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Kanji: Radical: (くち) : ダイ、タイ; ; stand, holder
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 848 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2005
Japanese Reading English
ぶたいこうかstage effects/
やたいぼね (n) framework/mainstay/support/supporter/
み台すずみだい(n) outdoor bench/
ぶたい (n) stage (theatre)/(P)/
じゅうだい (n) the teens (10-19)/teenage/the tenth generation/
きょうだい(n) dresser/(P)/
まえぶたいapron stage/
てんだいしゅう (n) Tendai sect (of Buddhism)/
ぶたいそうち stage setting/
しごとだいworkbench/work table/
ワークけ台ワークとりつけだい (manufacturing) fixtures/
かいようきしょうだいmarine meteorological observatory/
まめたいふう(n) small typhoon/midget typhoon/
けいこだい(n) training partner/
錐台えんすいだい (n) circular truncated cone/
とけいだい(n) clock stand/clock tower/
ばんだい (n) oval tub or tray used in fish shops/
けんだい(n) bookrest/bookholder/
ほうだい (n) (gun) battery/fort/
しんだいれっしゃ (n) sleeper train/
て台すてぜりふsharp parting remark/
てんぼうだい(n) viewing platform/(P)/
ひょうしょうだい(n) victory stand/winners' podium/
錐台かくすいだい truncated pyramid/
しゅじゅつだいoperating table/
きょうだい (n) bridge abutment/
しゃだい (n) chassis/car body/
台のの袖ぶたいのさゆうのそ でwings of a stage/
うんだい (n) (camera) platform/
ぶたいはいゆう stage actor or actress/
台にけるぶたいにかける(exp) to put on stage/
せんだい (n) (shipbuilding) berth/
はつぶたい(n) debut/initial stage appearance/
せいかだい(n) platform (structure) bearing the Olympic flame/
てんだい(n) Buddhist sect (fr. 8th C)/
ごうもんだいthe rack/
しまだい(n) ornament representing the Isle of Eternal Youth/
ちんだい(n) garrison (in Meiji era)/
ねだい (n) bed/couch/
ぶたいうら(n) offstage/
かいしょくだい abrasion platform/
-台-だい[Counter for vehicles, electric products such as TV]
り台つりだい(n) fishing platform/stretcher/
じっけんだい(n) laboratory testing bench/laboratory material/subject of an experiment/
ぶたいがかり stagehand/
こうかんだい(n) (telephone) switchboard/
はっしゃだい launching pad/
り台すべりだい (n) launching platform/(playground) slide/sliding bed/(P)/
パチンコ台パチンコだいpachinko (Japanese pinball) machine/
てんもんだい (n) astronomical observatory/(P)/
みだい (n) wife of a shogun or a highest-ranking nobleman/
きしょうだい (n) meteorological observatory/
どだいいし(n) cornerstone/foundation stone/
かいせきだいち dissected plateau/
燭台しょくだい(n) candlestick/candlestand/
しもだいどころservants' kitchen/
せんめんだい(n) washbasin/washstand/
いちだい one vehicle/
ひのきぶたい(n) stage made of Japanese cypress/the limelight/the big time/
にだい(n) (truck) load-carrying tray/(bicycle) luggage carrier/roof rack/
えんだい(n) bench/
ぶたいどうぐset piece/
ぶたいかんとくstage director/
しきだい (n) step in a Japanese entranceway/
み台とびこみだい (n) diving board/
瑶台ようだい(n) fairyland/beautiful building ornamented with gems/
らし台みはらしだい (n) lookout platform/
だんとうだい(n) guillotine/
かだい (n) stand/frame/abutment/
はれぶたい gala occasion/
台稽ぶたいげいこdress rehearsal/
ぶたいせいかつ stage career/
うんてんだいdriver's seat/
のうぶたい (n) noh stage/
ひとりぶたい (n) one's unrivaled field/
しんだいけん(n) ticket (sleeping car)/
しんだいりょうきん (n) berth charge/
とうだいもとくらし (exp) can't see the forest for the trees/
し台ながしだい(n) sink/washstand/
ほんぶたい(n) main stage/public place/
せんだいこうLord of Sendai/
笠の台がかさのだいがとぶ(exp) to be fired/to be decapitated/
ぶたいどきょう on-stage composure/
とうだい(n) lighthouse/(P)/
やたい street stall
やたい (n) cart/float/food cart/
まわりぶたいrevolving stage/
こうしゅだい(n) gallows/
瓦台せいがだいthe Blue House (South Korea's presidential palace)/
やたいみせ (n) stall/stand/
ふめんだいmusic stand/
ぶたいしょうめいstage lighting/
ぶたいげいじゅつ performing arts/
しんだいしゃ(n) sleeping car/sleeper/
ぶたいびらきformal opening of a new theater/
ぶたいげき(n) stage play/
はんだい (n) (Japanese-style) dining table/
かんくきしょうだいdistrict meteorological observatory/
ぎ台つぎだい (n) a footstool/a graft/a stock/
ろだい (n) balcony/
けしょうだい(n) dressing table/dresser/
ぶたいいしょう (theatrical) costumes/
とうだいもり(n) lighthouse keeper/
しんだい (n) bed/couch/(P)/
あめたいふう(n) rain-laden typhoon/
ぶたいまけstage fright/
かおくだいちょうhouse or housing registry/
叩き台たたきだい(n) chopping block/springboard for discussion/
ひとりぶたい having the stage to oneself/being peerless/monopolization/
えっぺいだい reviewing stand/
調ちょうりだいkitchen table or counter or working surface/
蓮台れんだい(n) lotus-shaped pedestal for images of the Buddha/
がくふだい music stand/
おおだい (n) (stock) 100-yen unit/high level (of stock prices)/
ばんだい(n) a watch stand/a watcher's seat/
きだい (n) honorific used in company correspondence/
たかだい(n) elevation/high ground/(P)/
どだい (adv,n) foundation/base/basis/(P)/
しょうにんだいwitness stand or box/
み台にふみだいにのる(exp) to step on a footstool/
そんだい (n) you (ancient or literary)/
ぶたいちゅうけい televised broadcast of a stage performance/
すべりだい(n) launching platform/(playground) slide/sliding bed/
み台ふみだい(n) footstool/stepping stone/
しんさつだいexamination table (at a doctor's office)/