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Kanji: Radical: (くにがまえ) : ダン、トン; ; group
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1027 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3053
Japanese Reading English
こたつぶとん (uk) cover for kotatsu/
じんけんだんたい human rights organization/
ほごだんたい conservation group/
しだんちょうdivision commander/
せいじだんたい a political organization/
すいそうがくだん wind instrument orchestra/wind band/brass band/
あいこくだんたい(n) patriotic group or organization/
蒲団ざぶとん (n) floor cushion/
しゅうだんけんしん group medical examination/
しゅうきょうだんたい religious group/
じだんだふむ to stamp one's feet/
しゅうだんそしょう class-action (lawsuit)/
調ちょうさだん(n) inquiry commission/research group/
蒲団ふとんむしburying a person under a pile of futon in fun/
かいだん(n) disbandment/
かけぶとん(n) bed cover/coverlet/
きょくばだん(n) circus troupe/
こうだん (n) public corporation/(P)/
だいどうだんけつ (n) merger/(presenting a) united front/
しょうひしゃだんたい consumer group/
はうちわ(n) Japanese fan made of feathers/
ふとんがわ(n) quilting/ticking/
こもんだんadvisory body/
じぎょうだん (n) corporation/agency/
きだん (n) air mass/
け蒲団かけぶとん quilt/comforter/
ぼしゅうだん(n) population (statistics)/parent set/
団をてるざぶとんをあてる (exp) to sit on a cushion/
おうえんだん(n) cheering party/
せんだん (n) (naval) fleet/
このえしだん the Imperial Guards/
いんがいだん(n) nonparliamentary party association/
げんがくしじゅうそう だん(n) string quartet/
ふとんむしburying a person under a pile of futon in fun/
煎餅せんべいぶとん(n) bedding worn flat and hard by usage/
せいねんだん(n) young persons' association/
しだん (n) (army) division/(P)/
がいこうだん(n) diplomatic corps/
にんいだんたい (n) private organization (neither controlled nor protected by law)/
わらぶとん(n) straw mattress/
かくだんたいeach group/
けつだんしき ceremony celebrating the formation of an organization/
けいだんれん (n) (abbr) Federation of Economic Organizations/
けいぼうだん (n) civil defense unit/
はねぶとん(n) down (feather) quilt/
ひだりうちわ(n) ease and comfort/
ぼうりょくだん(n) gangster organization/band of thugs/gangster/(P)/
ひえいりだんたい nonprofit organization/
きゅうだん (n) baseball team/
かんきだん(n) a cold air mass/
こうきょうだんたい public organization/
しょうぼうだん(n) fire brigade or company/
ぎわだん(in Chinese history) the Boxers/
しゅうだん (n) group/mass/(P)/
ぶとうだん(n) dance troupe/
がっそうだん(n) ensemble/
しみんだんたいcitizen's group/
しゅうだんのうじょうcollective farm/
べんごだんdefense counsel/
かんこうだんtourist party/
いっちだんけつ(n) union/solidarity/total cooperation/
しえんだんたい support group/
りょだん (n) brigade/
かけぶとん(n) bed cover/coverlet/(P)/
こうだんじゅうたく public housing/
ぼうりょくだんいん (n) gangster/mobster/
しゅうだんしゅうしょく group employment/
しゅうだんせいかつ (n) living in a group/communal living (life)/
たどん(n) charcoal briquette/
えいだん (n) corporation/foundation/
せきゆこうだん Japan National Oil Corporation/
ぶそうしゅうだん armed group/
くさだんご(n) mugwort-flavored rice dumpling/
せいだん (n) star cluster/
うちゅうかいはつじぎょうだんNASDA/National Space Development Agency/
せきどうきだん equatorial air mass/
にゅうだん (n) enrollment/
ぎょうかいだんたい industry group/
へいだん (n) army corps/
こうぎょうだんち industrial park/
きょうだん(n) religious organization/
ごそうせんだん (n) (armed) convoy/
うよくだんたい right-wing organization (clique)/
がっしょうだん(n) chorus group/choir/(P)/
こんせいだんcomposite brigade/
ぼうりょくだんがり roundup of gangsters/
団をふとんをしく(exp) to make a bed/
げきだん (n) troupe/theatrical company/
しゅうだんけっこん group wedding/
にほんどうろこうだん (n) Japan Highway Public Corporation/
ぐんじこもんだん military assistance advisory group/
がくじゅつだんたい(n) academic society/learned body (society)/
えいだんちかてつ (n) Teito Rapid Transit Authority subway/Eidan subway/
じぜんだんたい(n) charitable institution (organization)/(organized) charities/
うもうふとん(n) down(-filled) quilt (futon)/
じけいだん(n) vigilance committee/vigilante corps/
しゃだん (n) corporation/association/
しゅうだんあんぜんほ しょうcollective security/
おうえんだんちょう cheerleader/
けいざいだんたいれんごうかい(n) Federation of Economic Organizations/
退たいだん (n) leaving a group or troupe/
しゅうだんこうどう (n) group (collective) action/collective behavior/
がくだん(n) orchestra/band/
ぐんだんちょうcorps commander/
じけいだんいん a vigilante/
こしぶとん(n) cushion worn round the waist for warmth/
だいだんえん (n) denouement/ending/conclusion/(grand) finale/
いちだん(n) a body/a group/a party/a gang/a troupe/
ざぶとん (n) cushion (Japanese)/square cushion used when sitting on one's knees in a tatami-mat floor/(P)/
やせいどうぶつほごだん たいwildlife protection organization/
蒲団ふとんがわ(n) quilting/ticking/
だいぎいんだん delegation/
ちほうこうきょうだんた い(n) local public body/
匪団ひだんbandit gang/
ふとん(n) bedding (Japanese style)/futon/(P)/
がいかくだんたい auxiliary organization/(P)/
きしゃだんpress group/press corps/group of reporters/press organization/
こくさいきょうりょく じぎょうだんJapan International Cooperation Agency (1974)/JICA/
ぶんだん(n) branch/chapter/
しゅうだんしんり mass psychology/(P)/
みんだん (n) foreign-settlement corporation/
ぐんだん(n) army corps/
黍団 きびだんご(n) millet dumplings/
団欒いっかだんらんa family get-together/
けつだん (n,vs) forming into an organization/setting up a group/
ざいだん(n) foundation/
しせつおうえんだん(n) private cheer group/
しきぶとん(n) mattress/underquilt/(P)/
蒲団ふとん(oK) (n) futon/bedding/
あつりょくだんたい pressure group/lobby/
薔薇ばらじゅうじだん Rosicrucian/Fellowship of the Rosy Cross/
しょうねんだん (n) Boy Scouts/
ちほうだんたい (n) local public body/
つちだんごmud pie/
煎餅蒲団 せんべいぶとんthin bedding/hard bed/
より団はなよりだんご (exp) dumplings rather than flowers/people are more interested in the practical over the aesthetic/
しきぶとん(n) mattress/underquilt/(P)/
しゃだんほうじん (n) corporation/
しつないかんげんがく だん(n) chamber orchestra/
ざいだんほうじん (n) (juridical) foundation/
こうきょうがくだん symphony (orchestra)/
蒲団はねぶとん (n) down quilt/
みんかんだんたい (n) nongovernment organization/NGO/