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Kanji: Radical: (さむらい) : バイ、マイ; うる、う(れる)、う(り); sell
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1067 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2196
Japanese Reading English
こうりぶっかしすうretail price index/
売をえるしょうばいをかえる(exp) to change to a new business/
売のしょうばいのかぶgoodwill of a business/
みつばい (n,vs) smuggling/bootlegging/illicit trade/(P)/
せんばいきょく (n) (Japan's) Monopoly Bureau/
り売しきりばいばい transactions on dealer's terms/
ふとうれんばい dumping/
し売りおろしうりぶっか wholesale price/(P)/
て売りすてうり sacrifice sale/
はつばいきんし prohibition of sale/
売りまえうり (n) advance sale/booking/(P)/
売りえきうり (n) station vendor/
はんばいにん seller/sales agent/
こうり (n,vs) retail/(P)/
売りまえうりけんticket sold in advance/(P)/
にんきしょうばいoccupations dependent on public favor/
おろしうり (n) wholesale/(P)/
売りむしうり (n) insect peddler/
こべつはんばい door-to-door selling/
みずしょうばい(n) "the water trade"/night life/entertainment business (clubs, bars, etc.)/
売りおろしうりかかくwholesale price/
じどうはんばいきvending machine
あいたいばいばい negotiated transaction/
売りはなうり (n) flower vendor/
ちょくばい (n,vs) selling directly/
叩き売りたたきうり(n) sacrifice sale/
よみうり (n) Yomiuri (newspaper)/
し売りおしうり (n) high-pressure salesmanship/(P)/
きっぷうりばticket window/box office/ticket/
し売りかしうり (n) selling on credit/
おしうり (n) high-pressure salesmanship/(P)/
かっぷはんばいselling in installments/
はつばいびday something goes on sale/date of issue/
売りそううりあげtotal sales/total proceeds/
みつばいひんsmuggled goods/contraband/
け売りかけうりだいきん credit account/
らんばい (n) underselling/panic selling/
いたくはんばい (n) consignment sale/
売りきっぷうりticket seller/
はんばいそくしんsales promotion/
きょうばい (n) auction/(P)/
じんしんばいばい slave trade/white-slave trade/
売りものうり (n) peddling/a peddlar/
てんばい (n,vs) resale/
て売りたてうり (n) constructing and selling a ready-built house/
きょうばいにん auctioneer/
てんとうはんばい (n) over-the-counter sales/
おろしうりぶっかしすう WPI/wholesale price index/
そくばいかいdisplay and sale of new products/
げっぷはんばい selling on the installment plan/
び売りよびうり (n) peddling/
はんばいもう(n) sales network/
売りやすうり (n) discount/bargain sale/selling cheaply/(P)/
さきものばいばいdealing in futures/
こうりしょうa or the retail trade/
はんばいねだん selling price/(P)/
売りこうりてんretail store/retail shop/(P)/
り売りきりうり (n) selling by the piece/
はんばい (n,vs) sale/selling/marketing/(P)/
しんぶんはんばいてん(n) news dealer's shop/newsagent's shop/
はんばいぶもん sales department/
しんようはんばい sales on credit/
こうりてんretail store/retail shop/(P)/
しょうばいすじbusiness connections/
しょうばいがら(n-t) nature of one's business/business instinct/
はつばいちゅう now on sale/
売りはなうりむすめflower girl/
ひまなしょうばい dull business/
けいばい (n) auction/
ほうもんはんばい door-to-door selling/
せんばいひんmonopoly goods/
かたいしょうばいsound business/
ち売りたちうり (n) peddler/
こうにんおろしうりぎょ うしゃauthorized distributor/
はつばいもと(n) sales (selling) agency/
り売りせりうり (n) an auction/
れんばい (n) bargain sale/(P)/
てんじそくばいかい(n) exhibition and sale (of paintings)/display with the exhibits on sale/
きゃくしょうばい (n) hotel/service (restaurant, entertainment) business/
はんばいき (n) vending machine/
せんばい (n) monopoly/(P)/
売りおしうり (n) high-pressure salesmanship/(P)/
たばい(n) selling in quantity/
しょうばいがえchange of occupation/
そううりあげ total sales/total proceeds/
売りなかうり (n) ambulatory vending of snacks in a theater or stadium/
しんはつばい (n) new product or model/
り売りはかりうり (n,vs) selling by measure/selling by weight/
かんばい(n,vs) sold out/
おおうりだし(n) big bargain sale/
はつばい (n,vs) sale/(P)/
そくばい (n) sale on the spot/
を売るなをうる (exp) to gain a reputation/to make oneself famous/
はんばいてん store/shop/
売りさきうり (n) advance sale/
じどうはんばいき(n) vending machine/
売りもとうり (n) direct sale by the producer/
け売りわけうり selling separately/
きょうそうばいばい auction/
を売るあぶらをうる (exp,v5) to loaf (particularly on the job)/
とくばいひん bargain goods/
べつばい (n) selling separately/not included in the price/
売りこうり(n,vs) retail/(P)/
はんばいだいりてんsales agent/
まえうりけん ticket sold in advance/
しょうばい (n,vs) trade/business/commerce/transaction/occupation/(P)/
しょうばいぎ(n) commercial spirit/profit motive/
はんばいせんりゃく sales strategy/
はんばいもと(n) selling agency/
け売りうけうり (n) retailing/telling at second hand/
じどうはんばいき (n) vending machine/
ぶんばい (n) selling separately/
け売りかけうり (n) selling on credit/
はんばいきかい sales opportunity/
つうしんはんばい mail order/
し売りおろしうり (n) wholesale/
淫売いんばい(n) prostitution/
しょうばいにん(n) merchant/professional/expert/
せんばいとっきょ a patent/
売りからうり (n) short selling/
しょうばいがたき(n) professional jealousy/business rivalry/
とくばい (n,vs) special sale/(P)/
おろしうりぶっか wholesale price/
しょうばいどうぐ stock-in-trade/
こうりねだん retail price/
売りげんきんうりcash sales/
げ売りなげうりひん distressed goods/
けんばいき(n) ticket machine/
売りすてうり (n) sacrifice sale/
げ売りなげうり (n) bargain (sacrifice) sale/selling at a loss/dumping/
じゅたくはんばいconsignment sale/
を売るくにをうる (exp) to betray one's country (to an enemy)/
んなさかんなしょうばい thriving business/
しょうばいかたぎ mercenary spirit/
け売りうけうり (n) received opinion/second-hand opinion/
はくりたばい(n) small profits and quick returns/
売りにこうりにおろす(exp) to sell wholesale to a retailer/
いっかつばいばい a bulk sale/buying and selling in bulk/
売りなえうりにん seedling peddler/nurseryman/
いってはんばい sole agency/
って売るもとをきってうる(exp) to sell under prime cost/to sell at a loss/
まえうり(n) advance sale/booking/
はんばいかかく (n) selling price/
売りにうりや(n) store selling boiled vegetables, fish, and beans/
て売りすてうり(n) selling for a song/dumping/
とくばいじょうbargain floor or basement/
売りおろしうり (n) wholesale/(P)/
しゅうまい (n) steamed meat dumpling (Chinese style)/
ひばいひん (n) article not for sale/Not for sale/
売りみうり(n) selling oneself (into bondage)/
を売るはるをうる (exp) to become a prostitute/
て売りたてうりじゅうたく ready-built house or housing/
はんばいぶ(n) sales department/
売りきっぷうりば ticket window/box office/ticket/(P)/
おろしうりしじょうwholesale market/
売りおおうりだし(n) big bargain sale/
こうばい (n) public sale/public auction/