立憲君主政体 | りっけんくんしゅせいたい | constitutional monarchy/ |
父君 | ふくん
| (n) father/ |
大君 | おおぎみ
| (n) emperor/king/prince/ |
貴君 | きくん
| (n) (pronoun) you (younger
person)/ |
郎君 | ろうくん | (n) (rare) young lord/young nobleman/ |
先君 | せんくん
| (n) previous ruler/ancestors/ |
絶対君主制 | ぜったいくんしゅせい | (n) absolute monarchy/ |
偽君子 | ぎくんし | (n) hypocrite/snob/ |
若君 | わかぎみ
| (n) young lord or prince/ |
二君 | にくん
| (n) two masters/ |
母君 | ははぎみ
| (n) (polite reference to one's own)
mother/ |
主君 | しゅくん | (n) lord/master/ |
夫君 | ふくん
| (n) one's husband/ |
大君 | たいくん
| (n) liege lord/shogunate/ |
専制君主 | せんせいくんしゅ
| absolute
monarch/despot/autocrat/tyrant/ |
父君 | ちちぎみ | (n) father/ |
亡君 | ぼうくん | (n) one's deceased lord/ |
忠君 | ちゅうくん
| (n) loyalty to one's ruler/ |
立憲君主政 | りっけんくんしゅせい | constitutional monarchy/(P)/ |
庸君 | ようくん
| (n) stupid ruler/ |
二君に仕えず | にくんにつかえず | (exp) to not serve two masters/ |
暗君 | あんくん
| (n) foolish ruler/ |
我が君 | わがきみ
| my lord/ |
忠君愛国 | ちゅうくんあいこく
| loyalty and patriotism/ |
明君 | めいくん
| (n) wise ruler/ |
名君 | めいくん
| (n) wise ruler/enlightened monarch/benevolent
lord/ |
大君 | おおきみ | (n) emperor/king/prince/ |
遊君 | ゆうくん
| (n) prostitute/ |
立憲君主 | りっけんくんしゅ
| constitutional monarch/ |
人君 | じんくん
| (n) sovereign/ruler/ |
家君 | いえぎみ
| (n) head of the house/ |
幼君 | ようくん
| (n) young lord or master/ |
-君 | -くん | boy's name suffix |
厳君 | げんくん
| (n) your honored father/ |
偽君子 | にせくんし | (n) hypocrite/snob/ |
姫君 | ひめぎみ
| (n) princess/(P)/ |
仁君 | じんくん
| (n) benevolent ruler/ |
暴君 | ぼうくん
| (n) tyrant/despot/ |
家君 | かくん
| (n) head of the house/ |
辻君 | つじぎみ | (n) streetwalker/nightwalker/prostitute/ |
檀君 | だんくん | mythical founder of Korea/ |
諸君 | しょくん
| (n) Gentlemen!/Ladies!/(P)/ |
尊君 | そんくん
| (n) (pol) someone's father/one's
companion/ |
夫の君 | せのきみ | one's husband/ |
士君子 | しくんし
| (n) gentleman/man of learning and
virtue/ |
細君 | さいくん | (n) (one's) wife/ |