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Kanji: Radical: () : サン; まい(る); participate
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 850 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2066
Japanese Reading English
ぶっさん(n,vs) visit to a Buddhist temple/
けいえいさんか labor participation in management/
け参りぬけまいり (n) secret or unauthorized pilgrimage/
かひょうさんしょう(see the) following table(s)/
参りはかまいり (n) visit to a grave/(P)/
参りはだかまいり (n) visiting a shrine naked in winter/
しちょうしゃさんかばん ぐみaudience participation program/
らんさんしょうcolumn reference/see column below/
じさんきん(n) dowry/
参りかみまいり(n,vs) visiting shrines/
しさんじかい city council/
馳せ参じるはせさんじる(v1) to hasten to join/
しんざんもの(n) newcomer/
とうごうさんぼうほんぶJoint Chiefs of Staff/
こうさん(n,vs) giving in to/(P)/
って参るとってまいる (v5) to fetch (something)/
しゅうさんりょういん both houses of Parliament (Diet)/
参りてらまいり (n) ritual visits to a temple/
こさんしゃsenior/old timer/
参りおみやまいりshrine visit/
参りえほうまいり (n) New Year's visit to a shrine or temple which lies in a favorable or lucky direction/
ふじんさんせいけんwomen's suffrage/
にっさん (n,vs) daily visit (of worship)/frequent visit/
すいさん(adj-na,n) paying an unannounced visit/rudeness/
ぼさん(n) visit to a grave/
ちょうせんにんじん (n) ginseng/
参りみやまいり (n) shrine visit/(P)/
しんざん (n) newcomer/tyro/
にんじん (n) carrot/ginseng/(P)/
ふさん (n) absence/nonattendance/nonappearance/
こさん(n) seniority/long service/
けんざん (n,vs) seeing/meeting/
きさん (n) returning to the service of one's master/
どくにんじん hemlock/
参りかんまいり (n) winter visit to a shrine/
参りおれいまいり(n) visiting a shrine or temple to give thanks/settling scores/
はかまいり(n) visit to a grave/
参りおまいり (n,vs) worship/shrine visit/
参りあさまいり (n) early morning visit to a temple or shrine/
ふさんか (n) abstention/nonparticipation/
いりこ (n) dried sea slug/
参りおみやまいりshrine visit/
じゅけんさんこうしょ (n) crambook/
ちさん (n,vs) latecoming/lateness/tardiness/
お参りおまいり(n,vs) worship/shrine visit/(P)/
参りれいまいり (n) thanksgiving visit to a shrine/
じきさん(n) immediate follower (of the shogun)/
参りつきまいり (n) monthly (shrine or temple) visit/
そうごさんしょう(n) cross-reference/
じさん (n,vs) bringing/taking/carrying/(P)/
参りいせまいり (n) Ise pilgrimage/
だいさん (n) visiting a temple for another/