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Kanji: Radical: (くにがまえ) : ト、ズ; はか(る); plan
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1034 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3071
Japanese Reading English
せいず(n) draughtsmanship/drawing/sketching/mapmaking/cartography/(P)/
ぶんぷず(n) distribution map/
えず (n) illustration/drawing/
だんめんず(n) a view in cross section/
りゃくず (n) rough sketch/rough map/
はいせんず(n) wiring diagram/
きんでんず(n) an electromyogram (EMG)/
ぐんようちず army (topographic) map/
ぐず (adj-na,n) dullard/indecisive person/
どうろちず(n) road (highway) map/
しょうめんず(n) front elevation/
おんがくとしょかんmusic library/
を図るあんぜんをはかる (exp) to provide for safety/
そくめんず(n) side view/
そうず(n) illustration/
たたみちずfolding map/
したず(n) rough sketch/
あいず signal
け図かけず (n) wall map or chart/
さんこうとしょ (n) reference book (work)/
ふず (n) appended map or diagram or chart/
じっそくず (n) measured map/surveyed map/
がいず street map/
てんきゅうず horoscope/
いと (n) intention/aim/design/(P)/
こくりつとしょかんnational library/
ごじゅうおんず the Japanese syllabary table/
いとてき(adj-na) intentional/on purpose/
とうしず(n) transparent view/perspective drawing/
とうしずほう hidden line drawing/
いどうとしょかんmobile library/bookmobile (USA)/
便を図るべんぎをはかる(exp) to suit the convenience of/to accommodate/
し図さしず(n) directions/instructions/
図るぐずる (v5r) to grumble/to be unsettled/to pick a quarrel/
冀図きと(oK) hopefully planning/
せいずばん (n) drafting (drawing) board/
そしょくず(n) organizational chart/
ほうず (n) end/limit(s)/
せっけいず(n) plan/blueprint/
ちけいず(n) topographic map/
あんないずguide map/
かず(n) lower illustration/
ようず (n) outline/rough sketch/
いと intention, purpose
ぐずぐず(adj-na,adv,n) hesitating/lingering/complaining/
きと(n) plan/project/scheme/(P)/
ゆうと (n) ambitious plan (enterprise)/grand project/
せいずか cartographer/
あいず (n,vs) sign/signal/(P)/
便を図るべんをはかる (exp) to provide facilities/to administer to the convenience of/
そうと(n) ambitious undertaking/grand scheme/
こうず (n) map of a harbor/
いでんちず genetic map/
しりょうず(n) end game position/
ぜんず (n) complete map/whole view/
を図るそうごりかいをはかる(exp) to strive for mutual understanding/
れ図ながれず (n) flowchart/flow diagram/
せつだんずsectional drawing/
かいず (n) sea chart/
とうこうせんちずtopographic map/
せいず (n) star map/
へいめんずけい plane figure/
れきしちず historical map/atlas/
てんきず(n) weather map/
ちず (n) map/(P)/
こうかいとしょかんpublic library/
こうず (n) composition/
しょうにんず(n) approved plan or drawing/
げんず (n) original drawing/
を図るじさつをはかる(exp) to attempt suicide/
そうにゅうずinserted figure/
そくりょうず(n) survey map/
あおず blueprint/
へいめんず(n) ground plan/plane figure/
ぐずつく(v5k) to dawdle/to fret/
てんたいずstar map/
しんでんず (n) electro-cardiogram/
とうえいずほう (method of) projection/
はんしゃけいすうせん ずreflection coefficient chart/
はくちず(n) blank map/
にわたしさしずしょ delivery order/
いと treasonable intent/
のほうず(adj-na,n) unregulated/
られない図めったにみら れないずseldom seen sight/
ちず map
かいろず circuit diagram/schematic/
さくず (n,vs) drawing (figures)/construction (in geometry)/
しがいず city map/
じりょくずforce diagram/
いしゃのさしずdoctor's mandate/
こうきょうとしょかん public library/
こっかいとしょかん(n) National Diet Library/Library of Congress/
こうず(n) cadastral map/
瞰図ちょうかんず (n) bird's-eye view/
もけいちず relief map/
かけいずfamily tree/
しょくせいず (n) vegetation map/
さしず(n) instruction/mandate/(P)/
ぶんけんちず prefecture maps/
はんと (n) territory/
り図みとりず(n) a (rough) sketch/
けいずがくgenealogy (the study)/
てんかいず(n) (in mathematics) a development/
ちしつず(n) geological map/
じょうず (n) the upper illustration/
けいず (n) family tree/pedigree/genealogy/(P)/
しゅくず(n) reduced drawing/miniature copy/(P)/
とうえいず(n) a projection drawing/
せんしょくたいちずmap of chromosomes/
さんこうとしょかんreference library/
俯瞰図ふかんず(n) bird's-eye view/
どくず (n) reading a map/
ゆうと ambitious undertaking/
きと hopefully planning/
こうそうてんきずupper-level weather chart/
ふず (n) attached map or plan/
を図るこうえきをはかる (exp) to labor for the public good/
ふと(adv) suddenly/casually/accidentally/incidentally/unexpectedly/unintentionally/(P)/
えずめん (n) a plan/