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Kanji: Radical: (また) : ハン、ホン、タン; そ(る)、そ(らす); opposite
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 817 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2945
Japanese Reading English
しんいんはんのうpsychogenic reaction/
ねつかくはんのう thermonuclear reaction/
ぞうはんゆうり There are no rebels without reasons/
ちへど (n) bloody vomit/
いはんしゃviolator (of a law)/
反るのけぞる (v5r) to bend back/to throw (the head) back/
るか反るかのるかそるか(adv,exp) win or lose/sink or swim/make or break/
膝蓋腱反しつがいけんはんしゃkneecap (patellar) reflex/
じょうけんはんしゃ conditioned response/
せいはんたい(adj-na,n) bipolar/polar/polarity/exactly opposite/
はいはん(n,vs) revolting/rebellion/going against/contradiction/antinomy/
るか反るかのるかそるか(adv,exp) win or lose/sink or swim/make or break/
こうかがくはんのう (n) photochemical reaction/
と反せいとはん thesis and antithesis/
かくはんのうろ nuclear reactor/(P)/
きょひはんのう rejection/
げんたんせいさく policy of reducing acreage (under cultivation)/
いちりつげんたんreduction in area of rice under cultivation/
ないはんそく (n) clubfoot/
に反してにはんしてagainst/contrary to/
こうつういはん traffic violation/
きょぜつはんのう rejection/
にりつはいはん (n) antinomy/self-contradiction/
かくはんのう(n) nuclear reaction/
そうはんていり reciprocity theorem (physics)/
じかんはんてん time reversal (physics)/
いんせいはんのう negative reaction (in patient)/
きんはんげん(n) estoppel (patents)/
らんはんしゃ(n) diffused reflection/
むはんどうほう (n) recoilless rifle/
ゆうりきはんのうreaction of free radicals/
そくどいはん (n) speeding/
けんぽういはん unconstitutionality/
ぜんはんしゃ(n) total reflection/
むはんどうじゅう recoiless rifle/
そはんのうelementary reaction/
さんせいはんのうacid reaction/
と反どうとはんどう action and reaction/
ちゅうしゃいはん parking violation/
せいかつはんのう vital reaction/
だいはんたいstrong opposition/
そうはんせい(adj-na) reciprocal/
さんかかんげんはんのう an oxidation-reduction reaction/
ん反りふんぞりかえる(v5r) to lie on one's back with legs outstretched/to recline/to get cocky/to be arrogant/
りはん(n) estrangement/alienation/disaffection/(P)/
を反すほしくさをかえす (exp) to turn over hay/
げんたん (n) reduction (of crop size)/
ぞうはん (n) rebellion/
きそくいはん (n) breach of the rules/
を反らすからだをそらす (exp) to bend oneself backward/
せいたいはんのう (n) reaction of a living body/
呆れ反るあきれかえる(v5r) to be utterly amazed/
かがくはんのう chemical reaction/
しゅひぎむいはん (n) abuse of confidentiality/
を反らすむねをそらす (exp) to be puffed up with pride/to throw out one's chest/
そうはん(n,vs) disagreement/contrary/
れんさはんのう chain reaction/
そうはんてき(adj-na,adv) reciprocal/reciprocally/
せんきょいはん electoral irregularities/
めんえきはんのう immunoreaction/
その反そのはんめんon the other hand/
ようせいはんのう positive reaction/
ほうりついはん (n) violation of the law/
どうごはんぷく tautology/
あいはん (n,vs) disagreement/contrary/
しんいんせいはんのうpsychogenic reaction/
いったん (n) one-tenth hectare/
むほん (n) rebellion/
せいはんごう(n) (in philosophy) thesis-antithesis-synthesis/
いはん(n) violation (of law)/transgression/infringement/breach/(P)/
かぎゃくはんのう reversible reaction/