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Kanji: Radical: (くち) : ワ、オ; やわ(らぐ)、やわ(らげる)、なご(やか)、なご(む); peace
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3268 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1130
Japanese Reading English
おんわ(adj-na,n) gentle/mild/moderate/(P)/
梵和ぼんわじてん Sanskrit-Japanese dictionary/
きょうわ (n) republicanism/cooperation/
こうわかいぎ (n) peace conference/
ひよりみ(n,vs) straddle/
かんわじてん Chinese-Japanese character dictionary/
おんわ(adj-na,n) gentle/mild/moderate/(P)/
へいわこくpeaceful country/
調ふちょうわ(adj-na,n) discord/incongruity/
ちゅうわざい(n) neutralizer/counteractive/antidote/
やまとだましい(n) the Japanese spirit/(P)/
へいほうわ(n) sum of squares/
和をへいわをたもつ(exp) to maintain (preserve) peace/
しんわせい affinity/
ドイツドイツみんしゅきょうわ こくGerman Democratic Republic (i.e. former East Germany)/
そうわ(n) sum total/
きせいかんわ(n) deregulation/removal (easing) of (official) restrictions/
きょうわこく (n) republic/commonwealth/(P)/
和撫やまとなでしこ(n) woman who displays the feminine virtues of old Japan/a pink (the flower)/
やまとみんぞく(n) Yamato race/
やまと (n) ancient Japan/
やまとうた(n) waka/tanka/
調ちょうわ (n) harmony/(P)/
だいすうてきわ algebraic sum/
やまとに(n) beef boiled with soy sauce, ginger and sugar/
ほうわてん the saturation point/
の和さんどのわおん common chord/triad/
へいわきょういく peace education/
やまとことば (n) the ancient or primordial Japanese language/
ちょうせんみんしゅしゅ ぎじんみんきょうわこくPeople's Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea)/
ふほうわ (n) unsaturated/
きょうわせいたい republican form of government/
ちゅうわ (adj-na,n,vs) neutralize/counteract/(P)/
へいわしゅぎしゃ pacifist/
しょうわ Japanese emperor (1926-1989)/(P)/
ほうわようえき a saturated solution/
きょうわせいじ republican government/
きょうわ (n) concord/harmony/concert/
どうわきょういく (n) social integration education/education to eliminate discrimination/
へいわてきかいせつ peaceful resolution/
宥和ゆうわせいさく appeasement policy/
ぶそうへいわarmed peace/
和のやまとのくに Yamato/Japan/
が和むこころがなごむ (exp) to feel relaxed/
なんあきょうわこく Republic of South Africa/
きょうわとうRepublican Party/
せかいへいわ (n) world peace/peace of the world/
ぎわだん (in Chinese history) the Boxers/
ぜんめんこうわ overall peace treaty/
しんわ (n) friendship/fellowship/
ひより (n) weather/(P)/
きょうわせい(n) republicanism/
ふきょうわおん (n) discord/dissonance/
こんわ (n) mixture/mingling/
かほうわ(n) supersaturation/
しじょうのほうわじょう たいmarket saturation/
きんちょうかんわ detente/easing of tensions/
ほうわじょうき saturation vapor/
の和ふうふのわconjugal harmony/concord between husband and wife/
あきびより (n) clear autumn day/
こうわ (n) peace/conclude peace/(P)/
宥和ゆうわ(n,vs) appeasement/
しょうわ (n,vs) saying (cheering) in chorus/
ちゅうかじんみんきょう わこくPeople's Republic of China/Communist China/(P)/
へいわてき peaceful/
へいわじょうこうpeace clause/
しょうわねんかんShowa era/(P)/
やまとじだいYamato period (300-550 CE)/
へいわきょうてい peace agreement/
ひよりげた (n) geta for wear in dry weather/
ほうわじょうたい saturated/
へいわきょうぞん peaceful coexistence/
きょうわせいど republicanism/
を和らげるくつうをやわ らげる(exp) to relieve a person's pain/
ゆうわ(n,vs) harmony/reconciliation/
きょうわおん(n) consonance/
へいわいじかつどう peace-keeping operation/
こうわじょうやく peace treaty/
しんわりょく(n) (chemical) affinity/
やまとごころ(n) the Japanese spirit/
ちゅうわねつ(n) heat of neutralization/
ほうわかごうぶつa saturated compound/
やまといも(n) variety of Japanese potato/
にゅうわ (adj-na,n) gentleness/mildness/meekness/(P)/
ふわらいどう(n) following blindly/
へいわ (adj-na,n) peace/harmony/(P)/
へいわいじぐんpeace-keeping force/
へいわかいぎ peace conference/
倡和しょうわ(n,vs) saying (cheering) in chorus/
かんわ (n) Chinese Character-Japanese (e.g. dictionary)/(P)/
へいわうんどうpeace movement/
えいわ (n) English-Japanese (e.g. dictionary)/(P)/
和すきんしつあいわす happily married/
へいわぶたい the Peace Corps/
媾和こうわ(n) reconciliation/peace/
きょうわしゅぎ republicanism/
へいわきょうりょく (n) peace collaboration/
えいわじてん English-Japanese dictionary/
かんわ (n) relief/mitigation/(P)/
ほうわ (n) saturation/(P)/
しょうわじだい Showa period (1926-1989 CE)/
へいわじょうやく peace treaty/
へいわこうせい peace offensive/
ふわ (adj-na,n) friction/discord/trouble/dissension/disagreement/(P)/
調よていちょうわ (n) preestablished harmony/
いわ (n) physical disorder/
いわかん (n) malaise/incompatibility/
あかげわしゅ type of Japanese cow/
こはるびより (n) Indian summer/mild autumn weather/
へいわさんぎょうpeace-time industries/
どくわ (n) German-Japanese/
かんわしんどう (n) relaxation oscillation/
へいわこっか peace-loving nation/
ふわ (n) blindly following others/
和をへいわをのぞむ(exp) to crave for peace/
へいわしゅぎ pacifism/
ドイツドイツれんぽうきょうわ こくFederal Republic of Germany (former West Germany)/(P)/
ふわらいどう(n) following blindly/following suit without reflection/
ノーベルノーベルへいわしょう Nobel peace prize/
たんどくこうわseparate peace/
やまとえ(n) pictures of ancient Japan/(P)/