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Kanji: Radical: (くち) : ロ、リョウ; とも、なが; phonetic "ro"
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 891 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2187
Japanese Reading English
ひとふろ (n) a bath/
呂桶ふろおけ (n) bath tub/
しおぶろ(n) saltwater bath/
のてんぶろ (n) open-air bath/
りつりょ (n) standard tones/Chinese system of musical sounds/
呂釜ふろがま(n) bath heater/
ふろば(n) bathroom/(P)/
ふろ (n) bath/(P)/
トルコトルコぶろ(n) Turkish bath (euph. for brothel)/
むしぶろ(n) steam bath/
うちぶろ(n) indoor bath/bath for family (not public) use/
ふろだい fee charged at a public bath/
ごろ (n) the sound/euphony/
すなぶろ (n) sand bath/
おおぶろしき (n) big talk/a rodomontade/
みずぶろ(n) cold bath/
イロハ (n) traditional ordering of the Japanese syllabary/
わせごろあわせ (n) rhyming game/play on words/pun/
呂におふろにはいる (v5) to take a bath/
おとこぶろ(n) (public) baths for men/
ろてんぶろ (n) open air bath/rotemburo/
ふろ bath
がりふろあがり just out of the bath/
いろは(n) traditional ordering of the Japanese syllabary/(P)/
ふろしき (n) wrapping cloth/cloth wrapper/(P)/
呂からがるふろからあがる (exp) to step out of the bath/
呂のふろのゆにひたる (exp) to sink into a hot bath/to soak in a bathtub/
ふろや (n) public bath/(P)/
あさぶろ (n) a morning bath/