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Kanji: Radical: () : キョ、コ; さ(る); go away
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1051 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2156
Japanese Reading English
薨去こうきょ(n) death/demise/
てっきょ (n,vs) withdrawal/revocation/repeal/(P)/
はんかこ (n) imperfect tense/
てて去るみすててさる(v5) to leave behind/
だいかこ(n) past perfect tense/pluperfect/
げ去るにげさる (v5r) to take flight/to disappear/
おせんじょきょ decontamination/
かこかんりょう past perfect tense/
しゅっきょ (n) death/
き去りおきざり (n) desertion/leaving behind or in the lurch/
を去りかをさりじつにつく(exp) to discard the flower for the fruit/
くらいかこshadowy past/
かこ(n-adv,n) the past/bygone days/the previous/(P)/
れ去るくずれさるto crumble away/to collapse/
ち去るもちさる (v5r) to take away/to carry away/
かこぶんし (n) past participle/
じきょ (n,vs) leaving/quitting/retiring/
き去るひきさる (v5r) to retreat/to withdraw/to deduct/
くに去るとおくにさる(exp) to go far away/
しょうきょほう(n) (in mathematics) elimination/
ち去るたちさる (v5r) to leave/to depart/to take one's leave/(P)/
り去るほうむりさる(v5r) to consign to oblivion/
せ去るうせさる (v5) to disappear/to be gone/
び去るとびさる (v5r) to flee away/to scatter/
ひょうじょうきょにゅう the four tones in old Chinese phonetics/
き去るぬきさる(v5r) to (sur)pass/to overtake/
れ去るわすれさる (v5r) to forget completely/to leave behind/
そっきょ(n) death/
ぎ去るすぎさる(v5r) to pass/
り去るはしりさる(v5r) to run away/
り去るきりさる (v5) to cut off/
じょきょ (n,vs) removal/getting rid of/
かこけい(gram) past tense/
び去るはこびさる to carry away/
て去るすてさる (v5r) to abandon (ship)/
しょうきょ (n,vs) elimination/erasing/dying out/melting away/
れ去るつれさる(v5r) to take away/
ばっきょう removed/
しきょ (n) death/(P)/
そくてんきょし (n) selfless devotion to justice/
り去るとりさる (v5r) to remove/to eliminate/
え去るきえさる (v5r) to disappear/to vanish/
退たいきょ (n,vs) departure/leaving/going away/recession/
かこちょう (n) (family) death register/
せいきょ (n) death/(P)/