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Kanji: Radical: (くち) : ; あじ、あじ(わう)、あじ(わい); taste
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 913 Index in Halpern dictionary: 274
Japanese Reading English
りょうみ(n) cool/coolness/(P)/
あまみ (n) sweetness/sugary taste/(P)/
おおあじ (adj-na,n) tasteless/flat-tasting/
し味かくしあじ (n) bringing out a taste/
じんこうかんみりょうartificial sweetener/
しゃみせんひき (n) samisen player/
どくみ (n,vs) poison tasting/foretaste/
いみじょうのもくてきご sense object/
糞味噌くそみそ(adj-na,n) sweeping denunciation/
あかみ (n) a tinge of red/
いみぶもん semantic component/
味がしているあかみがさしている(exp) to be tinged red/
あおみどろ(n) spirogyra/algae forming pond scum/
くちじゃみせん (n) humming a samisen tune/
たしゅみ(adj-na,n) multivaried interests/
味いきまずい(adj) (uk) unpleasant/awkward/
あつみ(n) thickness/profound/
ぼつしゅみ(adj-na,n) commonplace/vapid/insipid/
はいみ (n) subdued taste/refined taste/haiku (poetic) flavor/
味いうまい(adj) delicious/
味を味わうどくしょのおもしろみをあじわう (exp) to appreciate the pleasures of reading/
しょうみ(n) net (weight)/(P)/
きょうみしんしん(adj-na,n) very interesting/of absorbing interest/of great interest/
むしゅみ (adj-na,n) lacking taste or flair/dull/
調かがくちょうみりょう chemical seasoning/
調ちょうみ (n,vs) seasoning/flavoring/
くみ (n) bitterness/bitter taste/(P)/
ちんみ (n) delicacy/(P)/
ぶきみ(adj-na,n) eerie/uncanny/ominous/
さみ (n) three-stringed guitar/
しょうみじゅうりょう net weight/
がんみ (n,vs) taste/thinking over carefully/
きょうみしんしん(adj-na,n) very interesting/of absorbing interest/of great interest/(P)/
いやみ(adj-na,n) disagreeableness/gaudiness/sarcasm/
なかみ(n) contents/interior/substance/filling/(sword) blade/
どくみやく a taster (for poison)/
味しいおいしい (adj) delicious/tasty/(P)/
びみ (adj-na,n) good flavor/delicacy/
調ちょうみりょう(n) condiment/seasoning/(P)/
きょうみ (n) interest (in something)/(P)/
味がかったきみがかった yellowish/cream-coloured/
うまみ (n) good flavor/good taste/
にがみ (n) bitterness/bitter taste/(P)/
かんみりょう(n) sweeteners/sweetening materials/(P)/
うすきみわるい (adj) weird/eerie/uncanny/
ち味もちあじ (n) inherent flavor/distinctive characterisic/
な味おつなあじstrange taste/spicy taste/(P)/
しゅみ hobby
あくしゅみ (adj-na,n) bad taste/
玩味がんみ(n) relish/appreciation/
醍醐味だいごみ(n) the best/the epitome/
味を捉えるいみをとらえ る(exp) to grasp the meaning/
いみ (n,vs) meaning/significance/(P)/
にんげんみ(n) human kindness/human weakness/
かいみ (n) pleasure/
ぎんみ (n) testing/scrutiny/careful investigation/(P)/
こきみ (n) sentiment/feeling/
ぞくしゅみvulgar taste/
しんみ(n) true meaning/
さいぎんみ(n) re-examination/review/
ひとあじ (adv,n) unique or peculiar flavor/
い味からいあじ pungent taste/
こうみりょういれ spice rack/
たるきょうみしんしんた る(adj-t) of great interest/
の駒しゃみせんのこまbridge of shamisen/
よわみ (n) weakness/
じみ (n) nutriment/wholesome/savoriness/rich food/nourishment/
きょうみほんい(adj-na,adj-no,n) popular (literature, etc.)/
稽味がこっけいみがある tinged with humor/
ち味かちみ (n) sign of victory/
しんじつみ(n) truth (veracity, authenticity) (e.g. of a report)/
にんじょうみ (n) human interest/kindness/
むいみ(adj-na,n) nonsense/no meaning/(P)/
き味噌なきみそ crybaby/
しょうみねだん net price/
じょうきょういみろんsituation semantics/
おもしろみ(n) interest/fun/
ぶきみ(adj-na,n) weird/ominous/eerie/uncanny/ghastly/(P)/
しょうゆあじsoy sauce taste
つよみ (n) strong point/
味噌よわみそ (n) weakling/coward/
いみしんちょう (adj-na,n) profound (often hidden) meaning/pregnant with significance/
はくみthin taste/
ったにがみばしった sternly handsome/
ごのいみmeaning of a word/
ふかみ depth/deep/
じょうみ (n) charm/attractiveness/humanity/
凄味 すごみ(n) weirdness/ghastliness/dreadfulness/
しゅみ(n) hobby/tastes/preference/(P)/
かみ (n) seasoning/flavoring/
いちみ (n) clan/an ingredient/a touch/a tinge/conspirators/a gang/
味しいおいしいtasty. delicious
くちざみせん (n) humming a samisen tune/
き味かきあじ (n) the feel or performance of a pen/
厭味いやみ(adj-na,n) disagreeableness/gaudiness/sarcasm/
味噌をのうみそをしぼる (v5) to rack one's brains/
しょうみきげん best if eaten by this date/
ふみ (adj-na,n) distaste/unsavoriness/
けるいみづける(v1) to give meaning to/
いみじょうのしゅごsense subject/
しちみ(n) seven spice mixture/shichimi/
味いまずい (adj) (uk) unappetising/unpleasant (taste, appearance, situation)/ugly/unskilful/awkward/bungling/unwise/untimely/(P)/
かんそうむみ (adj-na,n) dryness/dullness/
むみかんそう (adj-na,n) dull and uninteresting/cut-and-dried/(P)/
きれあじ(n) sharpness (of a sword)/the feel of a cutting edge/
味噌のうみそ(n) brains/
しょうみ(n,vs) relish/gusto/appreciation/
の味ぶんがくのあじthe pleasures of literature/
いみないよう (n) semantic content (of a term)/meaning (of a sentence)/
しゅうみ(n) bad smell/stink/
味噌てまえみそ(n) self-flattery/sing one's own praises/
さみせん(n) three-stringed Japanese guitar/shamisen/
かぜぎみslight cold/
しゃみせん (n) three-stringed Japanese guitar/shamisen/(P)/
いみやくわりsemantic role/
いみあい (n) implication/nuance/
ていかいしゅみ(n) experiencing vicariously/dilettantism/
糠味噌ぬかみそづけ(n) vegetables pickled in salted rice-bran paste/
かんみ(n) sweetness/sugary taste/
おもみ (n) importance/weight/dignity/emphasis/
味だいいきみだ (exp) Serves you right!/
むみ (adj-na,n) lacking taste/dull/
さみせんひき (n) samisen player/
いみろん(n) semantics/the study of meaning/
こうみ (n) spice/
糠味噌ぬかみそ(n) salted rice-bran paste for pickling/
ひゃくみ (n) all kinds (of food)/
みょうみ (n) exquisite/charm/profit/
しおあじ (n) seasoning/
きょうみぶかい(adj) very interesting/of great interest/(P)/
味よいこきみよい (adj) smart/clever/neat/gloating/
いいきみ(adj-na) serves one right/
鹹味かんみ(n) saltiness/
味のいみのかんけいりろんrelational theory of meaning/
ちみ (n) soil fertility/product of the soil/
さみせんひき(n) samisen player/
れ味きれあじ (n) sharpness (of a sword)/the feel of a cutting edge/
こうみりょう (n) spice/
味をいみをとる(exp) to follow the sense/to understand the meaning of/
じみ(adj-na,n) plain/simple/(P)/
味がらないいみがとおらないbe incomprehensible/not make sense/
そこきみわるい (adj) strange/eerie/ominous/
きみ (n) sensation/feeling/(P)/
ばあじ market sentiment/
味噌てっかみそ(n) miso, fried soybeans and vegetables seasoned with sake and sugar/
あとあじ(n) aftertaste/
ていかいしゅみ (n) experiencing vicariously/dilettantism/
したあじ(n) seasoning of food/
がみ (n) high class/graceful/
こうみ taste flavor/deliciousness/
いみげんり semantics principle/
味噌あかみそ (n) dark-brown miso paste/
の味をおんなのあじをしる(exp) to have carnal knowledge (of a woman)/
ぜんみ(n) the flavor of Zen/air or style of disinterestedness/
まるみ(n) roundness/rotundity/
からみ (n) salty (hot, sharp) taste/(P)/
やくみ (n) spice(s)/condiment(s)/(P)/
かみ (n) delicious taste/
ぎみ (n-suf) -like/-looking/-looked/
どうしゅみthe same interests/
味をびたあかみをおびたtinged with red/reddish/
まるみ (n) roundness/rotundity/
しぶみ (n) good taste/astringency/refinement/(P)/
糠味噌ぬかみそくさい(adj) overly concerned with domestic affairs/
しゃみせんひき(n) samisen player/
しんみ (n) novelty/
くみそbitter principle/
さんみ (n) sourness/acidity/(P)/
ふうみ (n) taste/flavor/
味だおよそむいみだ be quite meaningless/