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Kanji: Radical: (つち) : ドウ; ; hall
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1365 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2589
Japanese Reading English
しゃいんしょくどう(n) staff canteen/
のうがくどう(n) Noh theatre/(P)/
堂伽藍しちどうがらん (n) complete seven-structured temple compound/
廟堂びょうどう(n) the Court/
かいどう(n) church/chapel/synagogue/tabernacle/
堂堂たるせいせいどうどうたる(adj-t) fair and square/open and aboveboard/
堂堂いふうどうどう (adj-na) majestic/pomp and circumstance/
そうどう(n) temple meditation hall or certain other temple structures/
ぜんどう(n) Zen meditation hall/
べつどう separate building/
撞堂かねつきどう (n) belfry/bell tower/
おんがくどう(n) concert hall/
しょくどうしゃ(n) dining car/
てんどう (n) heaven/paradise/
さんどう (n) visiting a home or a shrine/
々堂々せいせいどうどう (adj-na,n) fair and square/open and aboveboard/
きょうかいどう (n) church/chapel/
のうこつどう(n) crypt/charnel house/
しょくどう (n) cafeteria/dining hall/(P)/
ユダヤユダヤきょうかいどう synagogue/
こっかいぎじどうNational Diet (Japanese parliament)/Capitol Hill (US)/(P)/
牌堂いはいどう(n) mortuary chapel/
こうどう (n) you/your beautiful home/
まんどう (n) the whole audience/
殿でんどう (n) palace/palatial building/
お堂おどう(Buddhist)temple, (Shinto)shrine; a hall
せいどう (n) (Confucian) temple/church/sanctuary/(P)/
々堂堂たるせいせいどうどうたる(adj-t) fair and square/open and aboveboard/
こうどう(n) auditorium/(P)/
きょうどう (n) sutra library/
しょくどう dining hall, dining room
こんどう (n) main temple structure (sanctuary, hall)/
ろっかくどう hexagonal building/
れいどう (n) (pol) home/mother/
いまけんしょくどうliving room-cum-dining room/
ぼどう (n) your (his) mother/
辻堂 つじどう(n) wayside shrine/
さんせいどう Sanseido (publisher)/
そんどう (n) your family/your mother/
かんいしょくどう cafeteria/snack bar/lunch counter/
にんてんどうNintendo (video game company)/
そうどう (n) thatched hut/monks cell/(my) humble abode/
ぎじどう (n) Diet building/
こんじきどうKonjikido (name of a temple building)/
ほんどう (n) main temple building/nave/(P)/
ちゅうどう main temple building/
ぶつどう (n) Buddhist temple/
たいしゅうしょくどう (n) cheap restaurant/eating place (house)/
こうかいどう (n) town hall/public hall/(P)/
れいはいどう(n) place of worship/
いちどう (n) one building (hall, temple, shrine, room)/
堂堂せいせいどうどう (adj-na,n) fair and square/open and aboveboard/
かいどうづかさ ruler of a synagogue/