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Kanji: Radical: (つち) : ゾウ; ふ(える)、ふ(やす)、ま(す)、ま(し); increase
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1137 Index in Halpern dictionary: 677
Japanese Reading English
こうそくぞうしょくろ fast-breeder reactor/
増しねまし (n) price hike/mark-up/
ていぞう (n) gradual increase/(P)/
増しにいちにちましに(adv) day by day/
わりましりょうきん a surcharge/extra charge/
り増しわりまし (n) premium/bonus/extra wages/
増しやきまし (n) photo reprint/
しぜんぞうしゅう natural or automatic increase in revenue/
き増しやきまし(n) photo reprint/
弥増すいやます(v5s) to increase (all the more)/
増したてまし (n) building addition or extension/an annex/
おおとしま middle-aged woman/
増しみずまし (n) inflation (of budget, claim, etc.)/(P)/
が増えるりょうがふえる(exp) to gain in quantity/
わりましうんちん additional freight/
わりまし (n) premium/bonus/extra wages/
増しみずまししほん watered capital/
増しわりましりょうきん a surcharge/extra charge/
て増すたてます (v5s) to extend (building)/to build on/
かぞう(n) increase/addition/
げきぞう (n,vs) sudden increase/
しぜんぞうnatural increase/
りんじぞうかん (n) extra (special) issue (e.g. of a magazine)/
増しわりまし(n) premium/bonus/extra wages/
増しひまし (n) day by day/daily/
増しにひましに (adv) day by day/(P)/
じんこうぞうか (n,vs) (allowing for) population increase/rise in population/
増しみずましよさんbudget of padded (empty) figures/
り増しわりましきん(n) premium/bonus/
としま (n) mature woman/middle-aged woman/
かいていぞうほrevised and enlarged (edition)/
が増すしんようがます(exp) to gain more confidence/
増しみずましかぶwatered stock/
きゅうぞう(n,vs) explosion/proliferation/surge/(P)/
増しみずまししさん watered assets/
ばいぞう (n) double/(P)/
るいぞう (n) sucessive or progressive increases/cumulative increase/
わせ増だきあわせぞうしselling new stock for less than face value/
ちゅうどしま(n) woman approaching middle age/
ぜんぞう (n) gradual increase/(P)/
増しばいまし (n) doubling/
を増やすひとでをふやす(exp) to add to the staff/
わりましちんぎん extra pay/
が増えるたいじゅうがふえる(exp) to gain weight/
じゅんぞう (n) net increase/
弥増さるいやまさる(v5r) to become still greater/