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Kanji: Radical: (くち) : コウ、キョウ; む(く)、む(ける)、む(かう)、む(こう); turn, face
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 101 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3052
Japanese Reading English
向くうえむく(v5k) to look upward/to turn upward/to rise/
ほうこう (n) direction/course/way/(P)/
ないこう (n) introvert/(P)/
向かいてむかい (n) resistance/
が向かないきがむかない be not inclined (to do)/
向けるあおむける (v1) to turn up (ones face)/
ふうこう (n) wind direction/
向きしょうめんむきfront view/
ぎょうかいどうこうindustry trend/
っ向まっこうほう(n) makko-ho (set of four exercises for general health)/
へんこうかいろdeflection circuit/
向けこくないむけ(adj-no) for domestic use/
趨向すうこう(n) tendency/trend/current/
向をらすしゅこうをこらす(exp) to elaborate a plan/
たいこうしゃ(n) car (running) on the opposite lane/oncoming car/
向きうしろむき(n) back facing/turning one's back to/
を向くうえをむく (exp) to look upward/
へんこう(n) propensity/tendency/inclination/deflection/(P)/
向くうわむく (v5k) to look upward/to turn upward/to rise/
向くあおむく(v5k) to look upward/
オブジェクトオブジェクトしこうげんごObject-oriented language/
の向きいえのむき aspect of a house/
の向かいにのむかいにopposite of/across from/
向きみなみむき (n) southern exposure/facing south/
向きかってむき (n) in and about a kitchen/family circumstances/
に向いたきたにむいたまど window to the north/
向きばんにんむきall-purpose/suiting everybody/
を向けるこころをむける (exp) to turn one's thoughts to/
ひたすら (adj-na,adv) earnestly/
えこう (n,vs) Buddhist memorial service/prayers for the repose of the soul/
ふうこうけい (n) anemoscope/
俯向けるうつむける(v1) to turn upside down/to turn (face) downward/
向きであるばんにんむき である(exp) to suit all tastes/
の向きかぜのむき direction of the wind/
向きにひたむきにきく(v5) to listen intently/
てんこう (n,vs) conversion/shift/about-face/switch/
向きぞくむきpopular (literature)/
コンシューマ向けコンシューマむけせいひ んconsumer products/
向きふむき (adj-na,n) unfit/unsuitable/unmarketable/
ひなたみず (n) water warmed in the sun/
々に向けられたわれわれにむけられたひ なんcriticism leveled against us/
が向くうんがむく (exp) to be in lucks way/
じょうしょうけいこう (n) upward tendency/rising trend/
まっこうほう(n) makko-ho (set of four exercises for general health)/
ないこうせい (n) introversion/
けいざいせいこうじょうmore economical/
ち向かうたちむかう (v5u) to fight against/to oppose/to face/
め向きつとめむき(n) one's business/one's duties/
を向けるひなんのめをむ ける(exp) to turn a look of reproach/
ないこうてき (adj-na) introvert/(P)/
ほうこうたんちきdirection finder/
ほうこうてんかん change of course/
西向きにしむき (n) facing west/
向をほうこうをさす(exp) to point to a direction/
向かいすじむかい (n) diagonally opposite/
向こうかわむこう (n) to be on the other side of a river/
の向きはごきぼうのむきはthose who want it/
向きようむき (n) errand/one's business/
向きかぜむき (n) wind's direction/
向かうてむかう (v5u) to resist/
向きしたむき (n) downward look/business decline/
どうこうひょう In-Out Board (in office)/
俯向けうつむけlying face down/upside down/
向うはむかう (v5u) to strike back at/to bite back/to turn on/to rise against/to oppose/to defy/(P)/
向きなつむき (n) for summer/
向かうきむかう (v5) to come facing (us)/
みらいしこう future oriented/
向こうおおむこう (n) to play to the gallery (masses, general public)/
ほうこうかんねんsense of direction/
捩じ向けるねじむける(v1) to twist/
めんこうふはい(n) flawless/
しこうせい (n) directivity/
に向けられたわれわれにむけられたひ なんcriticism leveled against us/
ひなた (n) sunny place/in the sun/(P)/
しゅっこう (n,vs) being transferred/proceeding/leaving for/
向きまむき(adj-na,n) earnest/singlehanded/face to face/straight ahead/just in front of/
向きかざむき(n) wind's direction/(P)/
がいこう (n) extroversion/
向きおもてむき (n) outward appearance/ostensible/public/official/
俯向 きうつむきlying face down/upside down/
向きおくむき(n) inner part of the house/
向にいっこうに (adv) (not) at all/(P)/
向きやくむき (n) nature of one's position/
いこう (n) intention/idea/inclination/(P)/
らし向きくらしむき(n) circumstances/
さに向かうとさむさにむ かうとas winter approaches/
向けあおむけ (n) face up/(P)/
り向くふりむく (v5k) to turn one's face/to turn around/(P)/
はっこう(n) departure for a specified destination/
しこう (n) intention/aim/(P)/
ほうこうおんち no sense of direction/
向けかおむけ (n) face another/
に向いているきょうしにむいている(exp) to be cut out for a teacher/
しゅこう (n) plan/idea/(P)/
ほうこう direction
向きわかむき (n) intended for the young/
向くでむく (v5k) to go to/to proceed to/to leave for/employee on loan/
向きのじょうむきのごかんせい upward compatibility/
俯向く うつむく(v5) to look downward/to stoop/
誂え向きあつらえむき(adj-na) ideal/most suitable/
向かいまむかい(n) directly opposite/facing/
に向かうかいほうにむかう(exp) to improve/to get better/to convalesce/
向けしむけ(n) delivery/sending/treatment/
し向けるさしむける (v1) to send or direct a person to/
を向けるせをむける(exp) to pretend not to see/to turn one's back on/
の向く侭にきのむくままにat one's fancy (whim)/
向にわないいっこうにかまわないdoesn't care at all/doesn't matter at all/
り向くふりむく to look back, to turn around
向きひだりむき (n) turning to the left/
こうげきほうこう attacking direction/
いっこう (adv) (not) at all/(P)/
せいこう (n) affection/
向けはなむけ smelling (something)/farewell present/
たいこうしゃせん(n) opposite lane/
向きふゆむき (adj-no,n) for winter use/(P)/
を向けるへいをむける (exp) to send an army/
向けるしむける (v1) to induce/to tempt/to treat/to act toward/to handle (men)/to send/to forward to/
向きがいじんむきaimed at foreigners/
向をたってひとのいこうをあたってみる(exp) to sound out a person's thoughts/
がいこうせい(adj-no,n) extroversion/
向るしむける (v1) to induce/to tempt/to treat/to act toward/to handle (men)/to send/to forward to/
向舵ほうこうだ (n) rudder/
こうりつこうじょう improvement in efficiency/
向ききたむき (n) facing north/northern exposure/
どうこう(n) trend/tendency/movement/attitude/(P)/
ろ向きうしろむき (n) back facing/turning one's back to/(P)/
さんこう(n,vs) proceeding to/
向きよこむき (n) turning sideways/
しこう (n) OO (object oriented)/directional (microphone)/
り向けるふりむける(v1) to turn/
向きのおもてむきのりゆうostensible (surface) reason/
向かいかわむかい (n) across a river/
向きまえむき (adj-na,n) facing forward/positively/(P)/
たいこう(n,vs) counter-/corresponding/face/opposite/
っ向まっこう(n) brow/front/helmet front/
し向きくらしむき (n) circumstances/
向かうはむかう (v5u) to strike back at/to bite back/to turn on/to rise against/to oppose/to defy/(P)/
向くよこむく (v5) to turn sideways/
し向かいさしむかい (n) face to face/
向かうはむかう (v5u) to strike back at/to bite back/to turn on/to rise against/to oppose/to defy/
じどうほうこうたんちき automatic direction finder (ADF)/
向きうわむき (adj-na,n) upturn/upward tendency/looking upward/
しょうひせいこうconsumption propensity/
と向かってめんとむかっ てright to one's face/
かげひなた(n) double-faced/
げこう (n,vs) leaving the capital/
向けがいじんむけfor foreigners/(P)/
向きひがしむき (n) facing east/
向いまむかい (io) (n) face to face/straight ahead/just in front of/
しこうせいばくやく shaped charge/
じょうこう (n) upturn/
向くみむく (v5k) to look around/to look towards (us)/
廻向かいこうBuddhist memorial service/
向ぼっこひなたぼっこ(n) basking in the sun/
へんこうばんdeflection plate/
向けばんにんむけsuiting all tastes/
なつむき (n) for summer/
けいこう (n) tendency/trend/inclination/(P)/
向きうえむき(adj-na,n) upturn/upward tendency/looking upward/