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Kanji: Radical: (つち) : ボウ; ; sonny
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1062 Index in Halpern dictionary: 233
Japanese Reading English
れん坊わすれんぼうforgetful person/
坊っちゃんおぼっちゃん (n) (hon) son/
そうぼう (n) priests' temple quarters/
おんぼう (n) cemetery guard/crematorium worker/
まるぼうず (n) close-cropped head/bald hill/
お坊っちゃんおぼっちゃん(n) (hon) son/
えん坊あまえんぼう(adj-na,n) pampered or spoiled child/
飴坊あめんぼう(n) water-skater (insect)/water strider/
でこぼう (n) beetle-browed boy/mischief/
ん坊くろんぼう (n) (1) black person (derog.)/dark-skinned person/(2) smut/(3) prompter/stagehand/
しん坊いやしんぼう (n) greedy person/
みっかぼうず (n) one who can stick to nothing/unsteady worker/
噌擂り坊みそすりぼうず (n) a low-ranking priest/contemptuous reference to a priest/
ん坊さくらんぼ(n) (edible) cherry/
こぼうず(n) young priest/scamp/
どろぼう (n,vs) thief/burglar/robber/theft/
いしん坊くいしんぼう (adj-no,n) glutton/gourmand/
いたずらぼうず mischievous boy/
葱坊ねぎぼうず(n) onion head/
ねぼう (n,vs) sleeping in late/(P)/
る坊てるてるぼうず (n) paper doll to which Japanese children pray for fine weather/
ちゃぼうず (n) tea-server/flatterer/sycophant/
宿しゅくぼう(n) priest's quarters/visitor's or pilgrims' lodgings in a temple/
ほんいんぼう (n) grand master of the game of go/
れん坊あばれんぼう(n) hooligan/rowdy/roughneck/a rough/
ん坊あかんぼう (n) baby/(P)/
なまぐさぼうず (n) wordly priest/
じなんぼう(n) second son/
あさねぼう(n,vs) oversleeping/late riser/(P)/
せん坊とおせんぼう (n) stand in the way/block the way/
みえぼう (adj-na,n) fop/swell/dude/coxcomb/vain person/
の坊でくのぼう (n) wooden doll/blockhead/
れん坊かくれんぼう (n) hide and seek (the game)/
飴坊あめんぼ(n) water-skater (insect)/water strider/
ちん坊たちんぼう (n) being kept standing (without doing anything)/
しょうがくぼう (n) large sea turtle/heavy drinker/
ぜんぼうformer crown prince/the late crown prince/
お坊さんおぼうさん(n) Buddhist priest/monk/(P)/
蛸坊たこぼうず(n) man with a bald or shaven head/
ふうらいぼう(n) wanderer/vagabond/capricious person/hobo/
ん坊くろんぼ(n) (1) black person (derog.)/dark-skinned person/(2) smut/(3) prompter/stagehand/
の坊しのぼうmaster priest/
たいわんぼうず(n) atmospheric depression originating in Taiwan/
吝ちん坊けちんぼう(uk) miser/(P)/
ごぼう(n) Reverend (used to priest, monk, etc.)/
坊さんおぼうさん (n) Buddhist priest/monk/
はるぼう nickname for such names as Haruo or Haruko/
うみぼうず (n) sea monster/green turtle/
りん坊おこりんぼう short-tempered or irritable person/
だらくぼうずapostate priest/
れん坊かくれんぼ (n) hide and seek (the game)/