute and a half/
ぜんぱん (n) first half/
こうはん the latter/second half
いっしはんせん (n) a small sum/things of little value/
はんしゃてきはんじゅんじょreflexive partial ordering/
ゆうはん (n) half again of a designated unit/
たいはん(n) majority/mostly/generally/(P)/
こうどうはんけい radius of action/sphere of activity/
のとはんとうpeninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture/
ちょうせんはんとう Korean peninsula/
やくはんねん(exp) approximately half a year/
やくはんぶんapproximately half/(P)/
せっぱん (n,vs) half/division/(P)/
じょうはんしん(n) upper half of body/bust/(P)/
しはんぶん(n) a fourth/quarter/
ちょうはん (n) odd and even numbers/dice game/gambling/
じょうはん(n) first half/upper half/
半ばつきなかば (adv,n) middle of the month/
きたはんきゅう(n) northern hemisphere/
なまはんか(adj-na,n) superficial/half-hearted/
しもはんきthe last half of the year
みなみはんきゅう(n) southern hemisphere/
エネルギーちょうせんはんとうエネ ルギーかいはつきこうKorean Energy Development Organization (KEDO)/
こうはんせい (n) latter half of one's life/
こうはん (n-adv,n) second half/(P)/
藁半わらばんし(n) straw paper/
よじょうはん(n) 4 1/2 Tatami mats/(P)/
りくはんきゅう(n) (the) land hemisphere/
ちゅうとはんぱ (adj-na,n) halfway/half measures/unfinished/incomplete/by halves/
つ半みつばん (n) 3-stroke alarm/
いちごんはんく (n) a word/a few words/(not even) a word/(not even) a syllable/
ほくはんnorthern half/
か半かちょうかはんかeven or odd/
ぜんぱんせん first half of the game or match/
み半なぐさみはんぶんpartly for fun/capricious/
いっぱん (n) a half/a part/
半纏しるしばんてん (n) livery coat/
きゃはん (n) leggings/
かみはんき(n) first half of a year/
なんはん southern half/
ぜんはん (n) first half/(P)/
とうはん the eastern half/
じはん about an hour/short time/
さんぎょうはん3 lines and a half/
ひがしはんきゅう(n) Eastern Hemisphere/
ぜんはんせんfirst half of the game or match/
ぜんぱんきfirst half period/
しもはんき(n) the last half-year/
しもはんしん(n) lower half of body/
かはん (n) the greater part/
び半あそびはんぶん(adj-na) half in fun/
みくだりはん(n) letter of divorce/
ぜんはん the first half
やはん (n-adv,n-t) midnight/dead of night/
はなしはんぶん(n) taking a story with a grain of salt/hearing only half the story/
かはんすう (n) majority/(P)/
ぜんはんせい(n) first half of one's life/
いちげんはんく (n) a word/a few words/(not even) a word/(not even) a syllable/
こうはんせん (n) second half/