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Kanji: Radical: 丿 () : キュウ; およ(ぶ)、およ(ぼす)、およ(び); reach
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 3 Index in Nelson dictionary: 154 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3385
Japanese Reading English
はきゅう(n,vs) spread/extension/influence/
き及ぶききおよぶ (v5b) to hear of/to learn of/
ついきゅう (n,vs) gaining on/carrying out/solving (crime)/(P)/
を及ぼすえいきょうをお よぼす(v5) to affect/
遡及そきゅうてき(adj-na) retroactive/
及びたいようおよびちきゅうthe sun and the earth/
ふきゅうりつdiffusion rate/rate of spread/
を及ぼすがいをおよぼす (exp) to cause harm (to)/
遡及そきゅう(n,vs) tracing back/retroactivity/
を及ぼすたにるいをおよぼす(exp) to involve others in trouble/
ろんきゅう (n,vs) mention/reference to/touching upon/
ページに及ぶページにおよぶ...pages long/
に及ばずいちににおよば ずright away/without waiting around/
かふきゅう (n) excess or deficiency/
かきゅうてき(adv) as ... as possible/
い及ぶいいおよぶ (v5b) to refer to/to mention (e.g. theme)/(P)/
げんきゅう(n,vs) reference/(P)/
ふきゅう (n,vs) diffusion/spread/(P)/
及びげんきんおよびよきんcash on hand and in banks/
ききゅう (n) attempt/
遡及さっきゅう(n,vs) tracing back/retroactivity/
及ばずちからおよばず unable to accomplish/
に及ぶすうひゃくまんに およぶ(exp) to reach (range) into the millions/
く及ばないとおくおよばないfall far short of/be no equal (match) for/
ふきゅうばん(n) cheap popular edition/
い及ぶおもいおよぶ (v5b) to hit upon something/
き及ぶときおよぶ (v5b) to mention/to refer to/to touch upon/