採否 | さいひ | (n) adoption or rejection/ |
認否 | にんぴ
| (n) approval or disapproval/ |
当否 | とうひ
| (n) propriety/right or
wrong/justice/ |
可否を採る | かひをとる
| (exp) to take the ayes and noes/ |
許否 | きょひ
| (n) approval and disapproval/ |
正否 | せいひ
| (n) right and wrong/ |
拒否反応 | きょひはんのう
| rejection/ |
拒否権 | きょひけん | (n) right of veto/(P)/ |
適否 | てきひ
| (n) propriety/fitness/aptitude/ |
部分否定 | ぶぶんひてい
| (n) partial negation/ |
成否 | せいひ
| (n) success or
failure/outcome/result/ |
運否天賦 | うんぷてんぷ | (n) trusting to chance/having a go at
something/ |
拒否 | きょひ | (n) denial/veto/rejection/refusal/(P)/ |
賛否両論 | さんぴりょうろん
| the pros and cons/ |
登校拒否 | とうこうきょひ
| truancy/ |
乗車拒否 | じょうしゃきょひ
| refusing to allow a passenger on board a train
or into a bus or taxi/ |
実否 | じっぴ | (n) whether true or false/ |
諾否 | だくひ
| (n) yes or no/(P)/ |
二重否定 | にじゅうひてい
| double negative/ |
真否 | しんぴ
| (n) true or false/ |
安否 | あんぴ
| (n) safety/welfare/well-being/(P)/ |
存否 | そんぴ
| (n) (whether) existent or non-existent/life or
death/ |
健否 | けんぴ | condition of health/ |
存否 | ぞんぴ
| (n) (whether) existent or non-existent/life or
death/ |
合否 | ごうひ | (n) success or failure/result/ |
賛否同票 | さんぴどうひょう
| tie vote/ |
賛否 | さんぴ
| (n) yes and no/for and against/(P)/ |
可否 | かひ | (n) propriety/right and wrong/advisability/pro and
con/ |
良否 | りょうひ | (n) good or bad/ |