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Kanji: Radical: (つち) : アツ; ; pressure
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 818 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2970
Japanese Reading English
でんあつ(n) voltage/(P)/
あねったいこうきあつ (n) subtropical anticyclone/
けつあつけい(n) sphygmomanometer/
でんあつけい(n) voltmeter/
しあつ(n) finger pressure massage or therapy/
かかくあつりょく price pressure/
きょうあつ (n) pressure/
かあつみつひ overconsolidation ratio/
よあつ (n) pressurization/
けんあつ (n) measuring pressure/
くうきあっしゅくきair compressor/
ゆあつきhydraulic equipment/
圧されるけおされる (v1) to be overawed (overpowered)/
じょうきあつ(n) steam pressure/
かんあつしcarbonless duplicating paper/
かあつすいろ pressurized water reactor/
せいあつひstatic pressure ratio/
きあつはいち pressure pattern/
せいしどあつけいすう coefficient of earth pressure at rest/
たいきあつ (n) atmospheric pressure/
きあつ (n) steam pressure/
こうでんあつhigh voltage/high tension/
こうあつへんあつき step-down transformer/
しあつりょうほう acupressure therapy/
こうあつざい(n) drug to lower blood pressure/
じゅどうどあつけいすう coefficient of passive earth pressure/
かあつせい compressibility/
ねったいていきあつ(n) tropical cyclone/
さんじくあっしゅくしけんきtriaxial compression apparatus/
ていけつあつしょう hypotension/hypoglycemia/
こうそくあつconfining pressure/
いんかでんあつ applied voltage/
さいていけつあつ minimal blood pressure/
きんあつ (n) suppression/
こうあつ (n) high voltage/high pressure/
くうあつ air (pneumatic) pressure/
すいあつけいwater-pressure gauge/
しんとうあつ(n) osmotic pressure/
へんあつじょtransformer substation/
だんあつ (n,vs) oppression/suppression/pressure/(P)/
そくあつ(n) lateral pressure/
たいあつりょくcapacity to resist pressure/
こうあつせん(n) high-voltage wire/
ちんあつ (n,vs) suppression/subjugation/(P)/
ゆあつ(n) oil pressure/hydraulics/
がいあつ (n) external pressure/
ふうあつ (n) wind pressure/
ていあつ (n) low pressure/low voltage/
ゆあつけい(n) oil pressure gauge/
ていけつあつ(n) low blood pressure/
かあつ (n) increasing pressure/
おんせいあっしゅく voice compression/
じゅうあつかん(n) feeling of oppression/
ないあつ (n) internal pressure/
しあつけいpressure gauge/
ほんたいせいこうけつ あつessential hypertension/
きあつ (n) atmospheric pressure/(P)/
ていあつ low pressure
すいぎんきあつけいmercury barometer/
さんじくあっしゅくしけ んtriaxial compression test/
すいあつき(n) hydraulic machine/
おんたいていきあつ(n) extratropical cyclone/
とうあつせん(n) isobar/
こうけつあつしょう(n) high blood pressure (as an illness)/hypertension/
じょうさいあつ overburden stress/
こうあつてき(adj-na) high-handed/oppressive/
しゅうしゅくきけつあつsystolic blood pressure/
こうけつあつ(n) high blood pressure/
ていあつ (n) constant pressure/
しゅどうどあつけいすう coefficient of active earth pressure/
じゅうあつ(n) pressure/
よくあつ(n) check/restraint/oppression/suppression/(P)/
かあつすいがたげんしろ(n) pressurized water reactor/
げんあつ (n,vs) decompression/
いあつ (n) coercion/
へんあつ (n) transformation (of a current)/
ひつあつ (n) strength of a brushstroke/
すいあつ (n) water (hydraulic) pressure/
きあつけい(n) barometer/
こうきあつ (n) high atmospheric pressure/(P)/
ぼうあつ (n) violent suppression/
せいすいあつ(n) hydrostatic pressure/
けつあつこうかざい (n) anti-hypertensive agent/
ていきあつ(adj-na,n) low (atmospheric) pressure/cyclone/bad temper/tense situation/(P)/
けんあつき (n) pressure gauge/
こうあっしゅくhigh compression/high pressure/
けつあつ(n) blood pressure/(P)/
きあつ steam pressure
へんあつき(n) (power) transformer/
たいあつ (n) pressure-resistant/
こうあつでんりゅう (n) high-tension current/
ていこうへなつきstep-down transformer/
せいあつ (n,vs) gaining total control (of people or counties)/suppression/oppression/control/mastery/ascendancy/supremacy/
はいあつ(n) back pressure/
圧にえるじゅうあつにたえる(exp) to withstand pressures/