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Kanji: Radical: (くち) : メイ、ミョウ; いのち; life
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 430 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2058
Japanese Reading English
かくめいか (n) revolutionary song/
ぶんかだいかくめい(n) (China's) Cultural Revolution (1966-76)/
せいめいほけんlife insurance/(P)/
宿しゅくめいろん(n) fatalism/
えんめい(n) (1) long life/longevity/(2) macrobiotics/
ようめい(n) command/order/request/
ぎゃくめいだいa counterproposition/
ちめい (n) age 50/
しゅっとうめいれい (n,vs) (issuing) order requiring somebody to report personally (to a police station)/subpoena/
てんめい (n) God's will/karma/destiny/Heaven's decree/one's life/
そんめい(n) your order/
宿しゅくめいろんじゃ fatalist/
はくめい (n) misfortune/short life/evil fate/
たいめい(n) waiting for orders/
禄命ろくめいone's lot/
しんめいき deuteronomy/
ちょくめい (n) imperial command/(P)/
よめい (n) remainder of one's life/one's remaining years/(P)/
せいめいほけんがいしゃ(n) life insurance company/
寿じゅみょう (n) life span/(P)/
じょめい (n) sparing a life/clemency/reconsidering a dismissal/
にんめいけん (n) appointive power/
りゃくしきめいれい summary order/
命にいっしょけんめいに with all one's might/
かめい (n) order/command/
もないよめいいくばくも ない(exp) your days are numbered/
ぜつめい (n,vs) end of life/death/
しつめい losing one's life/dying/
ぼうめい (n,vs) emigration/exile/flight from one's country/defection/(P)/
しみんかくめいpeople's or popular revolution/
うんめいろんしゃ fatalist/
ちめいしょう(n) fatal wound/(P)/
かくめいぐん(n) revolutionary army/
べつめい (n) another or separate order/
おんめい (n) gracious command or words/
げんめい (n) strict order/peremptory command/
ふくめい(n,vs) reporting/returning (ones finding to a person)/
使しめいしゃ messenger/
きゅうめいぐ(n) lifesaving equipment/
宿しゅくめいてき(adj-na) fateful/
ろめい (n) transient life/ephemeral existence/
はんかくめい (n) counterrevolution/
じゅんびめいれい warning order/
はいめい (n,vs) receiving an official appointment/
ぜったいぜつめい(adj-na,n) a desperate situation/be driven into a corner/
しょうめいcall/divine call/
せいめいかがく life science/
にんめいじょうwritten appointment/
ひめい (n) unnatural or untimely death/
たんめい (adj-na,n) short life/(P)/
命センターきゅうめいセ ンターhospital emergency room/
い命たっといいのち precious life/
寿命をばすじゅみょうをのばす(exp) to prolong one's life/
使命をびるしめいをおびる(exp) to be charged with a mission/
うんめいてき(adj-na) (pre)destined/
かくめいうんどう revolutionary movement/
かくめいてき(adj-na) revolutionary (e.g. technology)/
かくめいじ(n) man of revolutionary temperament/
ぜったいぜつめい desperate situation/
でんめい (n) telegraphed instructions/
しんめい (n) one's life/
はんどうかくめい counterrevolution/
らくめい (n) death/
ていめい imperial order/
寿へいきんじゅみょう life expectancy/
いっしょうけんめい (adj-na,n-adv,n) very hard/with utmost effort/with all one's might/(P)/
うんめい(n) fate/(P)/
へいきんよめいlife expectancy/
じんこうせいめい artificial life/
じゅうがつかくめい (n) the October Revolution/
かんめい (n) official orders/
しめい (n) fate/life or death/
せいめいせん(n) lifeline/
さくせんめいれいoperation order/
あんしんりつめい (n) spiritual peace/enlightenment/
じんめいきゅうじょ lifesaving/
りゅうつうかくめい distribution revolution/
ほんめい (n) favorite/sure thing/likely winner/certainty/
の命かりのいのちthis transient life/
さんぎょうかくめい the Industrial Revolution/
ちめい (n) fatal/
ぞんめい (n) being alive/
使しめい (n) mission/errand/message/(P)/
使とくめいぜんけんこうし minister extraordinary and plenipotentiary/
にんめい(n) appointment/nomination/ordination/commission/designation/(P)/
ぼうめいせいけん government in exile/
かじんはくめい(exp,n) beauty and luck seldom go together/(P)/
ぼうめいせいかつlife in exile/
せいきょうとかくめい Puritan Revolution/
しゃめい (n) company orders/
ぼうりょくかくめい violent revolution/
うんめいろん(n) fatalism/
せいじぼうめいpolitical exile/
命ボートきゅうめいボー ト(n) lifeboat/(P)/
じんめい (n) (human) life/
いっぱんめいれいえんざ んきこうgeneral instruction unit (computer)/
ほんめい(n) wearing oneself out with work/
せいめいこうがく (n) biotechnology/
しじょうめいれい categorical imperative/overriding necessity/
りつめい(n) peace of mind/
使命をたすしめいをはたす(exp) to carry out one's mission/
ないめい (n) private or secret orders/
の命しんぐんのめいれいをくだす(exp) to give a marching order/
せいめいりょく(n) one's life force/
ぎょうせいめいれい administrative or executive order/
こうどうめいれい operation order/
かくめいか(n) revolutionary/
せいめい (n) life/existence/(P)/
こんめい (n) kind words/
ぞんめいちゅうin one's lifetime/(while) in life/
けんめい (adj-na,n) eagerness/earnestness/risking one's life/
ぼうめいしゃ (n) refugee/exile/displaced persons/
ちょうめい(adj-na,n) long life/
しゅつどうめいれい marching orders/sailing orders/
使とくめいぜんけんたいし ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary/
くんめい(n) the orders of one's ruler/
ぼうめいぶんがく exile literature/
いちめい (n) a life/a command/
しょうひかくめい consumer or consumption revolution/
とくめい(n) mission/
の命つゆのいのちlife as evanescent as the dew/
かくめい (n) revolution/(P)/
いめい (n) will/dying instructions/
いっしょけんめい (adj-na,n) very hard/with utmost effort/with all one's might/desperately/frantically/for dear life/all out effort/
せいめいいじそうち(n) life-support system/
たいめい (n) imperial or royal command/
きゅうめいてい(n) lifeboat/
からの命うえからのめいれい order from above/
しょうつきめいにち (n) anniversary of a person's death/
きゅうめい(n) lifesaving/
宿しゅくめい (n) fate/destiny/predestination/(P)/
ちめいてき (adj-na) fatal/lethal/(P)/
あんじんりょうめい (n) spiritual peace/enlightenment/
しゅめい (n) ruler's orders/master's orders/