冷却期間 | れいきゃくきかん | cooling-off period/ |
売却益 | ばいきゃくえき | profit on sales/ |
心頭滅却 | しんとうめっきゃく
| clearing one's mind of all mundane
thoughts/ |
冷却剤 | れいきゃくざい
| (n) coolant/ |
退却 | たいきゃく
| (n)
retreat/withdrawal/retirement/(P)/ |
冷却水 | れいきゃくすい
| (n) coolant/ |
閑却 | かんきゃく
| (n,vs) negligence/disregard/ |
脱却 | だっきゃく
| (n,vs) ridding (freeing) oneself/ |
焼却炉 | しょうきゃくろ | (n) incinerator/ |
忘却 | ぼうきゃく
| (n) lapse of
memory/forgetfulness/oblivion/(P)/ |
焼却 | しょうきゃく | (n,vs) incineration/destroy by fire/ |
減価償却 | げんかしょうきゃく
| (n) depreciation/ |
棄却 | ききゃく
| (n,vs)
rejection/dismissal/abandoning/renunciation/waiver/(P)/ |
返却値 | へんきゃくち | return value/ |
冷却 | れいきゃく | (n,vs) cooling/refrigeration/ |
没却 | ぼっきゃく
| (n,vs) discarding and ignoring/losing sight of
(an objective)/ |
総退却 | そうたいきゃく
| a full retreat/a general retreat/ |
消却 | しょうきゃく
| (n,vs) erasure/paying back
debt/effacement/ |
冷却液 | れいきゃくえき
| (n) coolant/ |
困却 | こんきゃく
| (n) perplexity/dilemma/ |
銷却 | しょうきゃく | (n,vs) erasure/paying back debt/effacement/ |
返却 | へんきゃく
| (n,vs) return of
something/repayment/(P)/ |
滅却 | めっきゃく | (n,vs) extinguishment/destruction/effacement/ |
除却 | じょきゃく | (n,vs) exclusion/eliminatation/ |
償却 | しょうきゃく
| (n)
repayment/redemption/amortization/ |
売却 | ばいきゃく | (n,vs) sale/disposal by sale/(P)/ |
冷却器 | れいきゃくき | (n) refrigerator/cooler/freezer/radiator (of a
car)/ |
控訴棄却 | こうそききゃく | dismissal of an intermediate appeal/ |