灰受け | はいうけ | ash pan/ash tray/ |
人受け | ひとうけ
| (n) popularity/ |
客受け | きゃくうけ
| (n) enjoying popularity among the
customers/ |
体内受精 | たいないじゅせい | internal fertilization/ |
接受国 | せつじゅこく | (n) recipient country/ |
待ち受ける | まちうける
| (v1) to await/to expect/(P)/ |
買い受ける | かいうける
| (v1) to purchase/ |
申し受ける | もうしうける
| (v1) to accept/to ask for/to charge (a
price)/ |
仲間受け | なかまうけ
| (n) being popular among one's
companions/ |
試験を受ける | しけんをうける
| (exp) to sit for an examination/ |
甘受 | かんじゅ
| (n,vs) submission to/putting up
with/ |
人工受紛 | じんこうじゅふん | artificial fertilization (of plants)/ |
荷受け人 | にうけにん | (n) consignee/ |
感受 | かんじゅ | (n) (radio)
receptivity/sensitivity/susceptibility/ |
送金受取人 | そうきんうけとりにん | remittee/ |
自家受精 | じかじゅせい | self-fertilization/ |
譲り受ける | ゆずりうける
| (v1) to inherit/to receive/to take over by
transfer/ |
傍受 | ぼうじゅ | (n,vs) interception/monitoring/tapping/(P)/ |
接受 | せつじゅ
| (n) receive/intercept/ |
人の意を受ける | ひとのいをうける | (exp) to comply with a person's wishes/ |
賞を受ける | しょうをうける
| (exp) to receive a prize/ |
前受収益 | まえうけしゅうえき
| (n) deferred income/ |
引受ける | ひきうける
| (v1) to undertake/to take up/to take over/to be
responsible for/to guarantee/to contract (disease)/(P)/ |
大学に受かる | だいがくにうかる | (exp) to pass the entrance examination to a
university/ |
感受性 | かんじゅせい
| (n) sensitivity/(P)/ |
享受 | きょうじゅ
| (n,vs) reception/acceptance/enjoyment/being
given/(P)/ |
自家受粉 | じかじゅふん | self-pollination/ |
再受浸 | さいじゅしん | rebaptism by immersion/ |
放射線感受性 | ほうしゃせんかんじゅせ
い | radiosensitivity/radiosensitive/ |
授業を受ける | じゅぎょうをうける | (v1) to take a class/ |
大受け | おおうけ
| (n) big hit/great success/ |
人工受胎 | じんこうじゅたい
| artificial insemination/ |
収受 | しゅうじゅ
| (n,vs) reception/receiving/ |
俗受け | ぞくうけ
| (n) popular appeal/ |
玉軸受け | たまじくうけ | (n) ball bearings/ |
信受 | しんじゅ
| (vs) belief/acceptance (of truths)/ |
送受 | そうじゅ | (n,vs) sending and receiving/ |
仮受け金 | かりうけきん | (n) money temporarily receipted/ |
仮受取 | かりうけとり | temporary receipt/ |
荷受け | にうけ
| (n) receipt of goods/ |
拝受 | はいじゅ
| (n,vs) receiving (accepting)
(humbly)/ |
納受 | のうじゅ | (n,vs) acceptance/reception/ |
身受け | みうけ
| (n) ransoming/redeeming/ |
引き受ける | ひきうける
| (v1) to undertake/to take up/to take over/to be
responsible for/to guarantee/to contract (disease)/(P)/ |
南を受ける | みなみをうける
| (exp) to face the south/ |
仮受取証 | かりうけとりしょう
| temporary receipt/ |
恩寵を受ける | おんちょうを
うける | (exp) to enjoy (a person's)
favor/ |
被害を受ける | ひがいをうける
| (v1) to be damaged/to receive
damage/ |
馬鹿受け | ばかうけ
| great hit/ |
保険金受取人 | ほけんきんうけとりにん
| insurance beneficiary/ |
短波受信機 | たんぱじゅしんき | (n) short-wave receiver/ |
口受 | くじゅ
| listening to someone talking/ |
体外受精 | たいがいじゅせい
| in vitro fertilization/ |
真に受ける | まにうける
| (exp) to take seriously/to
believe/ |
名刺受け | めいしうけ
| (business) card tray/ |
年金受給者 | ねんきんじゅきゅうしゃ | a pensioner/ |
伝受 | でんじゅ | (n) initiation (into the arts)/ |
郵便受け | ゆうびんうけ | (n) mailbox/ |
借り受け人 | かりうけにん
| borrower/debtor/tenant/ |
気受け | きうけ
| (n) popularity/favor/ |
引き受け | ひきうけ
| (n) undertaking/underwriting/ |
借り受ける | かりうける
| (v1) to borrow/to have a loan/to hire/to
rent/to buy on credit/ |
引受 | ひきうけ | (n) undertaking/underwriting/ |
享受者 | きょうじゅしゃ | recipient/ |
引受る | ひきうける | (v1) to undertake/to take up/to take over/to be
responsible for/to guarantee/to contract (disease)/ |
授受 | じゅじゅ
| (n,vs) give and receive/(P)/ |
送受信 | そうじゅしん | (n) transceiver (send and receive)/ |
北受け | きたうけ
| facing the north/ |
引受人 | ひきうけにん | (n) guarantor/ |
全波受信機 | ぜんぱじゅしんき
| (n) all-wave receiver/ |
軸受け | じくうけ
| (n) bearing (e.g. wheel)/ |
人工受精 | じんこうじゅせい
| artificial insemination/ |
借り受け金 | かりうけきん | borrowed money/ |
見受ける | みうける
| (v1) to catch sight of/to see/to
suppose/ |